《Ethereal ✭Fred Weasley✭》9.


In the changing rooms, Oliver had given them all a good pep talk about tomorrow's game and said to Fred especially about no daydreaming about anyone in the crowds watching them. While changing back into their school uniforms, George was suspicious about his brother's sudden change in his usual gum-hoe personality and decided to confront him as they both pulled on their jumpers.

"What's up Freddie? Why were you so crappy out there today?" he asked and Fred sighed, turning to his twin.

"I saw Sophia was real down today," Fred answered as he pushed his jumper's sleeves up to his elbows.

"She was down in class today too," Harry decided to butt in when he heard about Fred's concern for his friend. "I think it's because Professor Lupin wasn't in Defence Against the Dark Arts. He's been looking rather ill lately."

"See, it must just be about her dad being sick," George added, knocking his fist lightly against Fred's shoulder. But this didn't settle Fred much. He knew that he definitely didn't like seeing Sophia so upset. It made his insides feel sad too, as if she was passing her emotions on to him without even knowing it. He found himself wanting to be the one to make her happy again and be someone that she could turn to in order to make her smile.

With this determination, the Quidditch team made their way towards the Great Hall for dinner. Fred immediately looked for Sophia at the Gryffindor table, and found her sitting next to Hermione with the same frown and depressed expression. He made his way over and slipped into the seat that was free next to her. She barely turned her head from her plate of half eaten pasta, which made Fred even more upset at her state.

"How you feelin' Soph?" he asked for good measure, seeing if she would tell him all her feelings right then and there.

"I'm okay Fred, just a little down," she answered vaguely. Fred lent one of his elbows on the table in front of him and faced the girl fully, leaning his head slightly down to try and glimpse at her face that was hidden by her long brown hair.

"Does Grandpa need to cheer you up?" Fred said as he reached out and daringly hooked part of her hair behind her ear, revealing her face. Sophia finally turned her head at the gesture, meeting eyes with the warm brown ones that she had grown to swoon over every time she saw them. Fred saw that he now had her attention and pulled his top lip over his teeth to give him the illusion of having no teeth. He started to make groaning noises that would resemble an old man's and peered at Sophia with a look of a gentle Grandpa's.

"Does dear Sophia need a big Grandpa Fred hug that smells like un-fashionable furniture and adult nappies?" Fred imitated an old man's voice, sounding exactly like Professor Binns, the History of Magic teacher. Sophia felt a grin form on her face as Fred made his arms seem withered and fragile as they lightly hooked round her shoulders and initiate a Grandpa hug. Sophia soon was laughing at Fred's continuous attempt to appear like an old man, and found herself cheering up immensely when he complained that there was no oatmeal for dinner and that the hall was too loud for his old ears.

Fred immediately felt his heart warm when he saw that he had made Sophia laugh and smile from his Grandpa impression, and laughed along with her when she attempted to read out something from her textbook for him as his old eyes couldn't see text that small. It wasn't until a voice behind them spoke that made them stop their joking around.


"I do hope you are not impersonating me in order to cheer up Miss Lupin, Mr Weasley."

The two whipped around in their seats to find Professor Dumbledore standing behind them, an amused smile on his face as he stared down at the two young Gryffindors. Some other students had turned to see why the Headmaster was standing at the Gryffindor table, and looked between Fred and Sophia with curious expressions. Fred had immediately straightened out and began to go red, stuttering profusely at being confronted by Professor Dumbledore.

"O-Oh no of course not sir!" he cried in a state of panic. "I-It's just a joke going on between- "

"Not to worry Mr Weasley, I was only pulling your leg," Dumbledore cut him off yet wore the same kind smile he always wore when speaking to his students at Hogwarts. "I've actually come to have a short word with Miss Lupin here."

"Me sir?" Sophia questioned, and her mind immediately jumped to the worst situation. "Is it my dad?! Is he- "

"Perfectly fine in his office," the man once again cut off, not letting his eyes waver to show any emotion except kindness and reassurance. "Professor Lupin wanted me to let you know that he is feeling fine and shall be seeing you on Monday in Defence Against the Dark Arts. Enjoy yourselves you two."

And with that, the Headmaster wondered towards the teacher's table to indulge in the desserts that had now taken the places of the dinner dishes on all tables. Sophia and Fred slowly turned back around to face the table, before both simultaneously turning to meet each other's gaze. Within a few seconds, the two burst into a fit of giggles from their encounter with Professor Dumbledore. His reassurance about Sophia's father had settled whatever nerves she had left about Remus, and she was able to continue to be in a good mood while eating her bowl of strawberry-flavoured ice cream.

"Oh Soph look!" Fred nudged his elbow into her side, making her look up to see him pointing down the table towards Ron who was filling up a familiar teacup with what looked to be hot chocolate.

Sophia and Fred watched as Ron went to bring the drink up to his mouth, only to cry in shock and pain as the cup suddenly latched on to the tip of his nose and give him a nasty bite. Fred and Sophia burst out laughing once more, and even saw other Gryffindors laugh at Ron's misfortune. Fred and George reached over the table to high-five each other at their planned-out placement of Fred's nose-biting teacup, and the mood in the Great Hall was something of cheerful.

"You'll be coming to the Quidditch match tomorrow right?" Fred asked as the laughter eventually died down.

"Yeah, it'll be my first game here!" Sophia nodded with a bright smile. She couldn't wait to finally see the team in action, and most importantly watch Fred hit bludgers towards the Hufflepuff players. It went silent between the two, before Sophia spoke up once again in a much more reserved tone. "Thank you, Fred."

"For what?" he questioned back in an equally as quiet tone.

"For cheering me up. Not many people would work that hard to make me smile. So, thank you," she said and daringly leaned over, pressing her lips to Fred's cheek. The sweet peck made the two blush deeply, and a loud wolf-whistle was heard from further down the table, followed by multiple laughs. George sniggered at the two and half considered throwing a chocolate tart at them as a plate of them were coincidentally in front of him. But seeing his twin so happy, as sick as it made him, he decided to just leave them be for once. They were adorable after all.


"No worries Soph," Fred replied as the embarrassed redness slowly flowed back down his neck. The kiss had made a bunch of Zonko's fireworks go off with in his stomach, and he had half a mind to turn his head at the last minute and steal the kiss with his own lips. But the small peck on his cheek was enough for him for now, as it did make him blush harder than ever before.

Once dessert had ended, students began to retreat to their common rooms. Sophia had found herself walking next to Fred as he walked with George and Lee, and the two were discussing the possible outcomes of tomorrow's game with Hufflepuff. Sophia could tell that Fred was eager to play, as he embarked on a huge ramble about how he would be playing a private game with George on how many Hufflepuffs they'll be able to hit.

"That's awful Fred!" she cried as they began to climb the stairs up to their common room.

"Oh no it's really not as bad as it sounds," Fred defended himself. "Professional players do it all the time at matches."

"That doesn't make it okay," Sophia replied, showing her disapproval of the twins' behaviour. "This is why I don't play Quidditch. It's so sinister."

"Oh yeah and it's definitely not because you can't get five feet off the ground without fainting," Fred teased and Sophia gasped, before muttering that she should have never told him that story from her first year at Beauxbatons.

The stairs began to move to their next position with a handful of Gryffindors on it, and it was noticed that a bunch of other students were crowding around the portrait that held the Fat Lady that guarded the Gryffindor common room.

"What's going on?" Harry questioned from near the front.

"Neville's probably forgotten the password again," Ron replied with a quick chuckle, before Neville perked up from in front of Sophia.


"Oh you're there!" Ron exclaimed with a semi-embarrassed smile.

Once the stairs had connected to where the portrait was placed, Ginny suddenly appeared from the group and looked at all the Gryffindors that stood with confused expressions. Sophia noticed that the paintings that surrounded the Gryffindor common room entrance were looking distraught, and frantically searching for something around the huge staircase area.

"It's the Fat Lady! She's gone!" Ginny said while close to tears.

Before anyone could react, Percy (another Weasley brother that Fred had told her to ignore as he was a said 'prat') was telling everyone to part way for Professor Dumbledore. Sophia grabbed hold of Fred's school jumper and pulled him out of the way of the Headmaster. Fred stumbled back as Professor Dumbledore made it to the portrait that held no Fat Lady. Three huge distinctive scratch marks had ripped through the canvas, and left the portrait looking empty and disrupted.

"Mr Filch," the Headmaster called for the caretaker who appeared next to him. "Set out a search into the other paintings for the Fat Lady."

"No need sir," the usually grumbling man said, as he pointed at a particular painting across the hall of staircases. "She's up there."

Sophia hadn't known that a bunch of other Gryffindors had come up the staircase behind her and were waiting to enter the common room. It was only when Filch stated this that she was aware of the many students that began to push and shove in order to reach the painting that the man had pointed out. She and the other people around her attempted to follow along with the bustling crowd, but she soon found herself nearly being pushed over the edge of the huge staircase from an inconsiderate fourth-year. Hands quickly placed themselves on her sides and pulled her back over the banister of the staircase, to which she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Watch it you prat!" Fred yelled over the collective chatter of Gryffindors, making the fourth-year shrug out of ignorance and continue to run up the steps. Fred looked down at Sophia who was now being fully protected by Fred's tall frame, as no one would dare push one of the Weasley twins. Not if they wanted to get a week's full of unexpected pranks from them as revenge. "You okay Soph?"

"I'm fine thanks," she replied before they both continued to climb the steps towards the portrait that held the Fat Lady. Fred made sure to keep his position behind the small girl in front of him and stopped when she did in front of the portrait.

The portrait of a black pig in a field held an out of place looking Fat Lady, who was covered in dirt and looked disheveled with her hair sticking out in odd places. She hid behind the oblivious animal and was quivering in fear under the eyes of Professor Dumbledore and many Gryffindor students.

"Fat Lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore said in an astonished tone.

"I wouldn't let him in Headmaster!" the woman said as she was holding back tears, much like Ginny was previously. "He's here! Somewhere in the castle! Sirius Black!"

Many students cried out in fear and shock, hearing that the fugitive was inside Hogwarts. Sophia's jaw dropped at the statement, and a sudden urge to find her father came over her. He knew Sirius Black, he was best friends with him at one point! Surely, he would want to hear that one of his school friends who was now a notorious murder was in Hogwarts. But she remembered that he would be transforming tonight. She couldn't get anywhere near him until tomorrow at the least.

Professor Dumbledore told Professor McGonagall to lead all Gryffindors back towards the Great Hall where they would have to sleep tonight. The tables that were usually in the hall were removed and the Headmaster magically made dozens upon dozens of sleeping bags and pillows appear for the students to use. It wouldn't be amazingly comfortable but would give the students a safe place to relax at least.

On the way to the hall, Hermione had fleetingly told Sophia that Harry had found out that Sirius Black was and is his godfather, making him the only family he has left. He had apparently betrayed Harry's parents to You Know Who, which initially led to their death that night fourteen years ago. Sophia couldn't imagine what Harry was feeling right now, knowing that his godfather who was out to murder him was somewhere in the castle.

Sophia picked a sleeping bag in the middle of the hall and settled herself down on the floor. It was very uncomfortable, and the looming fear of knowing that Black was inside Hogwarts made the air thick with tension and fear from students and teachers alike. She stared up at the ceiling above her and was glad to see the enchantment that viewed the night sky above her portrayed many stars and space-like entities. Seeing the night sky above her gave some ease to her nerves and didn't notice that Harry had settled down next to her in his own sleeping bag.

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