《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》ten



It's years ago when me and Don was alot younger. I was laying in the bed under the blankets with Don between my legs trying to catch his breath pleasing me with all his will. By that time he was still attracted to me and the bedroom was drowning under lawa. Our love for each other back then was endless and we needed each other more then anything else in this world. I couldn't get enough of him. I couldn't wait to have a night spending with him in his strong arms protecting me.

I remember him going down to kiss my leg as I struggle to keep my breathings normal. He move his lips away and look into my eyes.

"I will always love you no matter what. You're my perfect love story." I remember his voice.

*end of dream*

"You're my perfect love story." His voice echoed in my head. I open my eyes looking into a blank wall. I wipe out my eyes realising I've cried.

I miss him.

I want him.

I love him.

I'm inlove with him.

I want us back.

I sit up and look at the clock.


Oh my gosh.

I don't want to get out of bed but I'm so thirsty.

I stood up and walk to the kitchen switching on the light. I sort of feel different after that dream like...I need Don.

"Hey." I heard as I pure me a glass of juice. I look behind me and see Don.

"Hey. Want juice?" I asked looking at him.

"Would love some." He replied. I take out another glass and pure him juice feeling his energy behind me.

I turn around and give his glass taking a sip of mine. I look at my glass then back at him.


"What happened to your perfect love story?" I asked putting my glass down still turned to him.

He look down then back at me.

"I had a dream about that night though." He said. I gave a surprised smile.

"Me too. I just don't know why on earth." I said surprised and give a little giggle as he gave me a warm smile.

"I missed you so so so much and I really wish I could take back what I did." He said touching my face. I give a smile and take his glass out of his hand putting it on the table.

I wrap my arms around his neck and look at him. Should I tell him about Pierce?

"Don, I'm sorry we're not the same behind closed doors anymore." I said dropping my face on his shoulder as I felt his arms around me. It feels so good and warm. This is exactly where I belong.

"We can be like that again." He whispered in my ear.

"I don't think we can be like that again." I said half upset looking away from him as I stood back still with his arms around my waists.

"Why not?" He asked.

I look down with tears in my eyes then back at the roof.

"I'm not that sexy young women you slept with. I won't be able to possess your mind when we...fire up the bedroom. All that's left is ashes that had one hell of a big fire once and I miss that, I really do but when we make love I know for a fact I won't be the one on your mind." I cried and look down folding my arms.

"Meryl, the only person I thought about when I went out of my head was you. I thought it was you. I didn't replace you. I just couldn't stop myself and when I woke up... it was someone else." He said lifting up my cheek.


"See that's the thing. I'm not her. I don't have her body. I don't look a thing like her. I don't even know what she looks like." I cried. He pull me into a hug and kiss my hair.

"You look more beautiful then she'll ever wish to be. I got myself tested and luckily I somehow used protection without knowing it so I don't have any diseases or anything. I'm healthy and the same husband you got married to." Don said drying up my tears with his thumbs.

Shit. I didn't use protection with Pierce at all! I'm such a horrible person.

I owe him!

He needs me.

And I'll give myself to him.

I run my hands over his chest to his neck and kiss him without even looking at him. If I do he'll see the crack in our marriage on my side. He came closer to me standing against me against the counter.

His hands travel all around my body down to my lap as he lift my dress a little.

I use my hands to lift myself on the table straddling him in wanted.

I stop kissing him and take off his shirt throwing it on the floor.

That's when I found something in his kisses that I didn't find in Pierce's. I don't love Pierce and I NEVER wanna kiss him AGAIN!!!

"I love you." I moaned over and over again during our kisses. He pick me up and walk into the room I left a few seconds ago. He place me on the bed and lay between my legs throwing the blankets over us.

Moments of teasing passed by. He kissed my neck breathing all the way down my body after I removed my pyjama dress.

After moments of drowning in my breathings he looked at me to catch breath and touched my face.

"I've never seen anyone sexier than you." He said and give me a kiss. "You're my perfect love story."

"Awww." I gave him a kiss feeling his hands rubbing my thighs taking his moves slow and steady

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