《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》six


Meryl's P.O.V

Days passed by and the regular happened between me and Pierce which Julie and Christine thought I ended but I just couldn't.

I love him too much.

Doing the winner take it all today was kind of freaky. I'm sort of not afraid but I'm afraid of what Pierce would think.

"Action!" I heard. I got confused with what side I should pass Pierce so he said right.

"Okay." I walk up trying to hide my smile.

"Donna, we have to talk about who's giving Sophie away." He said.

"That would be me." I said trying not to laugh when I forgot what side to go.

"Go to the right. Go to the right." He laughed.

"Cut!" I look at Pierce and laugh.

"I'm more comfortable going to the left so..." I started.

"Then go to the left." He laughed. I laugh and took my place ready for another shoot.

"Okay. Action!"

Everything infront of me changed. I saw Pierce as Don which I felt like I wanna run away.

I walk up to him being serious at the same time he noticed something was up and I knew it.

"Donna. Donna we need to talk about who's giving Sophie away." He said as I look at him.

"That would be me." I replied walking on as he stopped me.

"What about her dad. Sophie wants her father here. What about if her father wants that too?" He asked seriously.

"What? Sam I can't do this now. I can't..." I chuckle with a lump in my throat.

"Donna, this is about us." He said as this is where I snapped. Don was standing right infront of me.

"I don't wanna talk. About the things we've gone through. Though it's hurting me. Now it's history..." I started to sing. Everything dissapeared around me as I let my feelings take over.


I sang my heart out as it just wouldn't allow me to snap back to reality.

This is for you Don!

I'm sorry I'm not as freaking hot as the slut you probably slept with. I hope you watch this one day you son of a bitch!

Making my turn I wrap up my scarf and run up to the church. Like I would run away from him to a better place like after beating up that slut.

I came at the top and look back seeing Pierce. Reality slammed me and I felt a little relieve noticing my tears was real. Not the acting thing I pull over myself all the time.

"The winner takes it..." deep breath Meryl. "Aaaaaalll."

I turn around and put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath as I wipe of my tears which was almost impossible.

Pierce's P.O.V

Wow! I'm shocked and speechless at the same time.

This is when I realised that what I'm doing is wrong in so many ways. I owe my wife an apology.

I'm not INLOVE with Meryl.

I just LOVE her for being her.

There's a difference.

My gosh. This vacation thing better pass by quickly. I just wanna go home.

I'm gonna tell her the truth at the end of filming this movie. But not in a rude way, in a nice caring way.


Meryl's P.O.V

We all raised out glasses to make cheers.

"To the end of Mamma Mia!"

I take a sip of my wine and smiled.

I look aside and see Pierce staring at me.

"I'll be right back." I said and put down my glass walking away.

"Where are you going?" Amanda asked. I turn around and look at her.


"Just getting fresh air." I replied. She smile and look back at the people as I walk away to the beach. I take a seat in the sand staring at the water that throw a shine on my face caused by the moonlight.

"Hey." I look next to me and see Pierce.

"Hey." I greeted back as he take a seat next to me.

"So this is the last night." He said with a sighed.

"Yeah." I replied taking a deep breath.

"Look Meryl we gotta talk." He said. I look at him waiting for a response. "I can't...we can't be more than friends."

I laugh and role my eyes looking back infront of me.

"I know Pierce. This was all just some stupid summer romance." I said with tears in my eyes hoping he doesn't see it. "All problem is how on earth I'm gonna explain to Don."

"He doesn't need to know. Neither does my wife." I heard Pierce say. I look at him and give my right hand.

"It was nice working with you Pierce. Friends?" I gave a little smile.

"Friends." He replied shaking my hand. We let go and look back at the view infront of us.

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