《Contractually Yours》22• The teasing game


🔹️🔹️Adrien Russell🔹️️🔹️

There were two main reasons I decided to accompany Crystal to the dinner. One- it was obvious that she wanted me to come and I didn't want to disappoint her and two- I wouldn't let them be together for Evan to hit on her in my absence. Otherwise Evan Sanders wasn't a person I would look forward to seeing.

I know I should get over it because Crystal is about to start working with him, but whenever I can limit their interactions with my presence, I will do it.

Call me a possessive husband.

When we reached their house, we were warmly welcomed by Ethan and Hannah. We congratulated them and gave them flowers that we picked on our way. We all sat together and talked for a while with the couple and Hannah's little sister, Megan.

It was all going well until Evan joined us. As soon as he came inside, the smile on Crystal's face was so bright that I almost rolled my eyes at it. My annoyance had reached another level when he hugged her and literally picked her off her feet. Being the flirt he is, he had got flowers for not just Hannah but for Megan and Crystal too.


We gave each other a stern nod as a greeting, which was more than enough. Soon, Hannah's cousin Racheal and two friends of Ethan joined us too and we began to mingle. We had a few drinks and shared some stories until someone suggested that we play some games.

And guess what we came down to. Chess. Evan vs I.


Few others played table tennis and some played beer pong while we began our game. Crystal hovered around us, interested in knowing who wins and I suddenly grew curious about whose side was she on. But I didn't ask her as it would make her uncomfortable.

As we carried on with the game, Evan had started taking the lead. His smart move had blocked my paths and I didn't know what to do.

I heard my ego cracking.

I couldn't afford to lose against him.

I was thinking hard when I heard a soulful laugh. My eyes narrowed at Crystal who was laughing heartily at something Rachael had said. It was the first time I had seen her so playful. A wave of happiness hit me while I looked at her but it was followed by a manly voice that I wasn't fond of.


"Come on, buddy. You think you can make a move before the day ends?" Evan smirked slyly and I glared at him, controlling my fist from pounding on his jaw.

Sighing I looked back at the chess board with a puzzled mind but looked back up when I heard someone clearing their throat. I looked at Crystal who was looking back at me. Her eyes sparkled with excitement and she looked around, as if trying not to be caught. She nudged her chin towards the chess pieces and I looked down to see what she meant. I touched the bishop and looked back at her but she shook her head and tilted her head a little towards the right. The knight.

I glanced at her and she nodded with a small smile. I studied the positions of the pieces and the move was knocked into my head.

Heck yeah! How did I not notice it?

I made my move and Evan's smile flattered. Leaning back on the chair, I declared. "Check. Mate."

He frowned for a while then sighed accepting his defeat. "Well done." And he got up from the chair and left for the drinks.

Without asking, I knew whose side Crystal was on and boy was I happy!

The dinner table was set. Everyone was seated with delicious food on our plates and I was getting eager to start eating. Crystal sat to my right and Evan next to her. I was already very annoyed by the way he kept her engaged with his stupid jokes and now he wouldn't even let us eat peacefully.

"Crystal, can you pass me salad?" He asked her and she gave him the bowl. When he took the bowl from her, he put his hand below hers and brushed it over hers. I don't know if he did it deliberately or not, but it irritated me anyway.

I don't know what crossed my mind but the very next thing I did was hold her hand with my left one. The hand that he touched. She snapped her head at me with confusion and shock but ignored it and kept eating while maintaining my grip on her hand under the table.

We continued eating and she didn't object.

Not until Evan again asked her to pass the salt. She tried to wiggle her hand out of mine but I didn't let go. Instead I held it tighter while dodging her fiery glare towards me. It was hard to not smirk at her struggle.


"Crystal?" Evan asked again. Embarrassed, she put her spoon down and tried to reach the salt with her right hand but I beat it to her. Before she could, I passed the salt to Evan while our hands still joined under the table.

We all got engaged in some conversations but I was more focused on my food. It was delicious but I had sort of raised my standards after eating Crystal's food. It tasted heavenly. My attention towards the food was broken when I felt a hand on my right thigh and I froze with a spoon full of food near to my mouth.

When I glanced down, it was Crystal's hand that rested on my thigh while still in mine. I let go of her hand, expecting her to take back her hand to herself. But instead, she flattened her palm on my thigh.

I glanced at her to see the most innocent eyes darted at her food while a sly smirk played on her lips. She knew what she was doing.

Bad move, Crystal!

I tried not to be bothered and continued eating my food but it was getting harder every second when her hand travelled upwards at the slowest pace possible. I had started sweating at this point. I could feel the color drain out of my face but she didn't stop there.

When her hands reached the top of my thigh, she began moving her fingers seductively on my jeans and started to feel my pants tighten.

My throat started to dry up and I picked up the glass of water to gulp it down in one go. While at it, I attempted to push her hand away that was torturing me but she squeezed my thigh to tighten her grip and I choked on the water.


I coughed hard for a good minute and groaned audibly while everyone at the table looked at me with concern.

"Are you okay, Adrien?" Hannah asked and I cleared my throat.

"Ye-yes. Actually, no. I- I might need to get some air. Please excuse me." I got from the table and turned around, making my way straight to the open balcony. The cool wind hit my sweaty face and I felt my body relax a little.

I was still in shock by what Crystal had done. I should have known that my wife is such a minx in disguise.

They all had finished dinner and the only thing I wanted to do was go home now. So I excused myself saying I didn't feel good and drove off with Crystal. Our ride was silent and fast. Seeing my hard grip on the steering wheel and my clenched jaw, Crystal too didn't attempt to start any conversation.

When we reached home, Crystal was first to walk inside while I followed after locking the main door. When we stepped inside the room, I shut the door with a bang and yanked Crystal back at me. She gasped when her back hit the door and I trapped her between my arms.

"You shouldn't have pulled that stunt back there." I gritted while leaning forward.

She squirmed into the door and gulped. "Y-you started it. I had t-to make it even."

I raised my brow at her. Our faces were a few inches apart and her hot breath fell on my chin. "You know you took it way too far."

I dipped my face in the crook of her neck and nuzzled my nose there, taking in her addictive peachy scent.

"That's not fair." I whispered in her ear and nibbled on it, making her shudder. Her chest started to rise and fall heavily and I smirked against her skin. I traced my lips from her ear to her neck. When I reached the junction where her neck and shoulder met, I bit it softly receiving a melodious moan from her. I licked that spot to soothe it and Crystal fisted my shirt.

My breath too had started to pick up as I quenched my thirst to touch her. Her skin was so soft against my lips that I couldn't stop my hands from leaving the door and grabbing her waist.

Unholy scenarios of Crystal being under me and I savouring her whole body with my mouth flashed in my mind and I knew I had to stop.

I raised my head a little and kissed her jaw one last time. When I moved away, I saw Crystal's eyes shut in pleasure by my touches. Her neck and forehead were sweaty and I was so satisfied to see her get so hot because of me.

I pecked the corner of her lips, the exact same spot when I kissed her at our wedding and leaned my forehead on hers.

"Now we are even." I muttered and that's when she opened her eyes. But before they could meet mine, I turned around and walked straight to the bathroom as a cold shower is what I needed the most at the moment.


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