《Just 'friends' (Meryl and Pierce)》one


Meryl's P.O.V

I woke up by the sound of a car's horn outside. I sit up straight and look at my right seeing Don. Sleeping like a rock snoring like usually. Funny thing how things between us is so great but there's no fire in the bedroom anymore. Well we get old and things can change.

I stood up and got dressed. I walk down the corridor and switched on the kettle.

"Morning." Don greeted walking in.

"Morning." I greeted back and sit down at the table infront of him. "You're gonna be alright when I leave, right?"

He look into my eyes and nod taking my hands. "I'll miss you sure as hell but it's only a few months right?" He gave me the lovely smile as he let go of my hands.

I nod with agreement. I look at the clock and gave a fright.

"Oh my gosh! We over slept!" I jump up and move in the chair.

"How late must you be at the airport?" Don asked standing up.

"Well according to the details I got I should be there in thirty minutes. I already got things packed." I run up to my room coming back down with my luggage.

Don stood there confused for a while.

"Come on, would you?" I rush out the door and put my luggage in the trunk. Don climb in the car ready and dressed and we drove to the airport.

We finally came at the airport. Don touch my face looking worriedly at me.

"I'm gonna be fine okay. I'll call you every night before I go to bed." I said assuring him that I'll be fine.

"Darling you haven't even eat a thing yet." He said edging closer to me.


"I won't die honey. I'll get myself something to eat on the plane okay. Bye I love you." I said looking into his dreamy eyes.

"I love you too." He gave me a sweet kiss as I watch him walk away. I miss him already. Gosh I'm such a lucky women to have a man like him.

I turn around at the rest that was laughing and talking about the trip ahead. This is gonna be a long summer.

"Meryl, oh my gosh!" Amanda run up into my arms and hugged me tightly. Amanda is such a sweet girl. Blonde and beautiful. "We're finally working together." She shout full excitement.

I just smile as we start walking on.


Pierce's P.O.V

Oh my gosh I'm so late! I run up to the rest of the cast only to find two blondes.



My goodness, she looks more beautiful real life then on television.

"Hi daddy." Amanda joked as I gave both of them a hug and a kiss. We laugh as we saw Dominic coming up to us.

"Hi Amanda." He gave her a hug.

"Hi Pierce." He shook my hand and then look at Meryl.

"My my Meryl. You are so much more beautiful then I'd ever imagine." Dominic give Meryl a hug and kiss. How jelous am I? A lot!

"Oh Dominic you're so sweet." They finally let go of each other. Meryl walk up to the rest and hugged them. Her movement and everything sort of had me head over heels.

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