

"So," Ashton spoke on Tuesday as he followed Betsy out of their English class and into the courtyard, "Where's your car?"

Betsy laughed, "Oh no, I walk to and from school. It's not far, you'll be fine."

She held her text books to her chest and Ashton kindly asked if she wanted him to take them for her to which she told him to fuck off because she's an independent, strong woman. He laughed and agreed.

When they got to the gates of the school, Betsy came to abrupt halt and Ashton furrowed his eyebrows at the sudden stop.

When she didn't move and stood there with the wind in her face and hair flying through it—Ashton grew even more confused, "Why are we just standing here?"

Betsy glanced over at him, sending him a weird look, "Uh because we're waiting for my brother..?"

Ashton's blue eyes sparked in realisation. Still, he was baffled. When she had said she had siblings, he just assumed they didn't happen to attend the same school because if they did, surely he would know. Right?

"Is he a year 8 or something?" Ashton asked, because that's the only logical reason as to why he wouldn't know them-if they were in a much younger year.

Betsy laughed again, shaking her head in amusement, "No you idiot he's in our year."

Just as she said this, Luca appeared-a book in his hand like always and hair all messy and uneat, light brown strands all over the place as he walked over to them with a slight smirk on his pink tinged lips.

Ashton had never seen the boy before and suddenly he was wondering how he never had, because his features were striking and surely, girls were swooning over him just as much as they did to him.


"There he is. Ashton meet my twin brother, Luca," Betsy introduced, sharing a look with her brother-something Ashton noticed but hadn't a clue on what it possibly meant.

Probably some twin telepathic skills, he assumed.

Luca didn't say anything, not a 'hi' or even a nod of acknowledgement as he walked pass the two and began trotting along a path he knew all to well.

"Don't mind him, he's a little distant sometimes," Betsy reasoned as they began their own walk, following right behind Luca.

"I can see why you're twins, as you too Bezzy are distant as well," Ashton joked, earning a glare from both of them.

"No wonder, why would she want to talk to you? Why would anyone?" Luca snarkily replied.

A stunned expression drew over Ashton's appearance as he processed the other boy's first words to him. For someone he didn't know, Luca sure didn't hold back when speaking as Ashton just expected him to be shy and soft-spoken after not greeting him. Boy was he wrong, because from just that sentence alone, Ashton already concluded that Luca was just like his sister.

"Woah there no need to attack me!" he exclaimed, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Just ignore him," Betsy said with the roll of the eyes.

But oh, how could Ashton ever?

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