《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》eleven


Meryl's p.o.v

I woke up the next morning wrapped in Don's arms feeling the heat. This is where I belong and he deserves to know about Pierce.

"I slept with Pierce." I muttered. One side of me hoped he was still asleep and the other side wished he heard me perfectly.

"Hmmm? What's that?" I heard him. I feel a tear travelling out of my eye.

"I slept with Pierce Brosnan." I repeated loud and clearly closing my eyes for a second. I hear him stood up as I don't dare a blink to plant my eyes on him.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked and I knew that moment right away he was angry. So I dared myself and sat up straight.

"Never." I answered sarcastically. As I started to explain. "Look I was mad at you cheating so all I wanted was revenge and I finaly got it. I regretted sleeping with him the morning I found myself not being next to you."

"What is this game about? I was on the point to think we're getting a divorce because of me cheating now you just jump out of nowhere admitting a summer romance with a handsome bango man expecting me to just say okay I forgive you!" He shout angrily.

"You started this Don! You were the first one jumping in bed with another women! I cried myself to sleep every fucking night after what we both did!" I fought back jumping up as I grab the blankets to cover my nude body.

"So you think it's okay to jump in bed with another married man?" He asked sarcastically making me really angry.

"It's not like that! You fucked up so did I but...!" I started but got cut of by him that precise moment. I felt like grabbing a lamp and throwing it at him.


"I can't believe you!" He shout angrily.

"Just shut the fuck up so that I can speak!" I shout frustrated like I could explode. "Pierce and I were just a one night thing and so were you and that girl! I forgave you! Now do the same!"

"Meryl, I didn't just had it as a one night thing. Our marriage was dying and I needed back the heat but I didn't want you to feel usen so I..." I gave him a angry look feeling like I wanna cry. Don knows my tears but this time I'm not letting him catch it.

"Last night was the last Don Gummer! So you can go fuck yourself! Go fuck those street whores!" I shouted with a broken heart.

"Meryl." Don edged closer to me wanting to place his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me." I said about to cry pointing to the door. "Leave my room."

I watch him leaves. I never had felt so heart broken before. I don't need Don or Pierce. I need someone else like myself. I wish I never had this fucking trip!

Don's P.O.V

I walk out of the room. I'm an idiot and she needs time to cool off. I don't know why I popped the truth about me sleeping with other women but I was so mad and jealous that I somehow just wanted to feel like I can also replace her which I can't and now...look what karma bought us in. I shut the door behind me sliding my hand against the wood hearing her sniffling. I wanna go in so bad and just hug her apologising or something but I don't allow myself. Oh I hate this!

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