《A baby? (A Wildchip love story)》Chapter 6


Wildberry and Crunchy Chip arrived home. Rosemary was excited to see the cream wolf. Clotted Cream also arrived home and headed to his office.

Wildberry turned on the TV while Crunchy Chip made Rosemary's food. Meanwhile with Clotted Cream was in his office looking through his file. His phone began to ring. Clotted Cream answer the phone without looking at the number.



His eyes froze as he looked down. "Clotted what's wrong?" The person asked.

"What do you want?" Clotted Cream asked.

"The baby. I heard that wolf and knight has it."

Clotted Cream roll his eyes. "Custard. You are not taking the baby. She is staying with us." He said. He hung up and went back to his file.

Back downstairs Crunchy Chip sat down feeding Rosemary. "I didn't know why people care about babies until I got this baby. I only had Rosemary for two days and half. But anything bad happen to her. I will kill everyone one."

"Crunchy chill." Wildberry said.

Crunchy Chip look at Wildberry, but he roll his eyes. "Fine." He said.

Wildberry wrap his arm around Crunchy Chip and Crunchy Chip smile. Clotted Cream headed downstairs and grabbed a snack. He turn to see the three on the couch. He smile and headed down upstairs.

"Crunchy. I never question why you name the baby Rosemary. So can I ask now?" Wildberry asked.

"Well Rosemary was my grandma. I want to honor her memory. So I chose Rosemary." Crunchy Chip said.

"I... I never knew." Wildberry said.

Crunchy Chip look at Rosemary and he hug her. Wildberry place his head on Crunchy Chip's head. Crunchy look at him, but he roll his eyes as the two continued watching TV together.

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