《Watch Me ✔️》Chapter 19


A sound in the kitchen woke me and it sounded like someone had bumped into the chair. I tried to sit up, but quickly realized my hands were tied above my head to the headboard. I tugged on them and tried to unknot them, but it was useless.

I heard the footsteps coming towards the bedroom door, my heart racing. It was dark outside and in the cabin and I was alone on the bed. I turned my head towards the noise expecting Michelle.

Standing in the doorway was my lovely Kiara, wearing all black and combat boots, an army knife in her hand. She ran towards me as soon as she saw me and got onto the bed to cut the rope that was holding me to the headboard. I was so thankful to see her I started to say something, but she shushed me and looked around quickly.

Then she kissed me hard, her hands grabbing the back of my head, all of desperation thrown into the kiss. My hands went up around her body, wanting to pull her in tighter and revel in her closeness.

But I needed to get out of this hell. We got up quietly and tiptoed towards the door. She peaked out into the living room and gave me the signal that we were good. I noticed that the front door was closed, but the padlock was open and on the floor.

Michelle was nowhere to be found when we exited the cabin, but just ahead of us was Mallory's car, with her in the front gesturing to us as my savior and getaway driver.

I broke into a sprint, but as we ran towards the car it seemed to get farther away no matter how much I ran. I then realized Kiara was no longer beside me and I was alone in the wilderness.


I came to back on the bed, my arms above me, handcuffed to the headboard. Michelle was sitting on the edge of the bed watching me.

"Have a nice nap?" Michelle asked. My heart broke, it was just a dream although I did get to see Kiara in it. I needed to focus on my mission and get myself out of here.

"How long was I out?" I asked, readjusting my body and scooting a little further away from her.

"For nearly three hours, I made you some grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch," she said smiling.

"Thank you," I replied.

"We're going to keep you in those handcuffs for a bit though, you've shown that you can't be trusted yet," she said. I didn't argue, I had messed up my freedom and needed to start over building trust.

As the day went on, she put me back on the couch and we watched a few movies. She cuddled next to me and I did my best to create distance. Every time she would get up, I would wiggle the screw holding the ring in place hoping to loosen it.

That night she brought me back into the bedroom and rehandcuffed my arms above me. It was not a comfortable position, but I wasn't in a good place to argue. She left the room for a moment and came back with some candles and a lighter. She busied herself with lighting them and her motives became clear to me.

"Michelle, I'm really tired, could you help me put my pajamas on?" I asked trying to distract her. She finally turned to me with a soft smile. I gulped at her look, one that I was very familiar with, lust.

She got onto the bed and I closed my eyes in anticipation. I felt her move up the bed and straddle my hips. Her body came down on my chest and her lips caressed my ear.


"You won't need any pajamas tonight," she whispered. Her fingers moved down my body and I heard my button pop before I felt her pull my jeans off. They made a noise when they hit the ground that echoed through my ears, the reality of my situation hitting

me hard.

"Michelle, please, I don't want to do this," I pleaded with her, my voice catching as her mouth came back to my neck and kissed along it. I felt hopeless, unsure of what to do.

"I know what you really want," she said. Her hand touched out on my stomach and moved upwards, pulling my tank top with it. She took her other hand and pulled it off me completely, letting it rest on my wrists above my head.

She sat up then and pulled her own shirt off, looking down at me with a grin. She rocked her body on top of mine and I turned my head to the side to avoid eye contact. She didn't like that though and grasped my chin in her hand and pulled my face.

She kissed me on the lips, shoving her tongue into my mouth. I fought her at first, but her nails dug into my face, so I let her kiss me how she wanted. Her body moved and her other hand wandered just under my bra, teasing me. I felt myself starting to get turned on and tried to shove off the feeling, but couldn't.

She gave up trying to kiss me and moved to my neck again, tugging on the skin with her teeth. I felt the bruises forming and gasped from the mix of pain and pleasure, squirming slightly underneath her. And cursing that she knew where I liked it. Her hand moved along my bra to my back, unhooking it and pulling it off me. She sat up again slightly and pulled it up towards my tank top.

I felt extremely vulnerable under her and felt tears starting to form as she went back to kissing my neck, her moving lower onto my chest. I thought of Kiara again and wondered if she was looking for me, hoping she hadn't given up.

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