

"Ashton, what's going on? Your English grades are dropping out of nowhere."

"I'm not quite sure miss. English has just suddenly become a huge struggle for me and I swear I'd do so anything to get my grades back up. I just don't know what to do. Truly," Ashton said when his English teacher pulled him aside after class one day.

She shook her head, "Well I'm not sure but figure something out or you'll be moved out of my class."

Ashton was quick to stop her before she made him exit the room and continue on to his next class, "What about tutoring?" he suggested.

She narrowed her eyes at the tall boy, squinting with slight suspicion and perplexity.

"Well I suppose I could stay back and help you after class every now and then."

Ashton internally groaned—his plan wasn't going the way he wished, he needed to steer his suggestion in the correct direction if he wanted this to work.

"Yes but that would be unfair on you miss. You can't be giving me extra help, during your free time," Ashton told her, picking his words carefully as he allowed them to escape his lips in a sweet tone.

The teacher nodded, "You're very right. Maybe one of the students could help?"

Aha. Exactly what Ashton wanted to hear was being placed in front of him like gold and he took it without hesitation—but he didn't show his excitement however.

"Well... I guess that should work," Ashton said with a long sigh, "But who would help me miss? All my friends in this class are loud and annoying—I need someone quiet and focused for this to work."

The teacher thought on his words for a moment, mentally going through each student in the class.


"Maybe I could ask Tyler Desburn to help hmm?" she asked.

Ashton widened his eyes and shook his head immediately. It wasn't that Tyler wasn't a good choice, just not the choice he was hoping for.

"Why not Tyler? He's studious, works hard, second best grades in the class," the teacher explained.

Ashton shrugged, "Well, what about the one with best grades..?"

"Oh you mean Betsy Violet? I mean sure, I'll have to ask her but she's not usually complient to these sort of things. Smart but stubborn she is."

Ashton's lips pulled up into a smile. Betsy's name was just the one he wanted to hear.

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