

"And Tuesday he's coming over for our tutoring session—"

"—Why are you even telling me this as if I genuinely give a shit? Just make sure the guy is far away from my room when he comes, I don't want him anywhere near me or my space," Luca spoke, cutting his sister off.

Betsy rolled her eyes, "That's kinda hard to do when your room is right across from mine idiot."

Luca shrugged and focused on his steps. They were on their way home, walking the short distance that was apparent between the school and their house. Neither of them drove, not like it was needed anyway when all they had to walk was ten minutes.

For Luca, it was just about his only exercise.

"Whatever, " he grumbled, "Just make sure you don't make too much noise or whatever, his voice annoys me."

Betsy's mouth fell agape, "Wow Luca you really don't like him.."

Luca shook his head, "Nope."

They came to a stop at their house, it wasn't large nor small just enough for themselves and their single father.

"Well I'll make sure to make you guys interact as often as I can then," Betsy said, nudging her brother as they made their way into the house.

"Fuck off," Luca muttered, dropping his bag to the floor.


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