《Devils in The Details》New Food, New Start
My fingers gently traced the scars over my alpha's ribs, feeling the rise and fall of his chest where my head rested. I felt his large, warm hands follow the knobs of my spine down my back, seeming to decide to rest them on my low back. A deep rumble left him that warmed my soul, my omega instinct purring softly in response. We had been like this for an hour this morning, having happily woken my mate up with my mouth on him; wanting to pleasure my alpha always. He had returned the favor in fervor, hardly able to catch my breath as ecstasy rolled through my body from my head to my toes. My breath gasping out his name, loving his every touch on my body. Every caress, lick, and bite that had me moaning for it to never end.
"My alpha, we should get up. We'll need wood and I want to make you food. If you like it I'll send it with you tomorrow for lunch," I smiled, moving so my chin was resting on his chest; green eyes staring into thrumming gold and iridescent pearl.
"Do not want to move. Omega soft and smell so pretty," Alpha rumbling deeply again. I laughed at his antics, my cheeks flushing. I loved it when he called me pretty.
I leaned up, kissing him deeply as his fingers gripped my hips, silently begging me not to go.
"Come on, soft alpha," I said, nipping at his ear playfully. Callan rumbled louder this time, his eye turning to a deeper gold. I slid off of him and from the bed, heading to the bathroom to shower. There was a plastic shopping bag I was using as a makeshift trash for the house. I'd recycle it in town once it got full.
I scrubbed myself clean with my lovely soap, happily brushing my hair and shaving. I didn't grow much facial or body hair, but I liked being cleanly shaven. I heard alpha already close the front door, meaning he wanted to get a head start on the wood so he could try lunch. I decided I was going to make bread for my alpha, only needing flour, yeast, salt and water. With it, I was going to make spaghetti.
It would take a little longer to do, but by the time I finished, the spaghetti would at least be done. We'd have some of the bread for dinner since it would take hours for the dough to rise. I knew my alpha would like it a lot, but I did not want to give him too much for the first time since it could upset his stomach.
The basket for laundry was by the standing wardrobe. It came with a built in washboard which I instantly snatched up.
In the dining room corner, almost out of sight, was a smaller container where I put all the cleaning supplies. The kitchen counter was small and I didn't want to put anything on it I didn't have to. In one corner was some fruit and vegetables I left out, but the rest was open.
In one half of the cupboard (on the middle shelf since I can't reach the top) I had bought a container for the rice, flour, and beans so that there was no chance of vermin or insects getting into it. On the shelf below it were empty food containers for leftovers. Next to it I placed one large mixing bowl, two more dining bowls, plates, and two extra cups next to the two older ceramic bowls and cups.
Since the ceramic was an off white color, I had picked a pale blue to mix with it. I found a cute tall, pale blue ceramic holder that matched, putting in a ladle, a wooden spoon, and a spatula.
I got to work boiling water for the pasta, using one large light blue ceramic mixing bowl. I mixed together the ingredients for the basic bread, kneading it by hand until it was a sticky ball. I covered the bowl with a clean cloth, giving the dough a few hours to rise.
I tossed in the pasta, now that the water was boiling, dragging out the pan to start on the sauce. I mashed up two big tomatos, adding water and the spices that I had. My stomach started grumbling at the smell, taste testing the pasta to see if it was ready.
The front door opened, hearing my alpha shuffling around. I turned my head right when alpha started coming in.
"Oh no you don't. You need to be surprised! So go wash up and it'll be done when you come out," I said, hands on my hips. Alpha pouted making me get on my tip toes to kiss him, shooing him away. I hurried to finish dinner, mixing the tomato sauce with the pasta. I added a bit more salt, deeming it done.
"Smells good omega," Callan said, hurrying to the dining room with his hair still dripping water. I laughed as he sat down, seeming to almost wiggle in his chair. I brought him a small amount, telling him to try it first. Callan sniffed at it, the spaghetti not staying on his fork.
"Here, honey. Twirl it," I whispered, pressing my cheek to his as I grabbed his hand that was still around the fork. Callan ate the first bite cautiously, making me watch with baited breath. I wasn't a renowned chef or anything, but I didn't make bad food.
"Is good!" Callan said, holding out his plate for more. I laughed, heading back to scoop more on his plate. I kissed his forehead, heading to the bathroom to grab his towel. I came back to see my alpha half way done, chuckling as I dried his hair.
"Omega? Hair is fine! Come eat!" Callan said, tilting his head back.
"You don't want to let your hair stay wet, Cal. Especially when it gets colder. I know it's harder for werewolves to get sick, but it can still happen," I said, kissing his forehead and placing the towel back in the bathroom.
"How get sick?" Callan asked, watching me get a plate of spaghetti before joining him. We talked about what makes someone sick, why his Grandfather always told him to wash with soap, what the word contagious means, and that viruses or 'bugs' were things you couldn't see. Callan had done the dishes for me as I grabbed the animal book.
"We're just getting started on B's. Here we go! Bears," I said, turning to see Callan hurrying over to me. His eyes seemed to be glued to the page, turning it to the next one and the next one. The book had the main types of species of bears.
I saw my alpha trace his finger over one of the bears, seeing what had caught his attention.
"Goru," Callan whispered, making me look up at him.
"Grandfather told of bears. Never seen one with Grandfather, but smelled one," Callan said, sitting down in his seat. It seemed all of his energy had zapped out of him for some reason.
"You said something before, my alpha. What was it?"
"Goru. Is bear I named," Callan said, his amber eye seeming to gaze into my soul. I furrowed my brows, not understanding why he would name a bear.
"Gave this," Callan said, delicately touching the scars over his eye. I gasped, covering my hand over my mouth, my eyes going huge.
"Fought hard. Both of us strong and alone. Respect."
"My alpha, Callan, you fought a Kodiac bear!?" I nearly yelled, my heart pounding behind my ribs. There were scars similar to the ones over his eye on his body and I knew now they must have been from the same thing.
"Did not mean to! Was sad after Grandfather Passed. Ran from home. Did not want to be here alone. Ran into bear," Callan said, giving a helpless shrug. I felt my voice get lost in my throat, unable to stop my body from moving to him. I immediately sat in his lap, wrapping my arms around him to hug him. I felt my eyes sting with tears, my alpha giving a low rumble.
"No cry pretty omega. I am okay. Right here and not alone anymore," Callan said, my breath choking out of me. I pulled back to wipe my eyes, Callan nuzzling his nose against mine.
"Why," my voice wobbly, "why did you name it Goru?"
Callan was rubbing my back with his large hands to comfort me, humming at my question.
"Heard it make that sound. So called it Goru. Very big like in picture," Callan said. I turned my head to see that the book had an illustration of a Kodiak bear compared to a man with a tall pine tree next to the bear. My heart hurt for my alpha. For him to have been so sad to not care about fighting a creature twice his size; and that was saying something since he was huge for a wolf.
I decided right then and there I was going to tell him a story. About a little boy named Christopher Robin who had a teddy bear that came to life. Winnie the Pooh. It let me explain to him why I called him honey bear that one time and that bears are notoriously known for devouring honey (beehives and everything) whenever they find some; regardless of being stung by bees.
I then brought out the small jar of local honey I bought, opening to a small section in a book about bees. I'd want to find a book more fun for him and even buy the town newspaper so we would know what's going on in the town. It wouldn't have a pack's information in it because that was not privy to humans, but it would be a new type of reading for Callan.
Callan looked excited about the honey. I told him he could only eat very small amounts or he could choke because it was very sticky. Tree sap was the best comparison I could come up with.
I dipped my pinkie in, my alpha licking it from my finger before I could get a taste. I flushed at him, seeing his eyes light up.
"Sweet! Little bit of honey as sweet as whole fruit!" Callan laughed. My belly filled with butterflies, Callan dipping his own pinkie in. I snatched his hand, licking it from him. I heard my alpha's breath catch, my heart pounding behind my ribs.
Callan was suddenly there, his nose nearly brushing against mine.
"Is not as sweet as omega's slick," Callan rumbled, my body shuttering at him.
"Cal," my breath coming out in a woosh. Callan's lips pressed to mine, both of us moaning at the lingering taste of honey mixed on our tongues. Callan tugged me higher up on his lap, my tush melding with his manhood through our pants.
I sighed sweetly, humming as our kissing became slow. It wasn't hurried or desperate. Just tasting and feeling and scenting the other. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling back to look into his sweet amber eye.
Alpha's pupil was dilated, his scent intoxicating. I brushed my fingers over the scars on his right eye, kissing his hurt eye softly. Alpha kissed under my jaw and down my neck with kisses as soft as a butterfly's wings. I giggled at the ticklish feeling by my ear when he did that, Callan nosing me there.
"We can read a bit more alpha or go hunt," I said, Callan huffing at me.
"Don't give me that, you know we are almost out of meat," I giggled, poking his cheek, "and you're the one who complains if we only eat vegetables."
"Omega complains too!" Callan argued making me laugh, kissing him warmly. I slowly pulled myself from his lap, heading out of the house. Callan shut the door, catching me strip out of my clothes to put them into a neat pile. I shifted quickly into my wolf, shaking out my dark brown fur. Callan's eye seemed to thrum it's dark gold hue, my alpha stripping himself of his clothes, shifting just as quickly as I had done.
I nuzzled under my alpha's jaw, Callan licking and nipping at my ears. I turned to head into the forest, swiping my tail over his nose. Callan let a deep rumble leave him, knowing I just challenged him to a race. The first one to catch an animal won. I shot out like a bullet, my alpha right on my tail.
By the time we got back, we had four rabbits. It wasn't much, which wasn't unexpected since we had just started the fall season. Many of the pine trees had their needles dipped in golden hues throughout the forest, the sun setting even earlier in the evenings. I let my alpha cut up our kill as I headed in to shower. I hurried about, since the bread would take an hour to cook. The oven didn't heat evenly and Callan didn't even know how to use it, which is why it was practically untouched. Not that I was complaining.
I kneaded the dough into a ball, wanting to make this loaf plain so he could have normal bread before I added spices or dried goodies to it. I had to make the bread in the pan we used on top of the stove since there was only the soup pot and pan as cooking items.
Callan said he wanted more spaghetti, but I told him it was for his lunches so he could eat it tomorrow. Instead, I decided to make soup that I could snack on tomorrow with many of the vegetables I had bought. I heard my alpha come in to take his own shower, the bread having ten more minutes to cook. I let the soup simmer on the stove so the vegetables would soften, hearing Callan start a fire.
"Smells good omega. Never smell before. What is it?" Callan asked, hugging me from behind as I stirred the soup.
"Soup, my alpha," I giggled, Callan nipping at my ear with a grumble. I laughed out loud at that, jumping in surprise.
"It's called bread. You can buy it in stores, but bread made by hand tastes better. I hope you like it Cal," I whispered, turning my head so my alpha could kiss me. Callan's skin was even warmer after the shower, even if the water temperature didn't get passed lukewarm in the house. I nudged my mate to the dining room to look at more of the animals in the book. I pulled out my bread, sighing happily at it. It didn't look too shabby for being cooked in an uneven oven. I had to rotate it regularly while it was in there. It wouldn't be winning any competitions but it smelled divine. I let the bread sit for a few minutes to cool, heading over the the living room to pick out a new book I would want to read.
The quiet of the house was nice, the warmth from the fireplace soothing. I picked a shorter book this time, this one seeming like a comedy. I headed back to the kitchen, deeming the bread cool enough to be eaten, cutting it with the half serrated hunting knife we had always used. I ladled the vegetable soup into the new bowls, Cal taking them from me as I grabbed the bread.
Cal dug into the bread first, chewing it slowly. His eyes lit up, scarfing the whole piece down.
"Omega is so good cooking! All food tastes good!" Callan smiled making me flush, smiling down at my bowl of soup.
"A lot of people are better than me at it, but I'm glad you like it! Sometimes people like to put things on top of their bread. Like jams, which is made from fruit, honey, meat, or dunk it into soups," I said, dunking mine in so it absorbed the broth. Callan copied me, munching happily.
"You can see what way you like to eat bread the most. Some people only like to eat the inside of the bread while not eating the crust."
I counted the dinner as a success, Callan liking both the spaghetti and the bread. Callan, again, cleaned the dishes while I packed up his lunch for tomorrow. I gave him enough spaghetti to fill the container and two slices of bread. I was able to squeeze in a pear, slipping in a fork into his new lunch box.
Callan had gone to pick out a new book to read for the night, both of us getting into our places on the couch. We didn't make it too far into the new book, Callan's mind obviously having wandered.
"Omega? What if bad at woodwork?" Callan's voice soft against my neck, having turned his head to nuzzle me softly.
"Practicing and doing your best makes you better at something, Cal. You should try it for a little bit so you understand how it works, and then it will become easier to do. Mr. Jameson seems nice, and if for any reason you don't like it there, you can always come back home. You just seemed so excited to try it. It's okay to be nervous!" I said, combing my fingers through his thick hair. Callan nodded against my chest, but I knew my alpha was still nervous. He had never done anything like what he was going to do tomorrow.
"Shall we go to bed, my alpha?"
Callan must have already gotten up, my hand wandering aimlessly to find my alpha while in my sleepy state. I yawned, rubbing my eye, heading into the shower. Once getting out, my alpha walked into the bedroom with only his underwear on. How he wasn't cold in the mornings was beyond me. Especially since we usually let the fire die out once we went to bed.
"Cal, honey, you're up early," I said, brushing my wet hair. Callan only shrugged at me, wrapping his arms around me as he nuzzled against my neck. I smiled and kissed the top of his chest where I could reach while he was hunched over me. I wiggled out of his arms, smelling potatoes instantly. I saw that Callan had already plated breakfast for me, a mix of potatoes, onions, and nicely seared rabbit; a peeled orange next to my place.
"Thank you Callan. It looks good!" I smiled, digging into the food. I had promised my alpha that I would be okay at the house by myself for half the day. We even agreed that I would walk with him to town and then come to pick him up. Alpha didn't like that I would walk back home alone, but I told him I was a capable werewolf; thank you very much. Callan was very much an early riser, clearly seeing a few new logs added into the pile by the fireplace.
"I'll see if I can catch some more rabbits while you are away, my alpha," I said, eating my juicy orange.
"Do not go too deep in forest, omega. Pack not too far," Callan warned. I nodded in agreement, not wanting to accidently end up on pack territory and get hunted down as a rogue for trespassing.
"You'll have so much fun today, I just know it!" I smiled happily, taking our plates to toss into the sink. I had hung up a clock on the wall, wanting to help Callan learn to tell time. It took three days for him to slowly understand it, but he would still need to keep practicing it. I saw that it was 9:15 am, knowing we would need to leave now if Callan was to get to the furniture store by 10:00 am. It was a forty five minute walk to the town, but it was good to be early! Not to mention my alpha seemed to be on pins and needles. He had gotten dressed in a pair of his new jeans and the long sleeve black shirt I had bought for him. He was shoving on his shoes by the time I had put on my jacket and grabbing his lunchbox from the fridge.
Our fingers tangled together as we left the house, my alpha's pace brisk. I tried to hold in my giggle at his obvious excitement, enjoying the fall weather as we traveled. The town came in to view quickly, my alpha's pace slowing. The furniture store was on the edge of town, the shopfront quaint and welcoming. The large windows proudly displayed well made tables and chairs. The other half of the shop was also on display, showing large pieces of varying types of woods, and a large work area where half finished projects could be seen. It showed that the furniture was truly made by an expert hand.
A tiny bell jingled when we opened the door, Mr. Jameson's head peeking from around a corner. His eyes sparkled when he saw us, hurrying over.
"Good timing! Must have been excited to start if you're early," the older man chuckled, my alpha's cheeks reddening slightly.
"I'm going to show you around today and get you learnin' about the different types of woods and tools. I'm not expecting you to get everything today, but it's good to jump in feet first, aye?" Jameson chuckled, Callan nodding quickly.
"I'll come to pick you up at four, Cal," I smiled, handing my alpha his lunchbox and beckoning him to hunch down closer to me. My alpha did so, allowing me to kiss him warmly.
"Have a good day!" I cheered, waving goodbye to my alpha who looked a little nervous, following the older man to where he had come from. I saw him look back at me through the window, blowing him a kiss.
I needed to head back home. It was time to learn about these Elders. I'll make them regret the moment their feeble minds decided to hurt my mate.
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