《Watch Me ✔️》Chapter 16


Michelle unlocked my handcuff and led me through the cabin towards a bedroom. There were more small metal rings scattered around, and she re-locked me up to the wall near a dresser. She pulled out some clothes that I recognized as mine from my apartment and asked which ones I wanted to wear.

"Did you get a bunch of things from my apartment?" I asked her cautiously.

"Of course, I packed the essentials, and some extras for you." She said with a shrug as she laid out an outfit for me on the bed.

"Oh, thank you." I said, knowing that this meant the police might search my apartment and think I left voluntarily since my things were missing.

"Now let's get you out of this coffee stained dress." She said, reaching towards the bottom of my dress.

"Umm," I started moving back into the wall, "I'll do it, could you maybe just take off my handcuff for a bit?"

"Oh Leilani, you haven't earned that right yet. Now stay still for me." She said. I didn't move as she pulled my dress over my hips and up over my body. It laid on my wrist where I was handcuffed and I stood awkwardly before her in my underwear. She didn't seem to bat an eye as she reached for some leggings and had me step into them. She then put a t shirt on my open arm and stopped trying to decide how to finish dressing me with the handcuff obstacle.

"I'll be right back." She said and left me standing half dressed in the bedroom. I took a moment to survey the bedroom that I was in. There was a bathroom and small closet on the back wall, the dresser was against the wall with a giant bay window overlooking the lake, and the bed was huge and covered in blue and green throw pillows.


Michelle entered again with a new set of handcuffs in her possession. She reached me and kissed me on the forehead softly, then grabbed my right hand and handcuffed it, then took the other half and pulled my arm nearly as far as I could reach, to the bed frame at the foot of the bed. Then unhandcuffed my left hand and finished dressing me.

"Sit down love." She said, a little harsher than what I was expecting. I sat promptly on the bed and looked up at her, trying to remain calm, afraid of another outburst.

"I think I need a little nap after our long drive through the night, I can re-handcuff you next to me, or I can give you a book and put you out on the couch. What would you prefer?"She asked.

"Couch please, I slept in the car." I said, surprised she had given me a choice. Maybe out in the living room I could come up with my escape plan and not be right next to her.

"Okay, come on then." She unhandcuffed me and led me to the couch, before re-locking me into a small metal ring on the side of the couch. She then put a few books from the bookshelf onto the coffee table. She was being extra nice and it put me on edge.

Leaning down she pulled out her keys again and took off the hanging handcuff from the right hand. Then she leaned in and kissed me very softly on my lips. It took everything in me not to flinch.

"I'll see you when I wake up, I've got big plans for a date night tonight." She said, then left to the bedroom. She left the door open though, so although I couldn't see her in the bed, I couldn't make too much noise.


I got as comfortable as I could on the couch and waited silently for her to fall asleep. She always snored softly, so I waited until I heard her making those noises before trying to see outside the big window.

I stood up and pulled myself as close as I could without making the handcuff jingle too much. Outside were trees and more trees. Behind the trees was a giant lake, if there were locals, they probably had cabins surrounding the lake on all sides, so if I got out of this cabin I would run to the lake side and start moving around it looking for homes.

I had two escape options I had come up with while wasting time away as she napped. I could try to overpower her when she was transferring me from one ring to another and get her keys, or I could wait until she trusted me enough to take them off altogether, and steal the keys when she's occupied.

Either way, I risked it going wrong and her being upset and potentially taking it out on me. Playing into her fantasy romance with me seemed to be the best option for safety. I hoped deeply that Kiara and Mallory figured out I was missing and were getting the police involved, but without any way to contact them, I felt like I was on my own.

I few hours later, when I was finally getting into a book, Michelle emerged from the bedroom all sleepy and innocent looking. She declared that it was lunch time and moved into the kitchen to make us food. When she opened the fridge, I noticed it was fully stocked, which made me nervous all over again for how long she planned to keep us here.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Great, thanks for asking. I usually hate pulling all-nighters, but it was worth it for time with you in this cabin." She responded.

I took a deep breath before asking the question I'd been thinking about, "How much time exactly?"

"Just until things die down a bit, then we are headed to Canada together, to start our new life." She replied matter-of-factly.

"Do you want mayo on your sandwich?" She asked.

"Yes." I said softly, then looked back out the window. I had to figure out a plan out of here, traveling with her across the border was worst case. It was time to pump up the charm so I could get free of these cuffs.

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