《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》two


Meryl's P.O.V

We walk into the big building that was build so amazingly from the inside. From what I've seen this looks exactly just like the images I found on the internet.

White buildings, fake green trees here and there and lights falling upon them. So amazing how things like this could be done.

"Amazing ain't it?" Amanda giggled standing next to me.

"It sure is." I giggled. We both walked up to the rest of the cast that was planning everything.

"Meeting!" I heard someone shout.

It's been two days here and everything was fine. Somehow I couldn't help but think pierce is trying to hit on me like everytime we saw each other at the golden globes etc.

But I didn't care about who hits on me although I'm married, I act like I don't know he's hitting on me and just carry on.

So we are celebrating it at the hotel drinking wine. Laughing and talking all night. My phone started to ring. Something told me not to pick it up but then there's another part of me saying, "answer your goddamn phone"

I look at the screen seeing Don's name. I press the green button and answered, "Hallo?"

"Oh yes! Don baby!" It was a femail voice. Like she was busy... oh my gosh. Mamie told me what pocket dialling is so I think this is exactly what it is.

Tears stream into my eyes as I hear his breathing. Oh my gosh, I can't take this anymore. I hang up the phone and stand up with tears in y eyes looking at Pierce and the rest.

"Excuse me for a moment." I run away to the bathroom. I lean against the wall and start crying. Why is he doing this? Is it because I'm old that he may not be attracted to me anymore or what?


"Meryl?" I heard Christine and Julie came running in and sat on their knees infront of me.

"What's going on?" Christine asked as I feel their hands on my arms and hair. I look at them with tears streaming rivers down my cheek.

"He's cheating on me. Don is cheating on me." I cried. The girls gasped and pull me into their friendship embrace.

"How do you know?" Julie asked.

"Well pocket dialling can happen anytime." I replied and sit up straight with my back against the wall looking at the two wondering faces.

"Meryl, I'm really sorry." Christine said. "Is there anything we can do for you?"

"Walk me to my room and tell everyone I'll see them in the morning." I replied and stand up with them.

"Are you sure you don't want to enjoy the evening since we're starting to record tomorrow?" Julie asked.

"No. I just want to sleep." I replied. They nod sadly and walk me to my room.

Pierce's P.O.V

I walk up to Julie and Christine that came worriedly back to us.

"Where is she? What's going on?" I asked concerned. They look worriedly at each other then back at me.

"She's in her room." Julie replied.

I walk past them to her room's way being stopped by Christine.

"Say nice things to her please. And don't mention anything about true love or...Don" she said. I nod awkwardly and ran up the stairs to her room. The door is halfway open. I could see the figure laying in bed with her back to the door. I walk up to her bed after closing the door behind me. I climb on the bed behind her back and lean over her shoulder seeing her crying.


"Is everything alright?" I asked. What a way to start a conversation? Well done Pierce brosnan!

Oh my, she turn to her back and look at me drying up her tears.

"Did you ever cheat on your wife?" She asked. I start thinking about it and just when I was about to answer she interrupted. "Don't answer that." She turn back infront of her. I put my hand on her shoulder as she put her hand on mine that made its way halfway to her elbow.

"Meryl." She look at me as I wrap my arm around her body.

"Yes Pierce?" I rest my body on her bed keeping my eyes on hers.

"I want you to know that I'm here for you every step of the way okay." I said caringly. She gave a little fake smile and turn around to face me as I rest my hand on her waist.

She took a moment of wondering till she started talking again.

"Pierce, you're a man and...I want an honest answer from you okay." She finaly said. I nod as we had our eyes clued to each other. "Am I...attractive to you?"

"Oh very much Meryl." I replied honestly.

"Then why did Don cheat on me?" She started to cry. I pull her into my embrace. Now's your chance Pierce. Proof to her how you feel.

"Because he doesn't deserve you." I replied foolishly. I couldn't help but to run my hand to her thighs that looked so beautiful from under her short pyjama dress.

She look at me and place her soft hand on my cheek.

"You get me Pierce. Thank you." She thanked with a lump in her throat.

I smile and just when I was about to kiss her lips she wipe away a rolling tear.

"Goodnight Pierce. Sleep tight." She turn around again letting my hand slip off.

"Goodnight Meryl." I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then stood up walking out of the door.

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