《My Sweet Elora.》Sweet Elora- 23


Before I start let me just say this. My updates are slow because writing long ass chapters are exhausting. It's like writing an essay everyday and that takes motivation that I don't have, especially since almost a thousand people read this book but only 100 people take the time to vote. I appreciate all the reads, votes , and comments I get but I don't appreciate when people rush me to update. I try to at least give y'all 1,000+ words. Even if it doesn't seem long to you it is to me. So please be respectful


"Hold on baby," K'saiah muttered putting his fork down, him and Ajani were at huddle house but he noticed someone had been watching them from outside.


"Turn yo' face." He ordered, he said that so the person outside couldn't identify her more then they already had. She confusingly did so as he patted his waist line to make sure he had his gun because if it came to using it he wouldn't hesitate.

"Stay here okay? I love you." K'saiah concluded kissing her.

"Aye! Yeah you nigga, the fuck is yo' problem?" K'saiah questioned walking out of the restaurant meeting the unknown person, they were in one of the blind spots. You couldn't see inside the restaurant and they couldn't see you.

The unknown person didn't have a lot of weight on them and it was hard to tell who it was. They were dressed in all black, their hoodie was covering their face so it was impossible to identify who they were.

"You Kb right?" A raspy voice asked.

"Bitch you know who the fuck I am if you've been watching me for an hour, what the fuck do you want?"K'saiah asked for the second time , more than agitated.


He felt a gun being pushed against his stomach,"You think that shit supposed to scare me? You would've been used it if you was bout' it." K'saiah chuckled shoving the gun away, it was one of those small guns that only could carry 6 bullets.

K'saiah turned his head to see if Ajani was still sitting there—which she was, he immediately turned his head back towards the person and grabbed the collar of his jacket.

Instead of asking who he was he simply pulled his hoodie off, revealing Malik.

"The fuck do you want Malik?"

"Don't worry about what I want. Worry about what Jay wants with ol' girl—Whoops looks like she's already gone." He now laughed , K'saiah shoved Malik out of his grip and rushed back into the restaurant to see where Ajani had gone.

He saw the bathroom doors open and saw Ajani walk out, looking untouched so he relaxed a little.

He was confused on what Malik meant by that and why him and Jay were together but he knew he wasn't going to let Ajani go no where by herself for a while until he handled the situation.

"What's wrong?" Ajani asked feeling the sudden mood change, she saw the money on the table so she knew they were leaving.

"It ain't nothing love.You want something to go or you good?" He responded making her shake her head no.

They went out into the parking lot and she waited for him to unlock the door but he never did.

"Hold on." He muttered checking under his car, he eventually pulled a small device from under there that had a green dot on it.

"Bitch." He spoke under his breath completely forgetting Ajani was with him, he was beyond pissed. He didn't want to result to doing something he's been stopped doing but they were fucking with Ajani's safety. He didn't play that shit when it came to her and would most definitely kill over her.


"Baby, what's going on? Who was that dude you was talking to?" Ajani asked getting in front of him.

"I'll tell you later." He spoke and shortly after he unlocked the car doors and opened her door for her , helping her get into his truck.

He checked the car one more time being sure to check the tires as well. After not finding anything else he got inside of the car and pulled off.

"That nigga was Malik." He spoke after he got tired of the silence.

"Oh..what did he want with you?" She asked as he put his hand on her thigh, gently caressing is with his thumb.

"Some dumb shit, just make sure you keep yo' gun on you. I taught you how to use that shit for a reason." He responded causing her to smirk, remembering how he trained her.

"You know you also taught me how to—"

"Incoming call from babymomma🤰🏾" Siri announced.

Ajani answered her phone and their route immediately changed.

"She's in labor!? Yeah we on the way—Okay we will, alright bye." She spoke hanging the phone up on Pooter, K'saiah got the hint to turn around and head to the hospital.


"Pooter what the fuck man, wake yo ass up!" Jasaria yelled when pooter passed out, she's been in labor for almost an hour, after the first pooter passed out from looking at it.

"Jasaria don't worry about him , baby push." Ajani spoke holding her hand, Jasaria was squeezing the life out of her hand but Ajani was going to allow it.

"Fuck!" She yelled squeezing Ajani's hand tighter with each push.

"You're doing great mama, give me one more big push." The doctor spoke, she did as told letting out a very loud scream, louder then the last one if possible.

"She's out," The doctor announced and soon after , the baby started to cry. Jasaria and pooter didn't technically have a baby shower. They did have a small gathering with just their friend group and you could say it was a baby shower.

"Do you guys—Well do you have a name picked out for her?" The doctor asked , changing her sentence when she realized pooter was still passed out.

"Yes, it's Ezure Riyah Scott." Jasaria spoke with small noticeable tears leaving her face, the doctor let Jasaria hold her and Pooters baby before she had to be cleaned.

"Pooter wake yo ass up!" Ajani exclaimed pouring a little bit of water on him.

"Wha—Huh? How the hell—" Pooter began to speak but was immediately cut off.

"Wait till I'm out of this hospital, I'm going to suffocate yo' ass." Jasaria gritted.




(None of that is my social media accounts, just focus on his face) 💀

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