《Watch Me ✔️》Chapter 14


I didn't know how long we were in the car, but it felt like an hour. It was pitch black outside and my body was hurting. I was laying on my stomach with my face against the floor and something metal jutting against my right side. My arms were held behind my back by the handcuffs and I could feel the skin being rubbed raw with every bump.

They had the radio on relatively loud, but I could tell they were muttering to themselves under their breath. I couldn't make out many words, but they sounded distressed and I heard my name a few times. They had lit a cigarette and the smell was hovering over me like a heavy blanket.

I heard a siren near us and perked up hoping it was my moment to be saved, but the sound moved past us. I imagined all the ways I could get out of this, like reaching up and pulling on one of the door handles to launch myself out of the car. Or attacking them somehow and taking control of the car. Or if I were in the trunk, I could kick out a light and stick my foot out for help. But with the blindfold on and being on the floor of the back seat, it made things difficult.

We finally pulled to a stop after another long stretch and I felt a few bumps and wondered where we were. I heard a lot of traffic still and the click of their seat belt being undone. I suddenly felt a hand grab my neck and them say, "Don't you dare make a sound or I will hurt you." I still wasn't sure who they were, but their voice sounded familiar. I racked my brain on who it could be, but it was not coming to me.


I laid still and quiet while their door opened and closed. I heard noises that sounded like we were at a gas station. I contemplated my choices and as much as this moment felt like I could make a move, I was afraid to risk it.

I took a small chance instead and tried to move my blindfold by rubbing it against the back of the driver's seat. It moved a bit up my face and and I worked faster to lift it more. I had a small visual and lifted my head to try to get some clues. I could see the gas station sign flashing their gas prices and the name, although it was one of the popular brands so we could be anywhere.

I heard the gas tank cover close sharply and the beeping of the machine, probably printing a receipt. I wondered if they paid cash or card and if that would be a clue the police would use to find me. If they even knew I was missing yet.

The door opened and I turned my head away so they wouldn't notice the blindfold had moved. I heard their voice again as they said, "Good girl." And started the car. I knew I had lost one chance to get away, so my mind went back to work thinking of all the thriller books I'd read and movies I'd seen that could help me out.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, because I was jolted awake by a car door close. The door by my feet opened a few moments later and I saw the sun was out again through the small space I could see underneath the blindfold.

They grabbed my feet and pulled me forward towards them. The ropes were cut from my ankles and I was put into a sitting position. They readjusted my blindfold, to my annoyance, and told me to stand. I wobbled a bit and without the ability to balance, I fell forward and felt their hands on my upper arms steadying me.


I went to say something rude, but with the duct tape on I didn't get very far. Instead I mumbled curse words as best I could as they started to move me forward. The car door closed and the sharp chirp of the car alarm startled me. They kept their hand on my upper arm as we moved forward. I pulled back initially, but without being able to see anything it was hard to fight.

My feet bumped into something and they told me to step up. There were a few stairs and the sound of a key entering a lock. Their hand loosened a moment on my arm and it felt like a perfect moment to make a move. Once they had gotten me inside wherever we were, it was going to be harder to escape.

I pulled away from them and made a break for the stairs. I knew they were two steps back and there were only three of them as I had counted them. I headed away from where I assumed the car was and took off in a sprint. Something caught my foot and I felt myself tumble, but used that momentum to push forward instead of down.

Their hands were on me seconds after my faltered steps and I was determined to not make this easy on them. I stomped my foot backwards and connected my right foot on their toes hard, eliciting a yelp from their mouth.

"That was not nice of you." They grunted, but their grip didn't loosen as I wiggled in their arms as best I could. They pushed me backwards suddenly and I felt my back hit something solid and round, probably a tree. I felt their arm against my stomach holding me to it and I could feel their breath on my face. They smelled mostly of cigarette smoke with a hint of spearmint gum. My body stiffened as recognition flew through me like a lightning bolt.

"I would prefer not to hurt you, but I will if I need to." They said. I felt cold metal on my neck moving lightly against my skin. My emotions were a wreck, I felt anger, fear, and adrenaline all within me at once.

"You will behave and you will get in the house. Do you understand?" They said. I made a noise of agreement and they took the knife away and removed their body. Their hand went to my upper arm and we started the walk towards the house again.

Now that I knew who my stalker was, a game plan was forming in my mind. Let them think I want this, play into their delusions, and work towards the best plan of escape. Someone had to know I was missing, so now I would just have to start the long game.

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