《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》five


Meryl's P.O.V

Oh shit! I'm late. I jump out of bed seeing it's empty. Thank goodness. Kind of embarrassing to run around naked infront of someone else beside Don.

Don! Oh crap!

Come on Meryl you have better things to worry about now so snap out of it!

After a quick shower I run out of my room falling flat to the ground struggling to put my shoe on.

"Meryl are you okay?" Julie asked running up to me.

"Yeah I'm fine. I slept in." I replied as she help me up. I look at her confused as she smiled at me.

"No actually Meryl you're early up." Julie smiled. I role my eyes and laugh.

"Of course." I said tapping my hand on my head.

"Are you alright?" Julie asked suspiciously.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked. She nod as I grab her arm and pull he into my room. "Okay so what I'm gonna tell you stays here okay."

"What is it Meryl?" She asked. I hold my breath and let it go with one simple sentence.

"I'm having an affair." I spit out. Stupid but okay.

"What? With who?" She asked shocked.

"Pierce Brosnan of course." I said rolling my eyes as I start wondering around regretfully.

"Does Don know?" Julie asked.

"No. No." I replied about to explode. I look at the clock realising someone changed the time.

"Well I think I know why you woke up thinking you're late. He wanted you to wake up and the moment he caught sighed of you he'll be able to have you for himself." Julie giggled. I look at her with my eyes stretched wide open in shock.

"He's playing with fire." I said.


"So are you Meryl Streep." Julie said walking up to me placing her hands on my shoulders. "End it before it's too late. Women fall easily inlove and you can't effort to get divorced now."

"Oh shit." I muttered when there was a knock on the door. "Hide!"

Julie run to the bathroom and close the door leaving me laughing as I walk to the door, steady myself and open the door seeing Pierce.

"Can I come in?" He asked. I nod and walk out of the way closing the door behind him. He looked kind of down and sad.

"What's up?" I asked taking a seat next to him on the bed.

"I...I'm inlove with you Meryl." He finally said.

"No." I said unhappily grabbing my cheeks in regression. "This is all my fault."

"I changed your time so that you could run out and we can take a walk so that I could tell you how I feel about us." He said placing his hand on my leg.

"Pierce you're married and so am I." I said hoping Julie isn't listening which is impossible. A knock took place on the door again.

I stood up and walk to the door opening seeing Christine.

"Hey Meryl did you see..." she started and barked the following seeing Pierce in my room. "...what... the fuck is he doing in your room behind a closed door?"

"Christine, I can explain but this is not what it looks like." I tried to stop her. Pierce stood up and walk to us.

"I'll see you later." He told me and walk out. I grab her arm and pull her into the room closing the door banging my hand on the bathroom door for Julie to come out.


Julie fold her arms at me shaking her head.

"Maybe 'End it now' is too late." She said bossy.

"End what now?" Christine asked looking confuse then realised what this conversation is about. "Meryl. Meryl. What have you done?"

"I'm a horrible human being." I said sitting on the bed putting my face in my hands. "Don is gonna explode."

"Then don't tell him." Julie said taking a seat next to me. I gave her an add look.

"He's my husband." I said.

"Is there any contract you signed that said you have to tell him EVERYTHING?" Christine asked putting the word, 'everything' out clearly.

"No." I replied half worried.

"Then you didn't cheat on him unless he caught you." Julie said.

"Yeah, what happened in Kalokairi stays in Kalokairi." Christine said replacing Vegas with Kalokairi. Such a shitty thing to do but I guess that's literally the truth.

"Okay." I finally said.

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