

Ashton had finally built up the courage and no, he wasn't going to ask Betsy out yet—he knew she would reject in an instant. He was simply going to invite her to one of his football games that he was playing in over the weekend and he was praying and hoping she would comply.

She did.

"Really?" Ashton asked, a wide grin on his face as he tried to contain his excitement.

"Yeah, why not? I might get a little bored though," she grumbled, offering a grin in return.

"Well, bring a friend. Or better yet, bring your brother," Ashton said, surprising Betsy.

"My brother?"

"Yeah he seems a little isolated, maybe he should get out more often," Ashton replied.

They were in last period, English class and Ashton had recently moved seats so he could sit next to Betsy. His friends teased and taunted him for his decision, yelling stupid remarks to which he ignored. Sometimes, he kind of really hated his friends.

Betsy laughed at Ashton's words, "Suddenly you know everything about my brother now?"

He gazed up at her and dropped his smile, but hers stayed intact.

"I didn't mean it like that. Just from what I've seen of the guy, he kinda seems you know..?"

"Quiet? Reserved? No fucks given? Rude? Blunt?" Betsy asked with an amused smile before continuing, "Yeah he's all that. But you should know Luca and I have the exact same personalities—the only difference is that he's quiet and I'm loud."

He's quiet and I'm loud. Those words repeated themselves in Ashton's head for the next few passing moments, his mouth twitching to say something else.

"Why?" he asked, "Why's he quiet?"

Betsy only just kept smiling, never once letting it falter.

"I don't even know myself Ash. Don't even bother with him though, he doesn't crack his exterior for anyone."

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