《Legend of Concubine's Daughter Minglan 知否知否 應是綠肥紅瘦》C113. Hello, Cousin Jinxiu (2)


Proofread by DragonRider

Minglan bent her elbow, shook off Madam Cao's hand, and slightly turning around to dodge. She felt puzzled and thought, 'As the elder sister of Hongwen's mother, how could Madam Cao be such a vulgar woman?' Minglan looked sideways at He Hongwen's mother who was crimson with embarrassment but had no way to stop her sister from making a fool of herself. Cao Jinxiu stood by with her head bowed. Minglan looked carefully at her and concluded that she was not beautiful. In reality, Cao Jinxiu had slightly black skin, her face pinched and drawn, looking gaunt.

It was improper for the He family to stop Madam Cao from speaking because she was their guest. Madam Cao put on a triumphant smile and turned to Old Madam Sheng, "Old Madam, I hear from my sister that you are her mother-in-law's confidant. I'll go straight to the point. My daughter and my nephew Hongwen were brought up together. They are affectionate to each other, though I say it myself... When we left the capital that year, Hongwen was chasing after our carriages and crying for Jinxiu. He is very affectionate towards my daughter. Jinxiu would certainly like to..."

Old Madam He's face dropped to the floor. She put the teacup down with a bang as the cover fell down and smashed into pieces on the tea table. Second Madam He and He Hongwen's mother knew their mother-in-law well. She was kind and gentle when nothing happened. But when she flew into a rage, she became dominating and tough and even dared to scold Old Master He. Both frightened, Second Madam He and He Hongwen's mother immediately stood aside.

Old Madam He was overwhelmed with anger but showed nothing on her face. She put on a smile, slowly pulled out a lapis lazuli hairpin with carvings of two words, "Fu" and "Shou", from her bun and put it on the tea table. Then she pointed at the hairpin and said, "Madam Cao, I've always wanted to give Jinxiu a hairpin. Now everyone is here. If you like this hairpin, just take it."


T/N note:

"Fu" and "Shou": good fortune and long life.

Madam Cao was dazed for a second before she came to herself and became overjoyed. She walked up to Old Madam He, picked up the hairpin and praised it. Old Madam He slowly said with a strange smile, "Since you take the hairpin, just ask Jinxiu to put up her hair with the hairpin and change into the clothes of married women. It's improper for her to dress like an unmarried girl."

Just as the words fell from her lips, there was a moment of dead silence in the drawing room. All were stunned as if a clap of thunder exploded overhead. Cao Jinxiu instantly raised her head with her eyes filled with tears and stood deathly still. Everyone's face changed.

Panic surged through Madam Cao as the hairpin in her hands dropped to the floor and broke into two pieces. Old Madam He turned to He Hongwen's mother who looked as pale as death, and sneered, "You sister seems to dislike my hairpin."

He Hongwen's mother trembled with fear and looked at Madam Cao in disbelief. Madam Cao avoided eye contact with her sister and gritted her teeth. Then she forced a smile and said, "Old Madam He, you must have misunderstood. Jinxiu is unmarried..." Old Madam He waved her hand to stop Madam Cao from speaking, and then abruptly grasped Cao Jinxiu's hand and felt her pulse with three fingers. After that she stared at Madam Cao with a cold smile.

Madam Cao recalled what her sister had told her before-- Old Madam Sheng had studied medicine since childhood. She could tell virgins from non-virgins by observing their postures. If she felt their pulse, she could see through everything.

The mere thought of Old Madam He having known that Cao Jinxiu wasn't a virgin, brought Madam Cao out in a cold sweat. Madam Cao looked at her sister in panic, hoping that she could put in a good word for Cao Jinxiu, but was disappointed to see that her sickly sister was too shaken to say a word.


It gradually dawned upon He Hongwen's mother that Old Madam He had kept a suspicion in her mind for a long time but mindful of her daughter-in-law's reputation, she hadn't spoken it out frankly. The reason Old Madam He said that in front of Old Madam Sheng, Minglan and Second Madam He today was because she wanted to take a clear-cut stand and express her irritation toward the Cao family. He Hongwen's mother had been a widow since she had been young. Thanks to her mother-in-law's help, she had lived a peaceful life for more than ten years and brought He Hongwen up to be an excellent man. She had a deep admiration for Old Madam He. So, at this moment, she was frightened by the angry mother-in-law.

All were in no mood to enjoy flowers. Old Madam Sheng excused herself on the pretext that she wasn't fully recovered from her illness. Before she left with Minglan, Old Madam He took her hand and had a short chat with her. Second Madam He accompanied them to the gate and apologized repeatedly. She asked servants to fill a box with some medicinal herbs often used in summer and carry it into the carriage before she respectfully said good-bye to them.

After climbing into the carriage, there was a long silence between Old Madam Sheng and Minglan.

Minglan was lost in the contemplation with her head bowed. When she first met Old Madam He, she thought this old woman broad-minded and good-natured. But now she had an in-depth understanding of this woman. Old Master He had been a dissolute and romantic man and had many concubines when he had been young. But over the years none of his concubines had given birth to a child for him. Now they two were getting old but Old Madam He had the absolute authority in He family. She had divided up family property, made her sons live apart and given He Hongwen and his mother many silver and estates. No one in the He family raised an objection to her decisions. She indeed led a carefree life.

Today she defeated Madam Cao at a stroke without mercy. From this Minglan knew that she was not a simple woman. The inner chambers for womenfolk were like a small arena. The women who could survive in the end were born lucky women, such as Yu Yanran's grandmother, or shrewd, capable women.

After a while, Minglan sighed, "It's fortunate that Old Madam He overpowers Madam Cao."

Old Madam Sheng wore an unfathomable look with a glint of cogitation in her eyes. "When two families want to become related by marriage, they should be satisfied with each other. Otherwise, it will create hatred. A forced marriage won't come to a good end. Now we have to wait and see what happens next. After all, Hongwen's mother hasn't committed herself..."


Meanwhile, He Hongwen's mother was standing in the inner room of Old Madam He, panicky. There were only two people in the room. The door and windows were all closed and it was hot and stuffy in it. But He Hongwen's mother felt a chill creep over her.

"Are you crazy?!" Old Madam He slapped the tea table hard with the palm of her hand, the teacup on it slightly jumping. "You know that I want Minglan to be Hongwen's wife. Why did you tell the Cao family that I invited Old Madam Sheng and Minglan to our mansion today? What are you up to? Do you really want Jinxiu to be your daughter-in-law?"

He Hongwen's mother promptly shook her head with panic. "No! I didn't mean that. I like Minglan very much. How could I..." With that, ..... Click the external link to read the whole chapter ↓

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