《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》nine


That night after taking a warm bath I walk into the kitchen ready for a long hard day. I think I'm gonna pop by at one of the children but I don't actually feel like leaving now. I like the silence and my torture towards Don.

Although I still feel super bad for what happened between me and Pierce I can't help feeling that we're actually almost equally. I took a deep breath and sighed walking away from the window to the kitchen counter placing myself on the chair that stood between another chair and the wall.

I throw my head back again trying to suite this awkward silence. Where the hell is that man again?

The phone rang causing me to jump literally almost off the chair. I grab the phone and put it to my ear.


"Hey Meryl." I heard Julie.

"Looks like since you found my house phone number you can't stop calling." I laughed.

"Yeah. Do you wanna have a drink or two later?" She asked no desire to laugh.

"Yeah sure." I replied a little confused.

I walk into the bar up to Julie that waited for me.

"Hey Jul." I greeted her with a hug and a kiss.

"Hey Mer. Sit down." She greeted back. I take seat next to her as she touch my hand. "The reason I invited you here is because I know you're not doing fine. Plus I wanted to get you out of that awkward silence at home."

"Thank you hun. I'm actually enjoying the torture." I giggled. She gave me a serious look as I drop my face on the palm of my hand. I sit up straight again and smile at her. "I'm fine."

"If you say so." She smiled.


"I need the bathroom." I said and stood up.

"Call me if you need a shoulder." She smiled.

I nod and walk to the bathroom. Ladies room.

I walk straight to the sink infront of the mirror looking at myself.

Oh my gosh. My eyes is so watery.

Walking out of the bathroom someone grabbed me around my waist and put me against the wall. I look at the face in horror seeing no one but Pierce.

Of course

"Pierce, what the hell?" I said about to freak out.

"Meryl, I was wrong. I don't love you. I'm inlove with you. I can't stop thinking about you." He said. I could smell on him that he didn't drink at all.

"No. Pierce." I moaned in regression. "Pierce I can't leave Don now."

"Meryl, he cheated on you with someone else." Pierce said trying to talk shit in my head.

"And I cheated on him with you." I couldn't let him get me to do this to Don again. Pierce is attractive and one of the sexiest James Bonds ever! But seriously, I need to start controlling myself around him and show him what we're doing is wrong.

"Because you love me Meryl." He said touching my face. My gosh I can't...resist him.

"We're done filming Pierce. There's no way I'm gonna have a complicated affair with you. Go back to your wife because I have a life to live, same goes to you." I said trying to walk away. He grab me around my waist and kiss me on the lips. Somehow I started searching for something in his kiss and that is the truth.

Do I love him?

Or am I inlove with him?

He let go and look down at me as I try to catch my breath.


"Julie is waiting for me." I said and walk away in shock.

It's kind of very late and I had sort of more then one drink. Not drunk. Not waisted. I am just me. I'm too upset to think about getting drunk or waisted.

"Where the fuck have you been!" Don shout walking up to me.

"I was with Julie." I replied looking at him as if he was just some foolish man.

"Without even telling me! I have stressed my ass off worrying about where you were!" He shout. I role my eyes and put my hands on my hips.

"Well maybe you should stop! I'm old enough to look after myself. I'm not your horse you can ride around neither your house keeper. I'm your wife for fuck's sake!" I shout angrily looking into his eyes that stared a hole in mine.

"Then stop this silence! I made a mistake I get it but please! We're grown ups!" He shout. I role my eyes and walk pass him as he grab my arm and turn me around. "Where are you going?"

"To bed." I replied.

"But we're not done here." He said. I gave a sarcastic laugh.

"Yes we are." I said looking him out of his clothes loving the torture. "Everything that slut touched will and shall be burned tomorrow else I don't put a foot in our bedroom."

I take back my arm and went to the room I'm spending my horrible nights in.

I climb in bed after putting on my pyjamas and switch of the light on my bedside.

Drifting into a nice comfortable warm sleep.

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