《That's Why I Love You》Chapter 15


I got up and started my shower to go meet with my parents today. They came back to New York to see me and my gran. I settled on a pair of leggings, a shirt, and some uggs.

"Put a jacket on Milan."

"You scared me dude."

"Wear your mask and be protected with these folk."

"Yes Daddy."

"I'll see y'all later, and after this you quarantining for 2 weeks."

I waved watching him leave. I miss being able to cuddle up under him. Just give me some time y'all! I don't even know where he be disappearing to, because almost everything except for the hospital, fast food, and grocery stores.

I hopped in Dave's car and drove to the destination. I got out seeing we were at a walking trail. Do it look like I want to walk? I got to feed my baby, before my baby's daddy whoop my ass! I snapped out of my thoughts seeing my parents jogging towards me.

"I was going to tell you to come join us, but threw that away. Hey mamas baby." She said wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey mommy." I said enjoying her welcoming love arms as she stroked my hair.

"Fuck all the babying shit! You daddy's little girl, until daddy got to treat like a woman. I should whip your ass! I didn't raise you like that! Then for you to run away from the issue and ghost us! The ones who was trying to be sure you okay! Then I had to find out about my grand-baby through social media! I'm disappointed in you Milan!" My dad lectured me while we sat a near by picnic table.

"I'm sorry daddy." I mumbled pouting.

"Fix your face. I expect better behavior. You yell how you so grown. Act like it, that nigga you allowing to haunt you got a whole family living his best life. Meanwhile you punishing people for what he did." My father scoffed in disbelief.


"Take it easy on her! Yes, what she did was foul. Asswhopping foul, but she our baby. So stop it now! Baby how are you and Dave?" She asked looking at me.

"I don't know mama. I apologized to him and he not bulging. I miss him so much." I told her.

"I bet you do!" My dad butted in smirking. See his ass want me to fight him, dad or not stop fucking with me!

"I wonder if I picked the wrong Baby daddy sometimes, but honey you got to do more than apologizing. Your words almost means nothing now. Your actions got to speak louder! Show that man you changed and really want this just as bad. Because it's clear he loves you like no other. You just really pulled some unforgivable shit, but I think he can manage to forgive you. But after you done all you can you stop chasing him. Don't chase no man who don't want to be chased. And remember we the catch these men supposed to chase us, so don't over play your part." My mama preached to me. This why she my dog! The rest of the time we talked about life and where me and the baby staying at. I hugged them goodbye and got in the car.

I sat in the car debating cook or go get something. I decided to just stop and get me something quick. I got a large strawberry milkshake, a large fry, and a chicken sandwich with: no pickle, add colby cheese, with chick-fil-a sauce from chick-fil-a. I didn't get Dave nothing, because I knew he wasn't home like usual. He just there when I wake up and when I close my eyes. I pulled up in the driveway to see an unfamiliar car just sitting there. The smell of my food made me brush it off just so I can eat. I walked to the front door to a female standing there.


"Umm hello?" I said with a resting bitch face.

"Is Dave here?"

"Nope sorry wrong house."

"He told me he stay here, so I think you're lying."

"Bitch you finna be lying on that ground if my fries cold. You talking too much and wasting my time! I said he ain't here bye!"

"I'll be back don't worry and I'll be sure he kicks you to the curb." She walked away with this sinister ass smile on her face.

I went in to enjoy my food. Eat first, worry last. I decided to sneak into Dave's room after I stole a few snacks from the kitchen. It's all black and it makes me sleep all day, because I lose track of time. I sat my food and snack on the bed and ran to go shower, moisturizer, and change. I went back in Dave's room. I found one of his t-shirts, and I put my boy-shorts on with it.

I struggled to get in the bed, but I made it. I got on his side that smells like him most and ate my food while watching MTV catfish. Shit be so good and messy. Like how could you! You gave money to a complete stranger you met online, then even after they refuse to video-chat. You still continue to fuck with them. ALL THE SIGNS THERE! You don't need Nev, you need sense pooh!

In the middle of the show, I noticed a picture frame by his bed. It was an old picture of us and a picture of the baby's ultrasound. I smiled to myself. This supposed to be our room. So I did what I had to do. I began moving my clothes into his closet. Knock knock guess who bitch! Or whatever Cardi said. I started moving his clothes in dresser to make room for my underwear. By time I was done, I was ready for a nap. I texted Dave asking can he bring me Chick-Fil-A, the shit addicting! I didn't wait for a reply before I let sleep take over me.

Hello Love buggies!

How are we doing?

Y'all asked for more of Milan's parents, you shall receive.

How we feel about mama and daddy advice?

Who do you think the mystery girl on the porch was?

Thinking about doing a Dream and Bully chapter again then Yae then Shooter and Jalissa. We'll see !

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Xoxo your unknown author.

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