《Watch Me ✔️》Chapter 13


I changed into a date outfit consisting of a long, dark green dress with a large leaf print and some sandals. I put my makeup on happy for a distraction other than sitting around all day. About an hour before I planned to head out the door I saw a phone call pop up from Bridget. I hadn't heard from her since she threatened Aiden at work. I answered, "Hello?"

"Leilani? Oh my gosh, thank goodness. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She said, it was obvious that she had been crying.

"Sorry for what?" I figured she meant the work thing, but I wanted to give her a chance to explain.

"I didn't know that is would go this far, I had no idea what the end game was. They made me." She was saying, her words were getting harder to understand as she hiccuped and cried.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Come meet me and I'll explain everything. I'm at my apartment." Bridget hung up and I stared at my dark phone screen. I finished getting ready quickly and fed Biscuit her dinner before grabbing my purse and jacket.

I went to my car and drove to her apartment still thoroughly confused, but wanted to support my friend even after she caused me issues at work. The drive took longer than expected with traffic and it ended up taking me nearly 35 minutes to get across town. As I drove up there were cops everywhere surrounding the apartment building. I parked down the street and hurried over towards the building.

I moved towards the police line that was being set up and joined the few other people who were standing around. One guy was on the phone telling someone he can't get home because someone in his building was attacked. I tried calling Bridget back, but it went straight to voicemail. A window a few stories up was broken in and some cops could be seen inside. I had been to Bridget's apartment before and realized that must be hers.

A loud bang caught my attention and I saw paramedics bringing someone out on a stretcher. It was a blonde girl who looked like Bridget. As they got closer I confirmed it was her and tried to yell out, but it was too loud. She was covered in newly formed bruises and had blood streaking down her face and seeping through the sheet the paramedics had put over her body. Her eyes were fluttering slightly and they were rushing to get her into the ambulance.


I texted Adrian letting him know so he could get to the hospital or contact someone. I then called Kiara and let her know what was going on. She told me to head to her house and we could visit the hospital tomorrow when she's probably awake. I walked to my car, got in, and sat down taking a deep breath. I had a missed text message waiting for me that must have come through when I was on the phone.

Unknown: She knew too much.

I let out a gasp and put my phone down on the passenger seat. I locked my car doors and waited for the slight panic in me to pass. A few moments later I put Kiara's address in my gps and headed over trying to ignore my exceptionally fast beating heart.

Kiara was standing out front of her house waiting for me in black skinny jeans and a low-cut white lace top. Her hair was done in a fishtail braid and her smile knocked all my worries away.

She got into my car and kissed me lightly on the cheek. We drove to a small Chinese restaurant near her house and sat at a back booth together. We talked about a few random life updates at first while we got our drinks and ordered food. I could feel her tiptoeing around asking about the stalker stuff.

She took my hand into hers lightly from across the table and asked me what was wrong. I felt tears coming, but held them back and took a sip of water. I first opened up about the texts getting more intense telling her they think they are my protector.

I could see her eyes darken and her frustration grow. Our food came as we talked and it remained barely touched through the conversation.

"So who do you think it could be?" She asked.

"I'm not sure. It could be some stranger who follows my YouTube channel or even someone from my past. They haven't really given me any hints to who they might be." I answered, "Although I know they have been watching me."

"What do you mean?" She asked looking nervous.

"Well they kinda sent me pictures of myself out with my friends." I said, anticipating her reaction. Kiara dropped her fork and it made a loud clang.


"What!?" She half yelled before looking around to see it anyone noticed, "It's time to go to the police. What if they keep this going further? They could seriously hurt you." She said.

"I mean you could be right, but I doubt the police will actually do anything." I said, feeling defeated.

"We should still try." She said.

"But they told me if I go to the police that you'll.." I stalled, "Umm be hurt basically."

"Leilani! We have to go to the police, they are literally falling you around and threatening people around you." She stated, her frustration apparent. I knew she was upset at the situation and not really me, but I couldn't help this terrible feeling forming in my gut. I didn't want my entire new relationship with Kiara to be defined by some random stalker.

"Okay fine, tomorrow we can go in. Maybe after you get off work?" I asked trying to calm her.

"Perfect, tomorrow it is." She replied, "And we should keep eating our food so it doesn't get cold." I agreed and we dug back in. I did feel a little better knowing we had a plan.

I took Kiara home since she had an early morning and she lived right next to her studio. I walked her to her door and we kissed on the porch. She reassured me about the messages and told me to be extra safe. I agreed and told her I'd call Mallory to see if I could spend the night at her place.

I pulled into my designated parking spot anxious to get upstairs and inside my apartment to grab my things. Mallory had agreed that I could stay with them, but I had to get my things and Biscuit. I took a deep breath before turning off the car and grabbing my purse from the passenger seat. I knew Kiara was right and it was time to go to the police after the threats for scarier, but I was anxious that they wouldn't help and it would just make the stalker more upset.

I got out of the car and headed towards my apartment building. I started typing a text to Kiara to let her know I was walking to my apartment when I smelled a familiar scent of spearmint gum mixed with cigarette smoke. Suddenly I heard footsteps and felt someone grab me from behind. A gloved hand covered my mouth before I could scream. My phone fell to the ground with an echoed bang and I felt someone trying to drag me backwards.

I threw out an elbow and heard a grunt. Their arms loosened a bit and I fell forward onto my knees and boosted myself towards the exit. They recovered quickly though and knocked me onto my stomach. I fell onto my hands and face, knowing I was probably scraped up and bleeding. They straddled my back and yanked my left arm back. I felt cool metal around my wrist and tried to scream for help.

They shoved some type of fabric into my mouth and as I tried to spit it out, my right arm was pulled behind my back. My hands were handcuffed behind me as I got the fabric out of my mouth, but I heard duct tape being pulled and felt it get taped across my mouth. I tried to tell them to get the hell off me, but I couldn't speak. I squirmed under them as a blindfold was tied around my head.

They pulled me to my feet and I stumbled backwards into their arms. They led me flailing around towards something, I assumed a car. I pushed against them and felt myself getting pushed forward. I suddenly banged into a car edge with my shins and was tumbling down onto the floor of a car. They pushed me further in and rope was tied around my ankles.

"Finally," they said. "I'm taking you home with me." The car door closed behind me and I lay on my stomach of the car listening to them walk around to the driver's door. They started the car and I felt tears forming in my eyes. All I could picture was my phone sitting in the middle of the parking garage with an unsent text to Kiara saying I was almost home.

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