《A baby? (A Wildchip love story)》Chapter 3


Crunchy Chip and Rosemary were watching TV. Wildberry was out shopping. Carmel Arrow and Affogato were there so Crunchy Chip doesn't burn the house down.

Rosemary giggle at the TV. Crunchy Chip was confused as he watch the TV. "Are all baby show like this?" He asked.

"Yes." Affogato said.

Crunchy Chip turn to face Affogato. "How do we let children watch these? They are talking like a bunch of dummies." He said.

"I know." Affogato said. "I have two children remember?"

"Yeah. Espresso and Latte." Crunchy Chip said.

"Just picture that." Affogato said.

Crunchy Chip blinked. He lift Rosemary to his lap and Rosemary giggle as she watch the TV. The door open they saw a cookie with a bunch of bags. They turn but Clotted Cream Cookie rush downstairs. "Wildberry?" He asked.

The cookie peak over to see Light Cream Cookie. "Oh mother hello!" Clotted Cream said.

"Hello Clotted. Crunchy, I bought some baby clothes for the baby." Light Cream said. Placing the bag down on the front door. Clotted Cream grab the bags and place the pink bag in front of Crunchy. Crunchy Chip peak inside of the bag to see a pink dress with black ribbon around the waist.

"Aw that is so cute!" Affogato said.

"It is." Carmel Arrow said. "Crunchy do you remember how to put a dress on?"

"Yes." Crunchy Chip said.

Crunchy Chip got off of the floor and head to his room. He change the baby clothes. Rosemary grab the chip of his coat and Crunchy Chip smiled.

"You know. I'm the lucky cookie ever. I'm glad to have you Rosemary. I know I had you for a day. But I feel like I had you forever." Crunchy Chip said.


Crunchy Chip head downstairs as Affogato and Light Cream were having tea. Clotted Cream and Carmel Arrow were having coffee. Everyone turned to see Crunchy Chip holding Rosemary in her dress.

"Aw!" Affogato and Light Cream said.

Crunchy Chip smiled as the two prays the baby. Crunchy Chip saw his cream wolf rubbing on him.

"Puppy!" Rosemary said, trying to get to the wolf.

Crunchy Chip smile then put her down joining her.

"Wait I thought you-." Clotted Cream just to said something until Affogato cover his mouth.

"Sweetheart darling. Sh." Affogato said.

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