《Watch Me ✔️》Chapter 2


Mallory and I always end up at the Red Door bar down the street so we don't have to worry about driving. She wasn't there yet when I walked in, which was pretty typical. I made my way through some people, and although it was only 9:20pm it was pretty busy. No one was at our unspoken claimed table, thank goodness, so I took a seat. I pulled out my phone and started swiping on tinder while I waited.

We've been coming to this bar for about five or six months now and have yet to be disappointed. I think Mallory secretly likes it here because this is where she met her boyfriend for the first time and they didn't wait long to fall madly in love and move in together. The bar had a country theme to it, but not in an obnoxious way. The music was low and played an assortment of top hits and the atmosphere was chill. I really liked the ID wall behind the bar of all the underage kids trying to buy beer and getting their fakes taken. There was a wall like that at a liquor store where we went to college and it gave us a nostalgic feeling.

I looked up just in time to see Mallory hustle in, her wavy black hair in a loose bun on top of her head. The bun had started to sink, as though she had put it up in the morning and hadn't fixed it all day. She was wearing flannel and jeans tonight with her fake cowboys boots that someone always has to point out are not real.

"Sorry, sorry, Matt didn't want to come so I begged him, we argued, then we had to make-up, so now I'm here," Mallory said, sitting down across from me.

"That's alright, but I'm a little jealous that you just had sex and I'm coming up on a month of nothing." I replied pouting.


"To be fair, it was quick," she giggled. I laughed with her and then offered to buy our first round. "Wait! Can I have your phone while you get the drinks? I want to play on tinder."

I groaned and handed my phone over, "You don't play on tinder, this is my love life you know." She took it eagerly, ignoring my quip. I came back after a few minutes with our rum and cokes and peeked over my phone to see who she was looking at. Someone had messaged me that I had matched with before she got there and Mallory had taken it upon herself to start answering. I used to protest, but she has gotten me some good dates and she's really good at flirting.

"Remember that time when I got you that date with Oliver?" She said while taking a bit gulp of her drink. I mused on him for a second, remembering his amazing abs and beautiful apartment.

"Yes and I distinctly remember the relationship lasting four days and ending with him telling me I'm not nearly as happy in person as I seem through texting." Mallory laughed and kept swiping. I looked around the bar again and noticed a rather rowdy group of girls all surrounding a friend wearing a plastic tiara and sash. I noticed one girl tilt her head at me and I looked away quickly not wanting to stare. I went back to drinking.

Mallory and I chatted for a bit getting through our first round of drinks quickly. I looked back again at the rowdy table and made eye contact with the same girl and smiled softly. When I turned back around, Mallory was furiously typing out a message. "Mallory, stop using so many emojis!" I said.

"They're playful!" I finally had enough and wrestled my phone away from her hands.

"You told this girl that she was sexy, with a winky face? I don't have the guts to tell someone that-" I started looking horrified at Mallory.


"Oh-so you don't think I'm sexy?" I heard from behind me. It was the girl from across the bar standing next to our table. She was tall, taller than me by a few inches, with straight strawberry blonde hair that went just past her shoulders, bright and playful green eyes, a sprinkle of freckles across her nose, and a cheeky smile.

I blushed and sat there embarrassed, unsure of what to say. Mallory cut it, "Of course she does, she's just naturally a little shy. Have a seat with us? Are those your friends over there giggling and pointing?" The girl nodded and sat down. I took a quick peek at my phone and saw that this girl was the one Mallory had been messaging.

"I just happen to be on tinder and match with you, I think it's fate," the girl said turning her whole body to face me.

"Must be," I replied leaning towards her, "I'm Leilani."

"Kiara. It's nice to meet you." She leaned in towards me too and for a moment, we just sat and stared at each other. My nerves seemed to melt away when I looked into her eyes.

"I'm going to get us some more drinks, Kiara would you like one?" Mallory asked, getting up from her chair.

"I'm okay, thanks though." Kiara said to Mallory, then turned back to me, "So, I don't usually come up to random girls in bars and talk to them. But, my friends kind of dared me to come over and chat with you." She seemed slightly embarrassed to admit this to me. Or was it a line? It was hard to tell.

"I can't say that I've ever done that either, but it was pretty sexy of you to just come over. I'm sorry that it was my friend messaging you and not me, I didn't realize that she had gone that far. I'm glad she did though." I smiled, and leaned even closer to her.

"So you and your friend aren't... you know?" She asked, raising her eyebrows.

"No, no, just friends. She's straight, we met in college." I responded.

"Good to know." She leaned back in her chair just then and looked me up and down with a twinkle in her eye, "So, where did you go to college?"

"Purdue, I'm from the midwest. I studied Visual Communication Design. What about you?"

"I'm from around here, I went to Long Beach State. I studied dance and now I work at a studio in town as one of the the instructors. Trying to make it as a dancer in theatre, but it's not easy." She answered.

"Wow, that's really amazing, I bet you're an amazing dancer." My eyes drifted to her long legs showing beneath her mini skirt. Dirty thoughts popped into my head and I willed them to go away. I saw Mallory on her way back to our table out of the corner of my eye and wished she'd stay away so I could keep talking with Kiara alone.

"Drinks have arrived!" Mallory chirped and hopped up onto her chair.

"Well, you have my information on tinder, I'm going to get back to my friends birthday celebration, but I hope to hear from you." Kiara said, she gave Mallory a little nod and left me breathless at our table.

"Damn, she is something." I said to Mallory as I watched Kiara walk away. Mallory agreed and I pulled my new drink towards myself.

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