《I Attacked Because I was Afraid of Death》IABIWAOD-CHAPTER 20.2


If it hadn't been for Jing Xiubai to interrupt, Chi Xin's fist would have ended up in Han Yiyi's face.

"I have two questions." Jing Xiubai suppressed the disgust in his eyes and tapped his finger on the table.

Han Yiyi immediately turned her head to look back at him, holding her chin with an innocent expression, "Please ask."

"You said you found a tube of potion, how did you get it?" Jing Xiubai leaned aside, as far away from her, "And who told you to inject it?"

Han Yiyi had a trace of disappointment in her eyes as if she hadn't heard the question she expected. She curled up her hair on her finger and pursed her lips: "The leader will let us out every day. Of course, there are people to protect us so we will not run too far. I was not very comfortable that day."

Chi Xin and Yu Xiang looked at each other, with the same stunned expression. Those people would let the woman out but have them constantly supervised to prevent them from escaping but Han Yiyi called it "protection"?

Han Yiyi leaned against Jing Xiubai again: "I don't know who gave me the advice. I had a dream and a voice told me this medicine would help me in this world. So I injected myself and it gave me the power of controlling plants."

Jing Xiubai was lost in thoughts.

"Didn't you think something was wrong?" Yu Xiang found everything unbelievable, "This story sounds like a conspiracy from beginning to end. You actually listened to this "advice"? What if you had lost your life after injecting this product? Weren't you afraid?"

"In the last days, life and death are not so important." Han Yiyi replied, "If I was to die, I would have died a long time ago but I have been saved and protected. God wants me to continue on living and He gave me supernatural powers."

"If you really don't care about life or death, you should have given this medicine to people who want to live." Chi Xin said coldly.

Han Yiyi glanced at her with an aggrieved look and a soft snort came from her nose: "You are a weak woman who can only be protected by men. I am afraid I don't dare give the medicine to you."

She looked at Jing Xiubai with pride, as if proving she was not such a delicate and timid woman and didn't notice the eyes of everyone suddenly became strange.


Chi Xin was only protected by men...?

Chi Xin opened her mouth to say something but then thought about it. From the perspective of the original Chi Xin, this was indeed the case, wasn't it? Even if she had been given a way to become stronger, she might have thrown it away and relied on men to support her instead. Why would she have suffered when others could have done it for her?

But she was not the original Chi Xin. She sneered unceremoniously with overflowing contempt.

Han Yiyi was stunned and a trace of anger appeared in her eyes.

Chi Xin stayed silent but the others couldn't bear it. The always gentle Cao Yan suddenly became serious and said with accusation in his tone: "Miss Han, pay attention to your words. Chi Xin is a respected hero of our base, do not insult her."

Han Yiyi was stunned and carefully observed Chi Xin for the first time. Yet she couldn't see any strength in her expressionless face.

"Does she also have powers?" Han Yiyi asked, "But Xiubai has one, and men are inherently stronger than women, you are boasting too much."

When her words fell, everyone became silent.

"Please excuse me, I am not familiar with Miss Han, you should call me Mr. Jing."

Jing Xiubai got up and went to get a box of black tea and a few cups before sitting down on Yu Xiang's side.

"Yes, yes, let's make some tea first." Cao Yan mediated.

"Wait a minute, I have another question." Chi Xin said, "How did you find the base?"

Everything was just too strange. The Han Yiyi in the movie did not have any abilities, otherwise she would not have died so easily. Now she had "just happened" to find the drug and had "coincidentally" come to the base the protagonist group was at. Chi Xin didn't believe the plot hadn't gone off track.

Han Yiyi didn't want to answer. Jing Xiubai put the kettle of hot water on the table heavily and she reluctantly replied: "I just walked all the way and I found it."

There was no problem with her statement but Chi Xin frowned.

Han Yiyi was dissatisfied with how everyone turned to Chi Xin and volunteered to make tea for everyone.

"Plant powers are useful, not only on the battlefield but also in daily life." Han Yiyi said and looked at the plant that was dying in the corner, "Like this one."

She bit her lower lip and stared at the green plant. It unfurled its wilted leaves and gradually grew. No sharp thorn appeared, but soft branches that tremblingly picked up the tea leaves on the table. In everyone's strange gazes, the huge plant poured the tea leaves into the teacup and soaked them in hot water.


Han Yiyi's face turned red after exertion and one of the branches held up the steaming cup with difficulty before handing it to Jing Xiubai...

But whether the branches were too soft or because they were too wilted, Han Yiyi mistakenly estimated the amount of force used. When the teacup arrived at Jing Xiubai's side, Han Yiyi suddenly sucked in a breath; her plant shook and the whole cup of hot tea rushed towards Yu Xiang and his injured arm.

Chi Xin stretched out her hand to try to stop it, once more dumbfounded at Han Yiyi's antics. Yu Xiang cried out and dodged as a transparent wall of ice protected his arm, and the hot water splashed on the frozen wall in a loud sound.

Jing Xiubai put his hand away; the blue light in his palm gradually disappeared and his sharp eyes shot directly at Han Yiyi. Chi Xin withdrew her hand too, except for the day the zombies had besieged the city, she had never seen the hero look so angry.

The voice of the system came in a timely manner: [Host, when it comes to creating trouble, you lost.]

Chi Xin: "Thank you, I don't want to win in that respect."

System: [No, you can't lose!]

Chi Xin was too lazy to care about it but knowing the system, she kept an eye on it.

Han Yiyi stared at the gradually disappearing ice wall with excitement and admiration. When she noticed Jing Xiubai's gaze, her face immediately showed panic.

She stood up and squeezed the corner of her skirt: "Yes... that plant was too wilted and it made me lose control. Don't be angry, okay?"

"Sister, is it really the time to care if Xiubai is angry?" Yu Xiang held his arm and looked at Han Yiyi incredulously, "If you hadn't noticed, I'm the victim here."

"I'm sorry." Han Yiyi was not very sincere and she blinked at him, "It's fine if it doesn't hurt."

Yu Xiang: ...

Chi Xin: ...

"That... shouldn't the victim say that?" Chi Xin asked.

"Let her be." Yu Xiang sounded a little desperate.

"Enough." Jing Xiubai stood up, "This matter is over. Cao Yan, we won't take care of her in the base."

"I see." Cao Yan nodded and picked up the teacup that had fallen on the ground. He looked at Han Yiyi with a less amiable expression, "Miss Han, then you..."

"Wait a minute!" Han Yiyi shouted anxiously, "Give me another chance, I am very useful!"

"No." Jing Xiubai categorically refused without glancing at her and tapped Chi Xin's shoulder, signaling her to leave.

Chi Xin stood up too and turned her head to look at Han Yiyi curiously. In her impression, this girl didn't seem to give up easily.

Sure enough, she saw panic and ruthlessness flash in her eyes. The wilted plant moved again, this time clearly stabilized, and sent another teacup towards Jing Xiubai again. The hero wasn't planning on picking it up and Han Yiyi stopped her action, ending it peacefully.

But an electric shock no one could see hit Chi Xin's arm. It was not the first time the system had used this method to control her and apart from the first time, Chi Xin could more or less keep it restrained. But the system knew that too and the shock it sent this time was twice as strong as before and Chi Xin's arm suddenly lifted—

In the eyes of everyone, Chi Xin raised her hand and flipped the teacup back. Due to her excessive force, the hot water splashed as it flew towards the wide-eyed Han Yiyi.

Jing Xiubai glanced at her and raised his eyebrows, clearly not planning on saving people.

Ah, the system really did not want to pass up on an opportunity to cause trouble! But there was no scene in the movie where Chi Xin had hurt Han Yiyi; she really didn't know what would happen. She felt flustered but her face became more cold and empty.

She looked at the flying teacup, strode forward, raised a long leg, and kicked away the cup that was about to hit Han Yiyi's face in a whirling kick. The cup hit the wall in a clear cracking sound.

Chi Xin stood there, facing the gazes from all directions, silently paralyzed.

Han Yiyi stretched out her hand to pat her chest and her eyes filled with tears: "You! You! Why did you deliberately throw away the tea I made for Xiubai? You are too much!"

This action just now, to everyone else, had deliberately been made to frighten her. Seeing her behavior, Jing Xiubai frowned but a smile was sitting at the corner of his mouth: "I said..."

"Sorry." Chi Xin interrupted him and looked at Han Yiyi, the coldness on her face still intact.

"It's fine if it doesn't hurt."

Han Yiyi's face turned green at once.

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