《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》eight


The morning light crash against my eyes. I sit up straight. Owww my neck. I stood up and put on my rope making up my bed. I walk off to the kitchen switching on the kettle after checking it's water.

I sit down at the table taking a magazine.

"Morning." Don greeted walking in.

"Morning." I greeted back not looking at him. I run through the pages ignoring him.

I move out of my chair and open the cabinet. That moment the phone rang. I walk to it and answer.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Meryl it's me Julie. We need to talk?"i heard the voice.

"Sure what's up?" I asked.

"Pierce told me what happened on the beach. Are you okay?" She asked. I look at Don that looked at me.

"Yeah totally." I replied.

"Are you sure? Did you and Don talked yet?" She asked.

"No. I can't." I replied looking at him knowing he has no idea we're actually talking about him.

"Meryl honey, you need to." She said. I hear talking in the back. I look away and walk out to the back placing myself at the garden table throwing my feet on the table.

"Are you at the spa?" I asked with a little smile.

'Yeah. Wait a second. You're not trying to change the subject are you?" She asked seriously.

"No. I'm trying not to." I giggled a bit knowing Don is standing at the doorway.

"Well you better not." She replied. "Plus, Christine is here. Say hey"

"Hey Meryl!" I heard her.

"Hey Christine." I smiled looking down, taking my feet off the table.

"We're at the spa." I heard her giggle I stood up and laugh.

"You two are the worste friends ever going without me!" I joked.


"But you gotta love us." They giggled.

"Yeah of course I do. Bye you two." I greeted.

"Hey wait Meryl!" Christine shout and grab the phone. "Do you think I should give Julie a bottle wine so that she can past out and forget about this to redo the day?"

"Hey." I hear Julie warned. "Bye honey."

I laugh and hang up the phone wiping off my smile. I walk up to Don that stood in the doorway.

"We need to talk." He said.

"About what? You and that slut or what happened to my phone?" I asked angrily walking pass him into the kitchen putting the phone down.

"Meryl you know that things aren't the same anymore and I missed you so I drank a little too much and crossed the line!" He shout. I roar in frustration like a teenager.

"You slept with another women for Pete's sake! What the fuck were you thinking Don?" I shout about to explode.

"I was drunk okay." He replied.

"But I wasn't okay! I was in the middle of having dinner with the whole fucking cast including everyone that's working with the movie! You have no clue how it felt at that moment with the thought that your husband is cheating!" I shout angrily.

"So your phone fell and broke? Mine fell hundreds of time and didn't broke!" He shout like he wanted something to blame me for.

"I threw it! If I didn't murder my phone I would've murdered you!" I shout on my highest angry note.

"I regret sleeping with that women every single fucking second since it happened! I regret not being able to hold you in my arms! But you should understand! Things aren't the same in the bedroom anymore!" He shouted trying to be reasonable.


"Because we're not twenty fucking two anymore! I'm not a young sexy sex partner anymore okay! And I'm sorry if I'm not attractive to you anymore but I sure as hell don't actually give a damn!" I cried. He look down and touch his head looking at me about to touch me.

"What's happening to us Meryl?" He asked about to touch my shoulders.

"Don't touch me okay! As long as your hands was laid on another women I don't want it on me!" I shout and walk madly to the guestroom. My new room. Although it doesn't feel like my home at all. I fall flat on my bed and start crying.

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