《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》twelve


Meryl's P.O.V

I feel so lonely. I'm broken. Without Don I'm...empty. I'm so mad at him for doing this but, what can I say? Nothing makes me better than him though. I was in my room the whole day no desire to go out. The phone rang over and over again but I ignored it. There was knocking and banging on the front door but I didn't bother leaving my room in this state.

I feel disgusted and ugly. I'm not beautiful anymore. I feel like a failure. I've failed my marriage. I failed myself. I feel dead. I am dead. There's no way I'm gonna be okay again.

Pull yourself together Mary Louise Streep! You're better than this.

I finaly walk out and went to refrigerator. There was some pancakes. I eat one and close the refrigerator seeing a note on it written in Don's handwriting.


I know you need space and time to work things through. I'll be spending my nights at your brother's place. I hope you find a way to forgive me.

Forgive my ass

I also asked the children not to bother you unless you call. I took everything that was touched by another women out of the bedroom. I made pancakes. Hope you'll enjoy it.


I'm all alone. What am I suppose to do now? Well, I'm surely gonna eat the pancakes. Should I call Pierce? I want to. Don't know why but I need to. I just want to end things one hundred percent between us. After that I can...maybe call Don so that we can talk this through. I love Pierce but I'm inlove with Don. I'm married to Don for heaven's sake.

So that's what I did. I called Pierce for good. There's nothing wrong in it. This is just madness and yes, I guess I am out of my mind.


I open the door being unknown to what facial expression to use.

"Pierce." I greeted him and step out of the way. "Come in."

He walk in as I scan his nice taste of clothes. Reality slams me in the face and I had to snap out of it.

"We need to talk." I said being serious about to end this. Or whatever is between us. He nod and look at me as I took a deep breath. "About you and me."

"What about us?" He asked and I could see he was expecting this.

"There is no us Pierce." I began the conversation. "You're my best friend and something that I never thought you would be but what ever was going on between us during shooting the movie, has to end. We're not together at all. I'm married and so are you."

"I understand." He said nodding his head as I looked a little speechless by why he acts so calm.

"You do?" I tried to make sure.

"Yes. But Meryl, I'll never stop loving you. Just remember that." He said as I felt his hands being placed on my waists.

"A piece of paper wouldn't make me love you more. But a piece of paper wouldn't make me fall out of love with Don." I told him placing my hands on his chest which was wrong. Very wrong. But i was doin it in any way.

"Of course." He responded and place a soft kiss on my lips. So lovely and amazing.

We stayed there longer than we planned but pulled away after a while anyway.

"I'll see at the globes." He smiled as we gave each other a tight hug. His lips touch my front head and like that...he was out.


Just like Don.

Everyone was out.

I'm all alone.

Pierce's P.O.V

It was soooo tough but something I read up today is that if you love someone, you gotta set them free.

Leaving Mer is horrible but for a better point of view, it's for the best.

I can't always be her dirty little secret and she can't be mine.

Obviously I'm gonna have a lot of catch up to do when me and she get some alone time again which I doubt but that's the best part. That's how I'll find out whether she feels for me the way I feel for her.


Sorry for letting you wait.

Things are hectic and this isn't my only book.

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