《Yellow || Fred Weasley》10 || the boy who lived
Gaia giggled as Lele pulled her around Diagon Alley excitedly.
"Why don't you two get Lele fitted for robes while we get both of your books? After that, go with Lele to get her wand, okay?" Mr. Eruidtus said as Lele stopped to stare inside a pet store.
"Sure dad," Gaia answered.
"Don't go with anyone you don't know," Mrs. Eruditus warned as Gaia started pulling Lele towards the direction of Madam Malkin's.
"I know!" Gaia shouted back as the pair of sisters weaved through the many people in Diagon Alley.
"Where are we going?" Lele asked from behind her.
"We're going to get you fitted for your robes!" Gaia answered.
"But I wanna go see the pets!" Lele pouted.
"I'm sure mum and dad'll let us see them later," Gaia insisted with a grin as she opened the door for Madam Malkin's.
As expected, the store was filled with students getting their robes done since the Eruditus family left their shopping until the day before the children would leave for Hogwarts.
"How does she know what house I'll be in?" Lele asked as she watched Madam Malkin sow in a Hufflepuff house logo into the uniform of the girl she was assisting.
"She doesn't. That girl's a fifth year. She'll give you robes without a logo for now," Gaia explained to her as Madam Malkin finished up.
A couple of minutes later, the pair finally walked up for Lele's turn.
"Hogwartss, dear?" the older witch asked.
"Yes, ma'am," Lele answered shyly before Madam Malkin turned towards Gaia.
"And you, dear?"
"No thank you, my robes still fit me perfectly." Gaia smiled.
With that, Lele got on a footstool and measuring tape started flying around her, taking her measurements. A boy with platinum blonde hair stepped up onto the stool next to them, accompanied by a familiar Slytherin.
"Maia!" Gaia said as she hugged the girl tight.
"Hey Gaia! This is Draco, my cousin. He'll be starting this year," Malia explained as she showed the boy behind her.
Gaia smiled and held out her hand for him to shake. He scoffed and turned his head to the side. Malia narrowed her eyes and hit him upside the head.
"Ow! Father'll hear about that!" Draco whined as he rubbed the back of his head.
"Let him hear it. I don't care what your father tells me. Now, be nice," Malia sneered at him, motioning for him to shake Gaia's hand.
Gaia shook her head and put her hand down.
"It's fine, Malia. I'm just here with my sister. She's starting this year as well," I said to her as the measuring tape moved away from Lele and onto Draco.
"Sorry about Draco. Gets his attitude from his dad," Malia said, making Gaia laugh.
"Didn't really expect anything else from a Malfoy. It's fine, it doesn't bother me. How's your summer been?" Gaia asked, to which Malia groaned in reply.
"Horrible. I had to stay with the Malfoys since mum and dad were out on a business trip to America, I think," Malia grumbled as she crossed her arms.
"No offense, but I thought the Malfoys would hate you by now. You know, considering the fact that you associate with," Gaia leaned in to whisper to her, "Muggle-borns and Gryffindors,"
Malia shook her head.
"My parents don't even know that, you think they would?" Malia said, making Gaia hum in understanding.
"So, what will you do when Draco sees you with Ryker and Aisha?" Gaia asked, and she looked at her questioningly, "Well, Ryker is a Gryffindor and Aisha is muggle-born. I don't think the Malfoys will appreciate knowing that," she continued.
"Don't care about what the Malfoys think, and I don't really care my parents will thinks." Malia shrugged.
"Gaia, I'm done," Lele said as she approached Gaia with a bag in her hands. Gaia smiled and took the bags from her.
"Lele, this is Malia. One of my friends," Gaia introduced and she waved to Malia. Malia smiled at her and the two left the store.
"Is she the one from Slytherin that you were talking about?" Lele asked.
"Yeah, she is. Nice isn't she?" Gaia answered.
"I thought Slytherins were mean? The boy beside me told me he wanted to be in Slytherin. He said it was great there!" Lele said making Gaia falter in her step slightly.
"Draco?" Gaia asked.
"Yeah! That's his name, I think. But I don't like him. He kept saying how only purebloods should be in Hogwarts and how disgusting half-breeds were. Aren't we half-breeds because mum's part-veela?" Lele ranted as they kept walking.
"There's nothing wrong with Slytherin itself. Just don't associate with the wrong so-"
A body slammed into Gaia, knocking the breath out of her slightly.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry!" the boy said as he fixed his glasses. He had messy dark hair and circular glasses.
"It's fine, really. Busy looking around?" Gaia asked softly, making him smile.
Yes, Gaia could remember the first time she ever saw Diagon Alley. She nearly gave her father a heart attack when she separated from him for hours.
"Yeah. I've never seen anything like this," the boy said breathlessly, a sheepish smile on his face.
"Muggle-born?" Gaia asked, but he wasn't the one who answered.
"Far from it. This here's Harry Potter," Hagrid said as he walked up behind the boy, "Don't go runnin' off like that. It's easy to lose you in a crowd like this."
Gaia's eyes widened at the revelation.
"Harry Potter? Like, The Boy Who Lived? That's you?" Lele gasped in surprise.
Gaia could only stare in surprise. It wasn't exactly everyday that you meet the one boy who survived the killing curse.
"Did you really-"
Gaia snapped out of her reverie and shushed her sister.
"Don't overwhelm him. Sorry, but Hagrid must've told you that you're quite well known by now?" Gaia asked and Harry nodded.
"Yeah. People seem to recognize me a lot," Harry answered.
Gaia gave him a bright smile.
"Well, we have to get going. Lele's starting this year too so maybe the two of you can stick together. I'm going to Hogwarts as well so you could always approach me if you need help," Gaia said.
"Thanks, that'd be great," Harry smiled and Gaia nodded.
"See you at Hogwarts!" Gaia said, waving back as she guided her and Lele away.
"Bye!" Lele shouted back as they got further.
Once they were quite the distance away, Lele turned to her older sister.
"Why'd you stop me from asking him questions?" she asked.
"You know the story. He's lived with muggles his whole life. Let him adjust first. You can ask him on the train if he lets you," Gaia explained as the pair entered Ollivander's.
"Hello, first year at Hogwarts?" Ollivander said as he walked up to the counter. Behind Gaia, Lele was looking around at the seemingly small shop.
"Yes, my sister's starting," Gaia answered, "Lele, come here."
Lele tore her gaze away from the multitude of boxes and went to her sister.
When Gaia turned back to the counter, Ollivander had already laid out a few boxes with wands in them. He handed Lele the first one and she flicked it. A window cracked and Ollivander immediately took the wand from her.
"Let's not try that again," he said before handing her the next one.
About 3 wands later, a wand finally worked for Lele.
"Hawthorn wood with a Dragon Heartstring core. 9 1/2 inches, unbending. Be careful, dear. Hawthorn is said to be most at home with those who have an inner turmoil" Ollivander said as he handed her the wand, this time in its proper box.
"Thank you," Lele said as she took the box with an excited smile on her face.
"Come on. Let's meet up with mum and dad" Gaia said as she pulled her sister out of the store.
What an interesting combination for her wand, Gaia thought.
"Take care of your sister at school. Do not let her get in trouble," Mrs. Eruditus said, hugging Gaia tightly. Next to them, Mr. Eruditus barked out a laugh.
"Honestly. You're asking Gaia, who is friends with the Weasley twins of all people, to keep Lele out of trouble?" Dad said making Gaia laugh.
"Don't worry, mum. I won't drag Lele into any trouble and I'll try my best to keep her from making her own," Gaia said as her mother move to hug Lele next.
"I can't believe both of you go to Hogwarts now," Mrs. Eruditus muttered as she flattened some of Lele's hair.
"What house d'you think I'll be in?" Lele asked.
"I'm thinking, Hufflepuff or Gryffindor," Mr. Eruditus said as he ruffled her hair. Mrs. Eruditus slapped his hand away with a scowl.
"I just fixed it!" she exclaimed before fixing it again.
"Sorry dear," Mr. Eruditus said sheepishly, though there was a grin on his face.
The train whistled signaling only a few minutes left before the train leaves the station.
"Go board the train, you two. Maria, stop fixing Lele's hair. It's fine sweetheart," Mr. Eruditus said as he took a hold of his wife's arms.
"Oh alright." Mrs. Eruditus dropped her arms in defeat.
Lele hugged their parents tightly.
"I'll miss you both. I'll try to write," she said brightly before facing the train excitedly.
Gaia hugged their parents one last time before Lele started tugging her towards the trains. Just as they got on, the train whistled once more to signal one minute left.
"You wanna sit with me or are you gonna try and find friends?" Gaia asked and Lele thought for a second.
"I'll try to socialize. I'll come look for you if I don't," Lele finally decided.
Gaia nodded and patted her shoulder, "Be careful, alright? I'll be with Malia if you need me," she said before walking off to find Malia and the others.
"Have you seen him?" Ryker's voice was the first thing to greet Gaia when she entered the compartment.
"Who?" Gaia asked as she sat down beside Aisha and across from Malia, both girl muttering a greeting.
"Harry Potter," Aisha enlightened making her hum.
Ryker looked from Malia to Gaia.
"Apparently he's on the train. I haven't seen him though so I don't really believe it," he said with a shrug.
"Actually, I've seen him," Gaia said with a small smile.
"Same. I saw him at Diagon Alley when I accompanied Draco in getting his robes. Draco might've scared him off though," Malia explained making Ryker gasp.
"Really? What's he like?" Ryker asked curiously.
"Small and skinny. Honestly, he looks underfed. And he's got these round glasses like the ones in pictures of his dad," Malia said, making the shape of the glasses with her fingers.
"Huh. I imagined him differently," Ryker said under his breath making Gaia raise an eyebrow.
"Differently?" I asked.
"Well I thought he'd be hot," Ryker deadpanned making Gaia slap his thigh, "Ow Birdie! What?" Ryker said as he shot Gaia a glare.
"He's a kid Ryker! 'Hot' is not something you'd normally use to describe an 11-year-old!" Gaia tsked.
"And since when were you interested whether or not boys were hot?" Aisha asked to which Ryker shrugged again.
"Not sure if I like boys exclusively or not but I do feel attracted to them. Figured it out this summer," Ryker admitted with a light blush.
"Well there's nothing wrong with it, Lion," Malia said as she patted his shoulder.
Aisha and Gaia nodded in agreement while Ryker remained silent, though the group could tell he was relieved by their reactions.
"Anyway. Can we, like, not tell anybody just yet? I'm still trying to figure it out myself," Ryker said softly.
"Of course, Lion. It'll be our secret," Aisha answered as she hugged him.
Ryker hugged back, resting his head on her shoulder.
"Cheer up! It's weird seeing you like this" Malia joked as she lightly hit him on the back of his head.
Ryker laughed as he let go of Aisha and looked at Malia with a raised eyebrow.
"I knew I was growing on you, Snake," he cooed making the Slytherin roll her eyes at him.
"Duh. You're one of my best friends." she grinned.
"On another note, have you heard about Professor Quirrell being the new DADA teacher?" Aisha asked making Gaia raise her eyebrows in surprise.
"Where'd you hear that from?" Gaia asked in confusion.
Aisha opened her mouth before furrowing her eyebrows as she thought of an answer.
"Err, I'm not sure actually. Can't remember. But I'm sure I heard it somewhere." Aisha shrugged.
"Quirrell? The muggle studies teacher that left last year?" Malia asked.
"Didn't he encounter vampires or something? I heard that left him pretty shaken," Ryker added.
"Seriously, where d'you get these kinds of information?" Gaia asked, bewildered.
"Hagrid," Ryker and Malia answered in sync.
"I'm not sure. All I know is that he's coming back as DADA professor" Aisha said.
"Well at least Snape's not getting DADA. No offense, Malia," Ryker joked, although Gaia could tell he wasn't fully joking.
Apparently, though, Snape was Malia's paternal uncle. She told the three of them last year, including how close she actually was with him outside of school.
"None taken. Speaking of Muggle Studies, though, what electives are you three thinking of taking? Of course, I'm taking Muggle Studies and maybe Divination. Still not sure about Care of Magical Creatures," Malia said.
"Divination, definitely. I might take Care of Magical Creatures but other than that, I'm not sure," Aisha said after pondering a bit.
"Ancient Runes seemed interesting. Also, Arithmancy and Muggle Studies," Gaia answered.
"Well, I'm definitely not taking Divination. I'm taking Ancient Runes and Care of Magical Creatures," Ryker said, sounding a bit disgusted at the idea of divination.
"No need to be so harsh on Divination," Aisha said, genuinely sounding offended.
"The idea of Divination just seems extremely wack to me" Ryker shrugged.
"And all those famous Seers you see from your Chocolate Frogs are wack too?" Malia asked sarcastically.
"That's different," Ryker countered.
"They're completely the same! They're literally the embodiment of Divination!" Malia exclaimed exasperatedly.
"Let's just agree to disagree, yeah? I'm not taking Dvination and you don't see me just insulting the hell out of it," Gaia said, breaking the two apart.
"Well, Arithmancy is technically Divination. Just with numbers," Ryker said with a pointed look.
"How would numbers be related to Divination?" Aisha asked, confused.
"I'm not really sure how either but basically, it's like predicting the future but with numbers," I explained.
"Which is also absolute rubbish, might I add," Ryker commented.
Gaia rolled her eyes and chose to ignore his comment.
"So it's like Maths then?" Aisha concluded.
"Yeah, I guess," Gaia said, realizing the similarity that Arithmancy had with Mathematics.
"Ugh. Who would willingly take Math again? Honestly, I was relieved Hogwarts didn't have Maths," Aisha whined as she slumped in her seat.
"At least it's not Divination," Ryker quipped.
"What is your problem with Divination?" Aisha countered with a small glare.
"I just don't like it," he answered nonchalantly.
"Yeah well Aisha likes it so shut it," Malia said making Ryker finally shut up.
Edited 09/06/2020
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