


Betsy's English teacher stood in front of her on the Monday morning before class began—the discussion only bothering Betsy.

She rubbed her eyes tiredly, not in the mood with her head banging in pain from the previous night's alcohol fueled ventures.

"Yes tutoring, it will help you when getting a job and applying for universities," Mrs Oliver spoke, smiling warmly at her best student.

Betsy shook her head, "Well who is it that even needs it?"

"Ashton Anders."

"Yeah fuck no," Betsy grumbled, tightening her bag strands on her shoulder—getting ready to leave.

"Just think about it Betsy. The boy needs help and he's quite happy if you're the one tutoring him."

Betsy rose an eyebrow, "me?'

Mrs Oliver nodded her head, "Yes. You."

Betsy soon left the classroom—entering into the increasingly crowded hallways.

Her eyes scanned over the students, searching for a particular brunette haired boy. There he stood in the corner nearing the courtyard, glasses perked over his eyes and a book in one hand.

She walked over to him, smiling warmly at friends she passed along the way and when she eventually found herself standing in front of her brother, she flicked his forehead to gain his attention.

He didn't react much, merely peeking up from his book and then gazing back down to continue reading.

Betsy rolled her eyes, "Oi you twat, you'll never guess what just happened."

Seconds passed in silence and Betsy grew annoyed at her brother's do-not-disturb-me-i'm-reading silence.

"Lucaaaa," Betsy whined, in a high-pitched tone.

Finally, he shut his book, not before memorising the page number and looked over at his twin sister, "What?"

"I've been asked to tutor Ashton Anders."

It was silent between them for a moment, Luca soon letting out the smallest of chuckles.


"Good luck on that," he laughed, shaking his head in amusement.

"You're suppose to give advice, dick head," grumbled Betsy, "You know like, should I accept this or decline?"

Luca inhaled, his laughs fading away as the two began heading to a different area of the school. He found the whole situation funny—not daring to feel the slightest bit sorry for his sister, because she was his sister and it was natural for him to find humour in her pain.

"Well?" she asked after a while.

"Do it. Maybe you two will fall in loooovveeeee!" Luca sing-songed.

Betsy slapped his shoulder, "You'd fucking kill us if we fell in love because you have some weird hate for him. And like I get it, he's a self inclined prick who only cares about footy and sex, but you my brother, you hate him maybe too much. It's strange yet understandable at the same time."

Luca simply let out a huff and rolled his pretty hazel eyes, because she was right. He did hate Ashton Anders—but Luca was naturally a hateful person, and he tended to dislike almost everyone he met.

Yet for some reason, Luca hated Ashton the most. He didn't know why, he just did.

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