《[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)》Chapter Fifteen
"Are you okay?" I asked. Anne glared at me.
"Obviously not! I just spent the last twenty-four hours in a hospital because I lost my baby! Do you think I'm okay?" She spat the words at me. They cut deeply but I didn't let it show.
"Sorry, that was a stupid question."
"Yes it was!" Anne snapped, "just like everything else that comes out your mouth." I swallowed back a retort and left the room, not trusting myself to stay quiet. Mum followed me out.
"Don't listen to her." She told me, "she's hurting and she doesn't mean it."
"I know mum, I just wish-" I stopped, not sure what I would say next. What did I wish? That this hadn't happened to her or that she wasn't taking it so badly? If I was honest it would have been much worse if she'd come home and acted as though nothing had happened and the baby had never existed. This fact, however, was hard to remember when everything you said was being mocked and your feelings, already worn, were torn to shreds.
I retreated up the stairs to the sanctuary of my room.
I spent the whole morning there and much of the afternoon too.
I was engaged in a text battle with Tanya about who would win in a fight between a werewolf and a vampire. I was arguing the werewolves side and throwing in some valid points even if I was losing.
Tanya's vampire had taken on the form of none other than Edward Cullen, the completely invincible creation of Stephanie Meyer. Tanya informed me that if I didn't like Edward then I must be 'Team Jacob'. Personally I always favoured Alice but didn't care to mention this.
My laughter was interrupted by a sharp pain in my stomach. It protested loudly, demanding a dinner and I couldn't refuse.
I'd already skipped lunch and to avoid another meal would be too much.
I heaved myself off my bed and followed the delicious smell to the kitchen. I stuck my head around the door and was relieved to see only my mum there.
"Where's Anne?" I asked entering the room and leaning against the counter.
"She and Eric went out for a walk. I told them to."
"Oh, and is she still, you know, upset?"
"Of course she is Lilly! Her baby just died!" Mum sighed exasperatedly.
"Sorry." I said, once again feeling like no one cared.
"I'm sorry Lilly..." Mum ran a hand through her hair, "it's just stressful and I'm tired, I didn't mean to snap."
"It's okay." I said and went to help her carry plates to the table. "Everyone's pretty touchy right now, I understand."
Mum opened her mouth to reply but was cut off as the front door opened. Anne was back. Maybe she'd calmed down, maybe she would be nice now?
"Anne?" Mum called out, "is that you?"
"Yes mum! Obviously it's me, who else would it be? The fucking bogey man?" She snapped back. Or not...
"Can you finish the table on your own?" She asked me, already on her way to the door.
"Sure." I said but she was gone.
I could hear muffled speech through the closed door but I didn't try to listen, there would be nothing of importance said, not with how Anne was acting.
This theory was soon proven as the three came into the kitchen, Anne with a sneer, Eric with a neutral face and Mum trying to imitate Eric's look but not managing.
"Oh you're here. Finally decided to come out of your room then?" Anne asked condescendingly.
I breathed in and out carefully before answering.
"Yes Anne." I smiled at her, "I got a little hungry and decided to get some dinner. How was your walk?"
Her eyes fixed on me and I saw the pain briefly flash in them but all too soon it was gone and the cold anger was back in place.
"It was shit, like everything around here." She turned away from me and addressed mum. "When's dinner? I'm hungry."
"It will be..." She checked the timer quickly. "Less than three minutes."
Anne made a noise in her throat and stalked out of the room. Eric sighed and followed.
Mum ran a hand through her hair with a haggard look on her face. I watched her carefully and she glanced at me.
"Don't Lilly just... don't."
I opened my mouth to say something but a loud masculine yell cut me off.
"What the-" Mum started to say but I was already running.
I bolted up the stairs and almost fell over Eric who was huddled at the top of the stairs with his hands covering his head. Anne towered over him with blazing eyes and her hand raised.
"Anne!" I shouted and her eyes snapped to me. I shivered at her evil stare but then she blinked and her mouth fell open. She dropped her hand and sank to the floor.
"Oh shit Eric! I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me." She sobbed pulling her legs up other chest and rocking herself slowly. "I didn't mean it, I swear." She looked up at me with streaming eyes. "I didn't!"
"I know Anne, I know." I reassured her.
"What's going on?" Mum asked as she climbed the stairs behind me. She took in the situation with a quick sweep of her eyes and pushed past me to get to Anne. "Are you okay baby?" She asked and tried to hug her but she turned away.
"Just leave me alone!" Anne screamed and scrambled to her feet and down the hallway.
Tara stood just outside her door, watching with wide eyes, and Anne pushed past her. Tara fell awkwardly and let out a little gasp of pain. Anne stopped when she heard it and then her sobs came quicker and she bolted down the corridor and through a door into her room.
"Anne!" Mum yelled and ran after her. She pushed down on the door handle but it didn't open. "Anne? Anne let me in!" She knocked and shouted some more.
I suddenly came to my senses and went to Tara's side.
"Are you okay?" I whispered into her ear. She nodded slowly and sat up, trying to hide her grimace but failing. "What hurts honey?"
"Nothing." She said but I grabbed her chin and forced her to meet my eyes.
"What hurts?" I repeated.
"My ankle." She admitted and I touched it gently. She didn't react so I moved it slowly up and down. She winced a little but she was fine apart from that.
"I think it's just a bit tender." I said, "it'll be back to normal in a couple of hours if not less."
"Thanks Lilly." Tara whispered and hugged me. I hugged her back and wished that it wasn't me who'd had to do this. It should have been mum, she should have been at her side in a instant not running after Anne.
"Come on, let's get some dinner." I said and helped her to her feet. "You can lean on me if you want." I told her but she shook her head.
"I can manage."
She limped down the stairs and into the kitchen. I hurried ahead of her, sure she'd be fine, and turned off the hob. I quickly checked the food and it didn't look burned or too overdone so I dished it up and shouted everyone.
Jarrod and Tara were the only people who turned up. I guessed that mum, dad and Eric were talking to Anne so I scooped their food back into the pot so they could have it later.
The three of us sat silently eating quickly and trying to block out the occasional scream that could be heard. After one particularly long screaming match Tara was shaking so badly she dropped her fork.
Jarrod gave her a quick hug and she appeared to draw comfort from that as when he went back to eating her shaking had stopped.
When we were done I washed our plates and tidied them away. Tara and Jarrod stayed with me and we decided to go for a walk, to escape the depression of the house.
It was clear and cold and reminded me of a night a few years ago. It had been summer and we'd attended one of my friends party. Back then I'd had a lot of friends and we were never without company. Harry had wanted to tell me something that night but I'd never worked out what. I'd gone over it so many times in my head but I never got any closer to working it out.
I'd been standing with my friends Nina, Olivia and Sheridan. We'd been joking around, just having a bit of fun when Olivia had elbowed me.
"I think Harry has an admirer." She'd whispered and I'd turned to look.
Erin, my old best friend, had been flirting shamelessly with him and he'd been laughing with her. He hadn't cottoned on to the fact she was interested and I'd decided to help her out.
"Hey Harry." I'd sidled up to him and winked at Erin, "can I talk to you a minute."
"Uh, sure sis, what is it?" I'd walked a little way off and he had followed.
"Do you like Erin?" I'd asked it straight out. His eyes had widened and he'd choked a little.
"What?" He'd demanded.
"Do you like Erin?" I had repeated, "because she likes you."
"No she doesn't." He said.
"Yes she does, she was flirting with you."
"She wasn't." He'd insisted. "We're just friends."
"She obviously doesn't think that." I had said.
"Well she won't have any luck with me."
"Why not?" I'd asked.
"Because she isn't my type." He'd said.
"No one is ever your type! What are you, scared or something?" I'd demanded.
"No I'm not scared... I just... haven't found my type yet."
"That's bullshit and you know it!"
"Fine, you want to know?"
"Of course I do."
"Lilly! Harry! Your mum's here!" Jane, the host, had yelled and he'd hurried off. I'd run after him and asked him what he'd been about to say but he wouldn't tell me. We never spoke of that night again.
I sighed and my heart ached, I missed him. I wish I'd made him tell me and that I wouldn't be still wondering about it now.
"Lilly?" Jarrod asked tentatively and I jumped.
"God, you gave me a fright!" I said holding a hand over my racing heart.
"Sorry." He said, "but you nearly walked into that lady."
"Crap. I'm so sorry." I said to the woman who was attempting to get by me. "I was daydreaming."
"That's all right." She said, smiling.
We walked on until the woman was out of earshot.
"What the hell's wrong with you?" Jarrod hissed.
"I was thinking, okay?"
"What was so interesting that you zoned out?" He demanded.
"I was thinking about Harry." I said and his face twisted.
"I miss Harry." Tara said, her eyes brimming with tears.
"Don't cry honey." I said, and stooped a little so I could hug her. "He wouldn't like to see you cry."
"Is he watching us?" She asked.
"Of course he is Tara. He's probably blowing you a kiss right now." I felt her smile and pulled back a little so I could see her face. I wiped away the tears running down her cheeks and stroked her hair gently.
"Can we go home now?" She asked and I nodded. She grinned and grabbed one of Jarrod's hands and one of my own and pulled us along the path.
Jarrod's troubled brown eyes met mine and he shrugged, his fringe flopping.
We got to the house quickly and mum came to talk to Tara.
"Are you okay sweetheart? I'm sorry I didn't see if you were all right."
"I'm fine mum." She said and mum smiled at her before sending her to her room. When Tara was gone she turned on us.
"What do you think you were doing?" She yelled, "taking Tara like that and just disappearing without telling anyone!"
"You were all more concerned about Anne, and Tara was upset by the shouting so we took her out." I said and she looked as though she wanted to kill me.
"I don't care!" She yelled. "You should have told me! I have enough to deal with at the moment without you three running off!"
"Sorry mum." Jarrod said, looking shamefaced. "We didn't think, we just wanted to get away."
She sighed and dragged a hand through her hair.
"It's okay just... don't do it again okay?"
"Yes mum."
"Yes mum, sorry mum." I mumbled and she smiled thinly.
"Go to your rooms now."
We traipsed up the stairs and I lay on my bed, disheartened.
I didn't cry but, worn out from all the worrying and watching my words, I quickly fell asleep.
I couldn't sleep.
The night was dark and I could hear the wind whistling through the gap where my kitchen window used to be. I had phoned people to come and repair it but apparently it wasn't urgent.
I turned over and pulled a pillow around my ears. I heard a thump and leaped out of bed with my heart racing. My brain kicked into overdrive and all my senses were on high alert. Now I was listening I could hear footsteps outside and terror rose inside me.
I ran to the kitchen and peered out the empty frame.
There was no danger, it was only my next door neighbour returning from work.
I went back to my room, annoyed and shaking. I was being stupid.
"Man up Laura!" I told myself and lay down. I wouldn't let Caitlin control me like this!
It was quiet for almost ten minutes and I was starting to relax again when an owl hooted loudly. I jumped out my skin and got out of bed. I wasn't going to put up with this.
I pulled out my phone and called Stephanie. I was sent to voice mail and hung up without leaving a message. Then I called Courtney. She didn't answer and I suddenly remembered that she had gone on holiday with Thomas. There was only one option left. I felt a slight thrill run up my spine but that was only the cold.
"Hello?" A soft voice, made hoarse by sleep asked.
"Oh it's you." Lilly said. "Give me a sec to wake up."
There was a slight pause in which I heard her yawn a few times and the sound of running water.
"All right I'm up." She said, sounding it. "What is it?"
"Uh, I'm sorry to bother you but... do you think I could, maybe, um, stayatyourstonight?" I rushed the end, just desperate to get it out.
"What?" She asked and I steeled myself to say it again. "Sorry, I didn't catch that." She said, obviously thinking I hadn't understood.
"If it's not a bother, and I would completely understand if it was, I was wondering if, maybe, you don't have to, I know how much of a nuisance it would be but-"
"Just spit it out." Lilly said but there was no harshness in her tone.
"Can I stay at yours tonight?"
"Of course." She replied immediately and I felt stupid for worrying. "Is it because of last night?"
I nodded then realized she couldn't see me.
"Okay." I was relieved that she didn't press the matter. "When will you be over?"
"In about ten minutes."
"Okay, see you then."
"Bye babe."
I hung up with a smile on my face. Then what I'd said hit me and I pressed my hand into my face.
I reached Lilly's door, a bag over my shoulder, and stretched my hand out to ring the doorbell. The door flew open and I leaped about ten feet into the air.
"Hi!" Lilly said shyly.
"Hey." I replied, a little breathlessly.
"Come on it, but be quiet, mum and dad are talking to Anne." She told me, closing the door softly behind me.
"How is she?" I asked but she shook her head and held a finger over her lips, pointing to the open door through which faint voices could be heard.
I followed her up the stairs and into a spare bedroom.
"This is where you'll be sleeping." She said and perched on the edge of the bed.
"Thanks." I said and tried to hold back a yawn. She noticed and leaped up again.
"Night." She whispered as she passed me.
"Night." I said to her retreating back.
I changed and fell into the bed, asleep almost before my head hit the pillow.
The door flew open. Caitlin stood there, her hair messy and her eyes blazing.
"What are you doing here?" I demanded, shrinking back as she stalked towards me.
"You can never hide from me!" She said and began to laugh. It grew like a witches cackle and became almost theatrical. I jumped out the bed and ran past her. I threw open the nearest door and found Lilly there, asleep and looking beautiful.
I shook her awake and she stared up at me, her eyes way bigger than was natural, they covered almost half of her face. I backed away, what the hell was going on?
Suddenly her mouth met mine and she was kissing me, hot and passionate. It tasted like sugar and sweet crushed blackberries. I kissed her back with an urge that surprised me. Suddenly she shook in my arms and I could feel the wetness on my face.
I pulled back and she was crying, those creepy huge eyes streaming.
"It's okay." I hushed her. "It's okay." I reached over to pull her against me again but she leaped away and before my eyes she changed into Caitlin.
I watched with wide eyes as she came closer, a brick in her hand.
"You know you could never escape me!" She chuckled and I couldn't look away. She raised her hand, up, up, up and then it was coming down, aiming for me. I twisted away and a sharp pain erupted in my side.
My mouth opened to scream when suddenly I opened my eyes and it was dark. I was lying in the bed in Lilly's spare room, the sheets twisted around my sweaty body.
I slowly relaxed my muscles and closed my eyes, waiting for my heart to stop racing and to slip back into sleep. There was a noise like the opening of a door and I scrabbled out the bed covers and tiptoed to the door.
I opened it silently and peeped my head out. The hall was silent and empty but my eyes played tricks on me. I saw shadows flitting across the floor and shapes growing across the walls.
Panic filled my throat and I ran down the hall to the first room I came to. I flung open the door and was relieved to see Lilly sleeping there, her hair spilling over the pillow.
All my troubles faded away as I watched her breathing. She was almost completely still but every time she breathed out a few strands of hair that rested over her mouth would be blown into the air only to settle down again.
I didn't want to disturb her but there was sudden, heavy footfall behind me and all my troubles came rushing back.
I rushed forwards and shook her. She groaned in the cutest way and blinked up at me.
"What is it?" She asked. "Is someone hurt?"
"No." I reassured her quickly. "No I just, uh, wondered if I could sleep here."
"What... why?"
"I had a nightmare... and I can't stay on my own, I just... panic." She blinked at me a few times then her head nodded.
"Oh god, thank you!" I said but she snored softly.
I slid in the bed beside her and, trying to ignore the heat of her body, closed my eyes.
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