《Watch Me ✔️》Chapter 7


At 4pm on Tuesday, I found myself running around the apartment cleaning frantically. I was working up quite the sweat while I vacuumed and wiped every surface. I didn't know if Kiara was going to come over after our date, but I wanted to be prepared if she did.

After showering, shaving, and drying my hair, I stood in front of my closet at a loss of what to wear. I tried on twelve outfits, before going back to my original choice of a maroon dress that was tight on top and billowed out on the bottom. I put on some sandals and a jean jacket and was ready to head out.

We were meeting at a casual Mexican restaurant close to wear she lived, then heading to a movie afterwards that started at 6:45. I got to the restaurant first and got us a booth in the back. The place was very dark and romantic, with candles on the table. She came in a few minutes later and dazzled me with a smile and scooted into the seat opposite me.

"How was the drive here?" I asked her, taking a chip and dunking it into the salsa.

"Easy, one of my roommates dropped me off so I could ride with you," she said smiling.

"Perfect, good thing I cleaned out my car." I joked.

Dinner was perfect, except I kept feeling my phone vibrate. I looked down and saw three messages from the unknown number.

Unknown Number: Why didn't you answer me last night?

Unknown Number: Leilani, answer me.

Unknown Number: Please, I need you to answer.

I quickly replied and went back to talking with Kiara, coming up with an excuse that I was texting my mom. But then my phone vibrated again and I couldn't help myself checking again.


Leilani: Leave me alone.

Unknown Number: Never.

I chose to not answer again and went into my settings to block the number. I deleted the old messages and happily went back to my date, confident the problem was solved.

We finished up dinner and headed to my car. She slipped her hand in mine while we walked. I squeezed it a little and open up the passenger side door for her. She giggled and got in. I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before closing her door and heading to the driver's side.

We headed to the movies together in my little jeep, singing along to the radio. She smiled at me between some songs and said, "I really really like you. I hope you know that."

"I do now," I replied, a big smile on my face, "I really really like you too."

She smiled and looked down. I noticed her cheeks get a little red as her head turned. I parked in the structure of the mall and leaned towards her, "Last one there is a rotten egg." I then bolted out of my seat, locked the car from afar as I rushed towards the stairs. She chased after me giggling, grabbing my waist and stopping me.

I let her push me against the wall in the stairwell and kiss me. We kissed like there was no tomorrow and didn't stop until we heard footsteps coming towards us.

"Come on, or we won't have time to get popcorn." I giggled, grabbing her hand and leading her down the stairs.

"That movie had such a good twist!" She exclaimed as we headed back to the car.

"Right? I loved the little kid when he was running down that hallway, so suspenseful." I replied.


"So, should I drive you home or...?" I asked, once we were seated and buckled.

"Well, I wouldn't mind seeing where you live." She replied, a smirk on her face.

"My apartment it is." I said, while starting up the car. We talked about our predictions for a sequel the whole drive to my place.

"Are you allergic to cats? I have one, so just checking." I asked.

"No, I'm not," Kiara laughed, "I have one too, typical lesbian. Mine is named Milo."

"Cute name, from Atlantis?" I asked.

"Yeah actually, not many people know that." She replied smiling.

"I guess I'm just special," I shrugged at her, "so where do you live?"

"Oh not too far, about 4 exits down the 101, I live with some roommates in a house." She replied. We got out of the car and headed over to my building.

"Oh awesome, friends from work?" I asked, opening my apartment building door for her.

"Yeah they are actually. How come your parking garage is an awkward distance from your building, I don't think I could have figured this out on my own." She laughed.

"Yeah it's weird, but at least I have a parking spot in the garage, so I never have to go searching for spots." I said as we got into the elevator. She nodded and moved herself in front of me. Her face moved closer to mine and I could feel our noses touch and her breath on my lips.

"We should probably press the button." I said softly, reaching around her and pressing floor six. As soon as I was moved back in front of her she leaned down and kissed me again. I moved my arms around her neck and pulled her in closer. We kissed the entire elevator ride up, and only stopped to get out, unlock my apartment door, and through our purses on the couch.

She pushed me back onto my bed and kissed me again. I moved into her touch and wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling her down on top of me. Just as I was wiggling out of my dress, my phone rang. I ignored it at first, but then it rang again. I apologized to her, got up, and looked in my purse for my phone.

Lit up on the screen was a call from a new unknown number.

"Who is it?" Kiara asked, sitting up on my bed.

"I have to tell you something." I replied. My phone began ringing a third time.

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