《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》four


Meryl's P.O.V

Waking up in a warm bed in strong arms. Must've took me a thirty seconds to realize that this isn't a dream. And that I'm actually in Pierce's arms and not in Don's.

Honestly, I don't even know how it feels to be in don's arms and now...I actually miss him more than ever.

I wish I could hold him tight again. He may have made mistakes but so did I. Plus, he did it because...because I wasn't there for him anymore.

Stupid note to myself to ask Don.

1.who did you think of when you slept with another women? Did you think about me?

2.did you imagine it being me?

3.were you drunk?

4.does she kiss the way I use to kiss you?

5.can she be me when she replace me?

6.can she cook?

7.can she clean?

8.will she respect the choices you make in life like I do?

9.will she take good care of you?

10.will you forgive me?

Oh Don, if you get to choose her...please make sure she will take good care of you.

Tears starts dancing upon my cheek as I grab my rope and ran to the bathroom locking it. I start crying rivers, rivers and rivers.

Why am I like this?

Why couldn't I just be the wife he wanted maybe if I was he wouldn't have cheated on me!

Don, where are you?

Don's P.O.V

I sit in the kitchen with my face dropped in the palms of my hand. What on earth have I done? Never ever have I party with this type of regression.

Will she ever be able to look me in the eyes?

Will she ever...come home again?

I'm a MONSTER!!! a TRADER!!!


Pierce's P.O.V

I stand in the studio listening to Meryl's voice. Something made her sad and I knew it that moment right away.

Meryl's P.O.V

It's been two weeks and I haven't heard a thing from Don again. Well that's because I didn't have a phone anymore.

Taking the boat to Kalokairi to film Mamma Mia the movie, me and Pierce got to share a room. What we created the night we made love to each other stayed in that room and me and Pierce was just good friends and well...maybe more when there wasn't any eye witnesses.

We had to shoot mostly every scene a thousand of times.

Three weeks later.


Shooting the scene where I did mamma mia on the roof was sort of a...hard working experience. Same goes to dancing queen. Is was sort of hard but much more easy when you're working in a team.

Awkward to sing infront of people? Well it's not awkward or weird it's just...scary. Me and Pierce working together was the biggest part of fun I have had in a while.

"Meryl, phone for you." Amanda said walking up to me. She gave me her phone as I place it to my ear knowing it's Don.

"Hi." Is all I let out.

"Hi mom what's going on?" Oh crap! It's Grace.

"Oh hi Grace." I acted cool as I look at Amanda that smiled at me.

"Why aren't you answering your phone?" She asked angrily.

"It fell and broke sweetie." I rep

"Okay. Dad doesn't seem good. He's really worried about you though." Grace said. I feel tears appearing in my eyes.

"I know sweetie. Anyway I need to go. We're shooting an important scene now. Love you." I said about to take the phone away.

"Okay. Love you too. Bye." She hung up the phone. I slowly took the phone away from my ear and gave it to Amanda.

"Are you alright?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah. I'm good." I replied and walk away with the two dynamos behind me.

"Action!" We heard. We hear the girls continuing with Lay all your love in me as they got quiet.

"Ladies and no gentlemen. Representing for one night, and one night only...!" Christine's voice blarred. I laugh at her remarks she make to Julie.

"Cause that's all we got breath!" Julie interrupted.

"Oh speak for yourself you old bat." Christine joked at Julie. "Donna and the dynamos!"

The doors swing open and we step forward on the stage.

Our voices dance through the speakers as we sang Super Trouper.

I keep my mind away from home and Don.

Hard? Yes it was. I have a lot to say sorry for and so does he.

Sorry for not being the healthy energetic wife he use to have. Sorry for jumping in the bed with another man. Sorry for not being able to be in contact with him because I murdered my poor phone!

-But he gotta understand this... I'll never be young again and we had our play, if he wants to have me again, he would have to take me with him back in time, not some slut that takes her pants off the moment she sees my husband. I wanna be the one he explores, I wanna be the one he wakes up next to every morning. I wanna be the only women he ever laid his hands on. And by getting all that back I'm gonna stop the part of my brain that's forcing me to hate him and that's by spicing up the bedroom after a while of torturing him for going to bed with another women that's been probably used more than google.


Snap out of it Meryl! My part in the sing came. My eyes laid on Pierce like my character tried to deny him but he's there. Like...he was there to take away my pain. Pierce have been there...on my most desperate moments when I yanked out for a little attention that sort of...threw gasoline in the bedroom and we light it on fire.

Goodness I could slap myself now but that would be just a silly thing to do. Next thing I knew is Amanda running up and hugging me. Giggles surround my ears like bells.

Shooting another few scenes I jumped into my character as the Meryl inside of me dissapear. It feels so good to be someone else. All the emotions running crazy around inside of me could make me explode which I decided to take it out on my character.

After shooting voulez vouz we all sat around table eating and after that went to our rooms. I didn't walk with Pierce because I didn't want anyone to see my silent tears.

Arriving in my room I went to the bathroom locking myself in there. Deciding to take a shower was a brilliant idea. So I hopped in a nice shower. I miss Don so much. Even though he cheated on me, so what? I did the same.

"Meryl are you here?" I heard Pierce.

"Yes. I'm in the shower!" I shout.

"Okay!" I could hear him placing himself on the bed. I look at myself in the mirror. Goodness where does all these tears come from?

Climbing out of the shower and getting ready for bed I must've start dancing with the silence. I walk out of the bathroom and look at Pierce that layed on the bed reading a book.

"I need a drink." I said closing the windows. Pierce remove the book and look at me.

"Me too." He agree. He take out a bottle of wine sneakily out of his back.

"Oh my gosh." I gasped with a giggle.

"Where'd you get that?" I asked walking up to him that stood up with the bottle in his hand.

"Here's nice greek people on the island so it's easy to tango with them...for a bottle of wine." He laughed. I laugh and touch his face.

"That's so sweet Mr.Brosnan." I smiled.

"And you're sweet yourself Mrs.Streep." he said opening the bottle. I grab the wine glasses and hold it so that he can pure us wine.

Funny what alcohol can do to you. Take you high and...make you foolish. Well atleast I wasn't the only one. Dancing around with Pierce and laughing together was...great?

We were so waisted! And this after one bottle. Goodness what's in this greek wine.

The night was spinning like a movie. One moment dancing other moment sitting on the bed complaining about random crap like old scars on our hands and about how weird we felt at that moment and it all because of a bottle greek wine and...maybe a little pot?

Somehow I knew I'll regret it in the morning but like they say, 'enjoy it while it lasts'

Our imagination drove us so wild and we were waisted as freaking hell! Laughing at each other as we tried to sing and remember our words of the song, 'don't stop believing' by Journey.

Laughing at the epic fails. Laying on the floor laughing. Playing with candles and laughing at random crap. Wouldn't surprise me is the whole world can hear us so I made Pierce quiet that couldn't stop laughing on ending up laying on the floor.

Seeing weird things when we look in the mirror. I even caught Pierce talking to himself in the mirror. It all ended at the moment we danced and stopped infront of one another staring deep into each other's eyes.

My heart pound against my ribs as he held me closer to him. Our lips hit like drums as we move roughly to the bed not removing our lips once.

Teasing each other for a while. I forgot about everything and everyone around us having no one but Pierce on my mind

His touch. His breath. The smell of his cent. His movements. All breath taking. His whispers in my ear. His sexy man talk. My goodness. It turns me on.

Wrapping my legs around him made me realize how attracted he really is to me.

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