《That's Why I Love You》Chapter 9


I know y'all probably hate. Fuck y'all! I already feel bad as fuck. I fucked Dave face up. And I really do feel bad. He been distant as fuck with me and that shit happened a week ago. I threw on my scrubs getting ready for a full day of work. I kissed Dave forehead then lips before pouting since he was sleeping. I brushed my natural curly hair in a ponytail and grabbed an apple on my way out the door.

I decided on taking Dave's truck. It's so fun to me. My little as driving a big ass truck. I let my slow R&B play as I was deep in thought driving. Dave and I had sex in April and it was motherfucking amazing! It just gets better as we get more involved. He treats me like a true princess and he does everything for me literally. I really do feel bad for what I did. I got to work earlier than expected 6:30 am and my shift start at 7:00am. 12 full hour shift let god be with me. This June weather ain't no bitch and it seem like everyone and they mama choose this hospital! I went inside deciding to go to starbucks.

"What can I get you?"

"Yes let me get a Venti Caramel Frappe EXRRA caramel."


I handed her a 10 dollar bill with exact change and told her to keep the change. While I was waiting I got a call from Dave.

Incoming Call From Snuckums💙🥰

"Milan! Where my truck at?"

"Well GoodMorning to you too."

"Keep playing with me lil girl and are you at starbucks?"

"Naw I'm at McDonald's." Soon as I said that they called my name.

"McDonald's my ass brah. You staying at my place tonight?"

"Probably not tonight."

"Alright Phatty I'll talk to you later then."

"Bye Snuckums."

Dave rolled his eyes and hung up.

I checked the time seeing it was 6:45 and decided to walk to the emergency part of the hospital which took me roughly 10 minutes. I clocked in and went to the nurse section checking to see how many room I'll have today... 1 I could've stayed home if we were overstaffed. I hate working but doing NOTHING. This covid shit really taking a toll on the hospitals, but nurses can get jobs anywhere! Dave and I don't believe in sitting on our asses Virus or not. This shit just popped up out the blue and motherfuckers in New York not taking it serious.

I got to work immediately. Work was smooth until seeing one of my patients thought she had a yeast infection, but instead babygirl had HIV. Babygirl told me I was wrong though.


"Samantha I'm sorry to break it to you, but your test are coming back positive for HIV."

"Sammie what the fuck man! You been thotting around like this? And to think I believed your sob ass story about Dave left you and killed y'all baby. You a dirty hoe!"

"Rollo it's not like that please just listen."

I just left out the room before I strangled her. I knew she looked familiar, but she never saw me due to us never posting a face with the body. But this had to be his ex.

"Hey mamas you getting thicker if that's even possible!" Rissa said kissing my cheek.

"Girllll it's not!" I said catching her up on what happened as she gave me some of her broccoli and cheddar soup from Panera.

"Bitch you lying. So his ex is your patient?"

"Yes! Do you think Dave got it?"

"Hell no, but you need to talk to him."

As I was about to speak I felt everything rushing back up. I ran to the restroom emptying my stomach. Marissa was right behind me holding my hair up and rubbing my back. I got up brushing my teeth with a mini kit I had purchased.

"You okay babe?"

"Yes it was probably that coffee and that soup."

"Go home ma, I got your room."

"I got this Riss."

"Milan go home before I call Dave. It's just an extra room. You need rest."

I finally gave in hugging her and clocking out. I checked the time reading it's 3:30. I decided to take Dave some lunch. I went to Chipotle getting him a burrito with chips and queso. Then I stop at the gas station getting him some skittles, hot chips, funyons, gatorade, and a cupcake. I grabbed myself a pickle and hotchips for later. I've never been to Dave's shop, but his location on so I know where it's at. I pulled up and grabbed all his stuff. Walking in I felt all eyes on me. A shorty with a fat ass in some scrubs yeah. All eyes on me BITCH! Everyone started whispering.

"Damn who that?"

"Shii ion know but I'm gone make a move."

"Ass fat as hell."

"Aye ma what's yo name?..... Oh you don't hear me talking fuck you bitch."


"Really Jermone you gone do all that while I'm sitting here? She ain't even all that."

I just laughed. Hating ass hoes talk too much! I kept my eye on the prize walking up to him, he was dusting ol' boy in the chair off. I bit my lip seeing him so focused on the money made a bitch horny. He got the money from his client and dapped him up. He must've got curious on who the fuck everyone was looking at and looked up. Soon as he saw me he looked confused then happy.


"Hey my Phat girl." He said smiling resting his hands on my ass.

"Hey Daddy." I said melting into his embrace.

"Damn that's East girl?"

"Yeah my girl. And whoever called her a bitch it's best if you leave."

On cue the nigga left looking sad as hell.

"I brought you food." I said cheesing.

"What you get me?" Dave asked sitting in the chair pulling me in his lap. It felt so weird because everyone was staring at us. Dave paid them no mind while massaging my ass.

"I got you a burrito from Chipotle with chips and queso, then I went to the store and got you some snacks."

"Thanks mamas."

"You still mad at me?"

"Stop pouting and you bet not cry in front of these people either. I'm not mad at you no more woman."

"You so distant with me though."

"Sophia... I just told you don't cry in front of these people and what you doing?"

"Crying." Dave let out a sigh and picked me taking me to what I assume is his office. And sat down on a couch with me on straddling his lap.

"Stop crying man, folk looking at us crazy and shit." Dave said laughing wiping my tears and kissing me.

I just laid on his chest.

"You not gone feed your mans ma? And why you off early?"

My ears perked up off that first sentence. I grabbed his food out the bag and gave it to him.

"I left early because I threw up."

"Sophia you sick and decided to come up here instead of resting your body?"

"I want to be up under you though."

"Girl you a damn handful where your food at?"

I kept quiet hoping he'll go to the next topic.

"Milan you don't hear me?"

"I didn't get me no food, I'm full." He held the burrito to my mouth. For some reason my mouth wasn't match my words, because I took a big bite out his food.

"You full but threw up everything?"

He sat there feeding me his food taking bites from it but mostly gave it to me. Now I'm feeling bad again. Next thing you know I'm crying again.

"Baby what's wrong for real? I ain't use to this, why you emotional baby."

"Because you was distant with me then I tried doing something nice for you and I eat it all like a fat ass. I'm sorry I'll go buy you another one." I said sobbing getting up. Dave pulled me back on his lap before I could touch the door.

"Hush you about to sit right here with me and talk. I was distant so you could think about your actions. Ain't no need to go buy me nothing. I'm okay mamas. Being full makes me sleepy. You know this already. And you staying with me tonight so I can make sure you good. Now stop these tears and give me a kiss."

I leaned in kissing him. It deepened and one thing led to another. Next thing I know I'm sitting on the couch riding him while his head sucking on my neck and nipples.

"Keep riding this dick baby... Just like that." Dave growled in my ear.

"Daddy I'm abou-" Dave kissed me to muffle my loud ass moans. He reached down and started playing with my clit. He took over and started fucking me from the bottom long and hard. He flipped us over and started pounding my shit. I love missionary so he can look at my pretty ass face. Or so I can pull him down to me and feel his slow strokes while I moan in his ear. He stuck two fingers in my mouth while he was pounding me. I guess I was too loud, but I sucked all over his fingers teasing him.

"Fuck mamas." Dave groaned out as we reached out peak together.

I looked at him through my low eyes while smiling. Dick be so good a bitch be knocked!

"Take your ass to sleep. Shoota got your car at the moment getting your oil changed since I'm here."

"Thank you Daddy."

"Anything for you mamas. Put your clothes on just incase. I'll be back when it's time for us to go." He leaned down to kiss me. He cut the fan on and threw a blanket on top of me. Just like that I was out.

A real nigga I ain't never had. A real nigga is what I got. I hope he sticks around and teaches me how to love correctly. I ain't never even met his mama and I love her for raising him so perfect.

"She gone love you too mamas."


"My bad ma."

Hey Love bugs!

It's been a while but I'm backkkkkkkkk!

Next update might be the 4th of July.

Im making the corona start later than it did originally. Maybe the real serious shit will kick off in August with the lockdowns and no working unless


xoxo💋 your unknown writer 💋

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