《Salty but Sweet- Kei Tsukishima X Black Fem Reader》Salty and sweet


The car ride was silent for some reason, you assumed it was due to the fact that everyone was nervous. Kei was nervous for the proposal ; Mei was nervous to see her boyfriend and you were nervous because your best friend was about to get proposed too...

"Okay we're here," you smiled parking the car. Mei thanked you and headed up to her place, you and Kei followed slowly behind her.

"Has Akiteru sorted everything?" You asked, Kei nodded. "I'm pretty sure he has, I mean he did tell us to come back." "That's very true , I can't wait to see what he has planned, not gonna lie." You chuckled.

"You still gonna buy me hair for the wedding?" You asked.

"You cheeky bitch," he exclaimed.

"What? You did say you were gonna buy me hair, plus you're rich. For a rich person you act pretty broke..." you stated.

"Whatever, let's go. Like now..." Kei said.

"Nah , you're just mad that I'm right. Cheap skate." You giggled. "Now how do you think I stay rich ?" Kei asked, "exactly now hush..."

"Whatever Tsukishima." You said rolling your eyes.

"Ain't no way you've just called me Tsukishima."

"What if I did..." you challenged, before attempting to walk into the lobby. Kei grabbed your arm and spun you around to face him. "Wouldn't it get confusing though..."

"How would it get confusing?" you asked, "we don't live with Akiteru."

"Just don't make a habit of it..." He said pulling you closer to him, "especially since it's going to be your last name soon..." He kissed your cheek and walked off.

"Kei where are you going ? You cant say shit like that and walk off. Come back right now..." You called following behind him.

Tsukishima ignored you and carried on walking ; "Kei get back here right now damn it." You said rushing after him; but he just ignored you , once again, and carried on walking.

You stood next to him in the lift, "so..."

"Forget it," he said. You sighed and decided to drop it, you didn't want to push him too hard or he would probably snap. Not something you wanted to see today of all days...

The lift doors opened , revealing the luxurious complex...

"Y/n, Kei is that you..." Akiteru called.

"Mmhmm," Kei hummed. "What do you want us to do ?" He asked.

"You, stay with me." He said looking at Kei. "And you..." He said turning to look at you, "help Mei , I've already told her we're going on a double date."

You nodded at him and walked towards Mei's room.

"Hi y/n," she smiled. "What took you so long, you missed Akiteru's reaction to my nails."

"Why do I feel like you're being sarcastic right now."

"Because I am idiot, he barely looked at them. He just said they were nice. Nice. Anyways, let me just forget about it or I'll end up crying..."


"Mei calm down babe, he was probably just busy. We are going on a double date tonight...."

"Mm true, I guess... So what are you planning on wearing?" She asked you, "Wanna match?"

"Let's match , should we go with same colour, or same style?" You exclaimed.

"Style, we can have the dresses match our nails." You suggested.

"Hmm good idea, I do look good in a yellow... And I'm pretty sure I have a pale blue dress that would look amazing on you. Actually I have two, would you like a long strappy dress or a corset dress? I have both in yellow so it doesn't matter what you pick."

"Guess I'll go with the corset then babe, thank you."

"Good choice y/n, here." Mei walked over to her wardrobe and pulled out the dress. "Wear it." She stated handing it over to you.

You tried it on and admired yourself in the mirror. "You look hot, if I was single I'd fuck you."

"What's stopping you?" You smirked.

"Me." Kei said walking into the bedroom, "hands off my girlfriend Mei." He wrapped his arms around you from behind and started caressing your body. "You see all this..." He smirked, "it's mine." He smacked your ass hard and left the room.

"Kei what the- I hate you." You shouted as he walked out the room. "I know you love me y/n," he called from the corridor. You just kept your mouth shut, you didn't want to deal with his shit anymore. He was having too much fun with you.

"You not gonna say it back?" Mei asked. You shook your head, "I'm not giving him that satisfaction."

You slipped on one if Mei's dressing gowns and began to do your hair. "Slick bun or puff?" You asked her.

"Bun," she smiled "but do that thing where you have two curly strands at the front. I even have a blue butterfly clip to go in your hair if you want." She offered.

"Thanks babe, I'm gonna have to take you up on that offer." You smiled as you began to do your edges.

"Are you gonna say it back or..." you heard Tsukishima call from the other room.

"Fuck you Tsukishima Kei!" You shouted.

"That's what you did last night babe," he said before walking off once again. You rolled your eyes at him and apologised to Mei. "Ignore him," you said to her and she just chuckled.

As you did your hair, Mei started on her makeup. You guys vibed to her playlist, which was pretty good to your surprise.

Once you finished doing your hair you placed the clip on your hair and started your makeup. You didn't put too much on though, because this was Mei's day and you didn't want to overdo it.

"You look beautiful y/n," Mei exclaimed. You smiled at her kind words, "so do you Mei." Her cheeks turned Scarlett as she removed the curlers from her bangs. "You literally have my heart..." she said to you and in return you blew her a kiss.


"Come." She beckoned you over, "let's take a few pics. We have next to no nice ones."

"True," you say, grabbing your phone. You and Mei had a mini photo shoot in your room until you got rudely interrupted by the boys.

"You guys ready to g- My god Mei you look beautiful." Akiteru exclaimed, he was gobsmacked at his girlfriend's beauty.

"You look decent y/n." Kei said. You raised an eyebrow at him, "just decent?"

"Until you tell me you love me, yeah you look decent." He joked, "Akiteru , do you want me to take a picture of you and Mei?" Kei asked.

"Yes he does," she answered. "Akiteru come over here."

You angled the light in a certain way so their pictures would come out bomb and to your surprise Kei was a decent photographer, so the pictures did come out super well.

"Your turn," Mei said to you. She pushed you and Kei to the photo spot and demanded you guys to pose. You could definitely tell she was a model.

"Okay now that's all done, let's go," Akiteru said. "I have reservations at Osamu's place."


You and Kei got into a different car to the others so you could give them a bit of alone time.

"You look stunning shortcake," Kei cracked. You smiled sincerely, "I fucking love you." You beamed as you kissed him on the cheek. "I must say you scrub up nicely."

"I know." He said.

"Shut up Kei," you smacked him lightly on the knee.

"So..." you began, "what's the plan."

"It's a surprise." Kei said.

"Even for me..."

"Even for you y/n, all your allowed to know is that we are going to Osamu's for food." He stated.

"You're a dickhead, you know that right." You frowned.

"Mmhmm , but you still love me though..." He said, you exclaimed in defeat. There was absolutely no arguing with that. You were very much in love with that man.

He put his hand onto your thigh and gave it a tight squeeze. "We're here now you know," he said to you. "You ready?"

You nodded at him, before opening the car door.


Everyone was sat in the restaurant enjoying their lovely meals. You had no idea what Akiteru and Kei had planned but you were extremely excited. You told Yachi before you came about the proposal and she was extremely happy, even though she hasn't even met Mei yet.

As you were eating, you looked around the restaurant and noticed that it was packed. Guests were everywhere. In all the time you have worked there, you had never seen it this full.

"Damn, it's pretty full today isnt it?" You said.

"It's probably because of Mei and Kei, they are pretty well known remember." Akiteru said.

"Yeah that's true , plus I haven't made a public appearance in a while," Mei said. "I'm just a little bit lazy that's all."

"Sure just a little bit," Akiteru mocked.

"I will skin you if you don't behave boy... I'm not joking." She fake smiled, "watch your back."

"Y/n," Kei said, "come with me I forgot something in the car."

"Go by yourself big baby." You whined.

"Y/n," he said firmly. "Come. With. Me."

"Fuck," you said. I'm definitely in trouble. You thought as he took a hold of your hand and dragged you outside the restaurant.

"What was that for," you whined. He kept quiet and opened Akiteru's car. "Hold." He stated , passing you a velvet ring box. "Go to the kitchen and pass this to Osamu , he will know what to do."

"Oh... He's proposing today!" You exclaimed, "Like right here, right now."

Kei nodded.

"Rightio," you smiled, "I'm excited." Slipping the ring into your back pocket you skipped over to the restaurant.

"Y/n, don't make it so fucking obvious." You heard Kei call, you flipped him off before entering the restaurant and changing your demeanour completely.

"Your brother is such an idiot Akiteru , he couldn't remember where we parked the car." You giggled. "You took the smart one Mei." They chuckled at your joke, "first come first serve I guess." Mei smiled.

You laughed, before checking your phone. A text had come through from Kei telling you to hurry your ass up. You slipped the ring to Akiteru under the table leaving you with an empty ring box.

"I'm just gonna say hi to Osamu and everyone," you excused yourself from the table and went to the kitchen. "Osamu?" You called.

"Round back," you heard him say. He was in his chefs outfit today , he wore all white with black trousers and shoes.

" 'Sup,"

"Kei said you'd know what to do?"

"Mmhmm pass it over, it's going in the dessert. I made a smash-able heart that is hollow for the ring box thing to go into and a fudge chocolate ball that she can actually eat." Osamu showed off his work proudly.

"Damn Osamu, you've really been putting in the work." You chuckled, throwing the ring box at him. He caught it with one hand and winked. "Always do y/n, tell Kei I said thanks."

"Will do," you said waving him goodbye as you walked out the kitchen. You were really excited for this proposal now.

In fact it made you wonder...

When will it be my turn...

And will Kei put as much effort as Akiteru did...



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