《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》seven


Meryl's P.O.V

The next day at the airport we all said our goodbyes. I give Amanda a kiss on the lips and a hug. Then my two friends, 'the dynamos'.

"Take care of yourself Meryl." Julie said.

"And show that son of a bitch you're better then a slut that's good in making the floors wet." Christine add.

"What ever that means." I giggled and give them a group hug. "Thank you two for everything."

Taking the plane basically alone back to my part in New York it was so lonely and all I could think about is killing that man thieve.

Mental planning:

1.ignore Don for a while

2.keep yourself busy

3.don't tell him about your summer romance

I gave a little smile muttering to myself, "that bitch's gonna pay."

The plane finally landed which I was thankful for. No matter how many times I fly I still get afraid.

My guards wait for me with a private car. I climb in and sit back as they drove off all the way to my home.

I arrive home and walk in seeing the car is gone. I sure don't care at all. I walk in seeing the regular.

I put my bags in my room and unpacked. Got myself a nice cup of tea and planted myself infront of the television.

I switch off the television finding nothing interesting to watch. I stood up seeing the dark sky outside.

Where should I sleep tonight? Guestroom or my room.

My room. That way Don would be pissed to see I'm actually home and no one knows a damn thing.

Too late. Could probably be one of the children calling to the house phone right now.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey mom, you home?" Henry asked.


"Yeah. If I wasn't I wouldn't answer the phone right." I replied. He laugh.

"Of course."

"Henry, do you have any idea where your father is?" I asked just a little concerned like I cared.

"No, why?" He asked worried.

"Just asking. He's not home yet. But please tell the girls I'm home save and that I'm going for a nap." I said with a little bit tears in my eyes.

"Of course. Love you." He replied.

"Love you too." I replied and hang up the phone.

I walk into my room and froze in horror.

I could almost see my husband with another women!

"There's no fucking way I'm sleeping in here again." I muttered and switch off the light walking to the guestroom.

I lay in bed in the darkness stressing my ass off. Where the hell is he! I look at the clock and see it's almost midnight.

Oh crap. He's probably here. I hear his car pulling in. He walk in the house putting the keys on the table. He doesn't sound drunk at all.

I hear the bedroom door swinging open as I pretend to sleep. The door close again and I look at it hearing the footsteps travelling all the way up to our bedroom. I climb out of bed, grab my rope and silently go out of the room. I look up at our bedroom door seeing it closing. No sign of women I hope.

I stick to my plans and head of to bed.

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