

"Guess what? Guess what!!" Luca exclaimed after barging into Betsy's room.

"Oh! You're re-dying your hair?" he frowned in question, scanning over the blue towel she was dressed in and her freshly dyed hair that made him scrunch up his nose.

"Yeah," she nodded, "What is it?"

Luca bounced onto her bed eagerly, grinning happily, showing off his set of dimples.

"Dad said he can take us to the annual fair this year! Remember when we all used to go? With mum?"

Betsy looked up at him in surprise, her mouth falling agape, "Seriously?"


"But wouldn't it be I don't know.."

"I know what you're thinking, but don't. Think about it, Dad didn't take us the past few years because it reminds him of mum and how we all used to go. He's ready to do it all again, so isn't that a good thing? He's kinda moving on?" Luca explained, pulling Betsy down into the bed next to him.

"I guess," she sighed, "What about us though? I'll probably take one look at the fairy floss and cry because mum used to buy it for us all time.."

Every year at the fair, their mother would by numerous sticks of fairy floss and they would eat it all until they were sick and no longer able to go on the rides. It was just sort of their thing.

Luca intertwined their hands together, "But how else would we get through it? Come on, it would be fun."

She was slightly wary about it but allowed her lips to pull up into a smile anyway, "Okay."

A few moments passed and they sat there, both thinking of the exact same thing—their mother.

Luca smiled softly to himself. With that book gone after shamefully losing it, Luca was only now grasping onto the memories his mother left behind, as the only pieces of her that were truly within him.


"Give me your hair," Betsy spoke up suddenly, shifting to face Luca.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What? Why?"

"I have a little dye left—"


"But Luca, I'll only do one strand. Please? I know that book meant a lot to you, so well—since I dye my hair red because of mum, and what you had of mum is lost, I want to share what I have of her with you. "

Luca let out a deep breath, thinking heavily on her words. Their mother's favourite colour was red, it's why Betsy covered her room in the shade and dyed her hair too—all to feel like she was still there with her.

"Okay," he mumbled and she squealed with glee.

She dragged him to the bathroom and used what as left of her bright red dye, placing it though Luca's lightest brown strand.

After they had finished the process, he examined his poofy hair in the mirror and smiled bashfully.

"Maybe now people will really notice we are twins," chuckled Betsy.

Luca laughed with her, "Doubt it Bezzy. It's hardly noticeable, and could be hidden quite easily."

Little did he fucking know.

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