《Struck (A Vampire Novel) ✔》Thirty-Two


As soon as the opportunity presented itself, I ripped away from Jacobi’s grasp and immediately migrated between Aveline and Xander in an extremely sulky manner. What was the point of being the wealthiest Master in the states if you couldn’t even stop horrible things from happening in one of the lesser territories? How difficult would it have been to force Noland to stop hurting Clio if only for one night? I knew I didn’t quite understand the proper respects a vampire was to pay on another’s territory- I had skipped the whole boring discussion in the books I had read – but it didn’t keep me from being distrusting and disgusted.

“Jacobi, do you think the Royals would be upset if we healed her now?” Aveline asked abruptly, reaching to grasp my arm before pressing a cloth against my profusely bleeding wound. I whimpered at the sharp pain that the pressure caused, but didn’t tug away from her. Instead, I moved closer and allowed her to put her arm around me affectionately.

“Fuck the Royals,” Jacobi growled darkly.

“Fuck you,” I muttered almost immediately, but choked on my own words the moment they left my mouth. Aveline laughed, cutting it off just as quickly when Jacobi looked back at me sharply.

“I heard that,” Was all he said before continuing. I sighed in relief. I couldn’t believe I actually let that leave my mouth and survived. I was still sore from the whole Clio incident, not just because of the wound I had achieved through it. I wanted to do something. I wanted someone to do something. I wanted Aveline, Xander, or Jacobi to do something. But I knew now… she was a Vampire Hunter like me. Vampires don’t help their hunters.

Once we reached the guest rooms, Wyatt and Corentine were led to their separate rooms before a member of the McElroy showed Jacobi to where he was staying. I followed the morbidly quiet Xander and Aveline, who was glancing at him occasionally with a sad look in her eyes. I looked back in the direction where I knew Jacobi to be.

Was there a way I could finally convince him I wasn’t dangerous? That I wouldn’t become a murderous vampire hunter in the future? Maybe I could even try to appeal to him to take Clio away from here or help her get out as well… I couldn’t just let things continue as they were.

“Go to him,” Aveline suddenly told me quietly. I looked at her in slight confusion, but she indicated towards Jacobi’s room to make her point clear. I wondered if this was another one of her attempts to have me charm Jacobi.

“I’m not going to go to him to be nice,” I responded, my heart constricting in fear at my own daring. If I did go to him, it would be to argue my way to freedom… or attempt to. I wouldn’t play good Elysia. It didn’t work anyway.

“We’ll be here if you need us,” Aveline simply responding, opening the door to their guest room. She looked at Xander, who didn’t even appear to be here mentally. “Someone else needs my attention, anyway. Unless you’d like to join us…” She winked at me then suggestively. I blushed deeply. We’d already nearly played that three-way game before. I wanted to avoid that.

Without a word, I took off my annoying heels and abandoned my vampire companions, heading down the hallway. As I walked, I held the cloth against my arm nervously. When I reached the door Jacobi was no doubt behind, I hesitated. The hall was now empty and quiet. I considered the fact that I could chicken out and go back to Aveline and Xander. But then if I did that I might witness or be a part of something extremely mortifying…


I took a deep breath and knocked gently on Jacobi’s door. For a moment, nothing happened, though I was completely certain Jacobi had heard my presence. Perhaps he had decided to ignore me. But then the door opened slowly and he was there, leaning against the threshold and still appearing as a towering figure of danger. His suit jacket was gone and his undershirt was unbuttoned partially, revealing that attractive, dangerously muscled chest of his.

“We need to talk,” I finally convinced myself to say even though at the moment I felt more like running away. A few seconds passed in which Jacobi only watched me carefully, probably trying to decide if he should slam the door in my face or let me talk senselessly for a while. Then he opened the door further, indicating for me to enter the room.

I hesitated, but walked quickly past him and into the room. It was large, dark, and strangely bare compared to Jacobi’s room back at his headquarters. I didn’t know where to stand or if I should sit. I didn’t know if I should even look at Jacobi for fear of forgetting my words and running away to hide forever. Coward, I scolded myself.

When I turned to face Jacobi, I found him leaning back against the now shut door with his arms crossed. For a moment, the way he watched me as though he knew every thought that crossed my mind made me too nervous to talk. Then, as though to specifically make me furthermore nervous, he reached down and locked the door slowly and dangerously. It felt extremely… condemning.

“Speak, Elysia. Or did you come only to stare at me?” His voice was cool and powerful. I swallowed with difficulty, tightening my grip on my arm.

“I… I just wanted to…,” I struggled to begin to explain my standing on my situation. I didn’t have long to decide just how I was going to fight for my right to live because suddenly Jacobi was in front of me, towering over me like an angel of death himself. I promptly forgot what I wanted to say and instead widened my eyes and lost my voice.

“You wanted to convince me not to kill you,” Jacobi told me, his words dark and frightening. “You didn’t know you were descended from vampire hunters, that you are a hunter. You didn’t know why you could do things other humans couldn’t. Now that you do know, you wanted to convince me that you aren’t a typical hunter; you’re a good, harmless hunter. Isn’t that it, Elysia?”

I frowned. He knew what I meant to say, but he was mocking me. Was it because he didn’t believe in “good, harmless hunters” or was it because he just didn’t care?

“It doesn’t matter to you whether or not I’m truly innocent, does it? It doesn’t matter if your coterie swears to protect me or that your Kindred claims me? Because I’m… what I’m born as… who my father is… what I didn’t have a say in, is that only what matters?” I asked, my voice trembling with fear and anger.

“So you’re innocent. Sweet, innocent Elysia who loves pretty birds and silly jokes,” Jacobi stepped closer to me dangerously, causing me to back up fearfully. “She was innocent, too. And did your father care? No.” He glared at me, as though I were my father standing there in front of him. The rage was so thick, I felt like it would suffocate me alone.

“I’m not my father! And you’re not him either,” I yelped when he snatched the wrist of my wounded arm, lifting it so that the cloth fell and the cut lay in the open, pulsing and in flames.


“You’re right. I’m worse,” He growled, his eyes darkening into those demonic features.

“Then do it!” I cried out, afraid but angrier than ever. “If it doesn’t matter then it won’t matter what Darsana or anybody else says! Kill me and be done with it! Just stop...” I punched at his free arm furiously, though it was a rather pitiful blow. “…messing with me!” When I swung to hit him again, he grabbed my other wrist and pulled me closer to him. I considered kicking him instead, but only glared into those blacken eyes. Was he considering it? Would he finish me off tonight?

“What if I offered to let you live in exchange for helping me kill your father?” I paled at the question. I’m sure a lot of people would agree to that easily. I mean, I’d never met my father before. From what I knew of him, my mother said he was a little crazy and left him. The vampires thought he was nothing short of an unstoppable monster. But honestly, what did I truly know about him? For all I knew, he was raised and trained to be a vampire hunter. Perhaps he believed all vampires were human killing demons. At first, that’s what I had thought after all. Maybe my mother thought he was crazy because he was possessive or too into his hunting. Maybe he was… normal… or rather as normal as a vampire hunter could be. Either way, I didn’t actually know my father, so what loss would it be to help end his life?

The bottom line was simple, though. “I can’t kill anybody,” I whispered, looking down in defeat. My life had been offered and I simply couldn’t take it. “I can’t hurt my own family much less anybody else. I’m a coward… I’m weak and… and I’m…” I couldn’t quite describe my true reasoning for being unable to help kill my father.

“You’re loyal,” Jacobi finished simply, figuring out my reasoning without me. “This leaves you only three options. You can agree to help me kill your father and live. You can give up and agree to your own death. Or you can kill me and maybe Aveline and Xander can convince everyone else to let you live, if you can’t escape their claim. What will it be, Elysia?”

“This isn’t fair,” I looked into his eyes, pleading for some form of miracle to reason with him. “I can’t help you kill my father. I won’t… I won’t hurt you. Even if I did successfully kill you, your entire coterie would have to find another Master. How many would become rogues?”

“Give up, then,” He ordered emotionlessly.

“I won’t,” I responded stubbornly. His grip on my wrists tightened. Sharp pain trickled through my wounded arm, causing me to wince, but I didn’t try to struggle away. I glared into those dangerous eyes of his, a new determination rising in me.

“Give. Up.”

“I won’t,” I growled angrily. For a moment, it was a silent battle of wills. My heart pulsed through my veins in a strange new rage… a new stubborn part of me I’d never really acknowledged before. It was a part of me that wanted life; a part of me that would fight for it.

Jacobi was suddenly lifting my wounded arm to his lips while keeping those fierce eyes locked on mine as if challenging me. My stubborn determination promptly fell away to fear; only it was a strange type of fear. It was almost as if I wouldn’t mind if he bit me… as if it would actually excite me rather than frighten me. I opened my mouth, speechless, but he halted inches from my wrist.

“You’re no coward, dove,” He stated before pressing his lips against my flesh above the cut Clio had given me. My heart fluttered nervously as he closed his eyes and inhaled my scent deeply. I wondered if my blood was bothering him or his vampire nature. Perhaps he was still underfed.

“I… I could give you my blood, for my life,” I offered abruptly. I wasn’t sure where the idea came from. It wasn’t a great idea, either. In fact, I regretted the offer almost the minute I had stated it. Jacobi’s eyes flashed open, having reverted back to his original golden brown glow, catching mine dangerously. He lifted his lips from my skin slowly, but didn’t relinquish his grip from my arm.

“Your blood for your life,” He answered, though again I wasn’t sure if he was asking me a question or just saying it just to say it. When I didn’t answer, my voice having decided to abandon me for certain, he tilted his head curiously. “Do you think your blood is more appealing to me than the satisfaction your death will cause me?”

That was a good point. I promptly blushed in embarrassment.

“Do you think my death will be that satisfying?” I asked him quietly, finally looking away from his face. For a moment, he was silent and still. Was he actually considering it? Or did he just enjoy making me nervous for the hell of it?

“I’d require more than your blood,” He suddenly stated darkly. In surprise, I looked up to his eyes, unsure what it was he meant. “I’d train you, hone your skills as a hunter, and require you to defend me and back me and my coterie when it’s called for. You’d be my companion… I’d require your blood, your company, and your body. You’d be mine, Elysia. Nobody else’s. Not Aveline’s. Not Xander’s. Mine.”

I swallowed with difficulty, stunned by his words and fearing them just as equally.

“You’d require my life,” I answered in a hushed voice.

“Yes,” He confirmed. Suddenly, his grip on my arm felt imprisoning. To become Jacobi’s slave, that’s what he was offering me. Was my identity more important than my actual existence? Could I really throw away myself, give myself to this man, just so that I could see more years of survival?

“For how long?” I whimpered, anxiety building inside of me. There was a war waging in my soul. The part of me which feared death battled that other part of me which held my morals and standards.

“Until I don’t want you any longer,” Jacobi answered roughly, his voice husky and thick. I closed my eyes at the responding chill his voice drew over my skin.

“And after that?”

“I’ll let you go.” When I opened my eyes, Jacobi was watching me carefully. It’s what I wanted; to be let go and to go home. More importantly, it meant I would live. I just didn’t think I would be able to do what he wanted me to do. I didn’t think I could give myself to him. Just thinking about letting him feed from me had been terrifying enough, but it was clear what he meant when he said I’d be his companion as well. I didn’t think it would be quite as similar to the relationship I had with my current vampire companions. While they did do some questionable things, I’d never had them feed from me or take my body as theirs.

“What’s your answer, Elysia?” Jacobi asked me determinedly.

“I don’t know,” I whispered, looking away when a blush burned my cheeks.

“It’s your choice. I won’t decide for you. Belong to me or die, it doesn’t matter,” He stated, his voice harsh. When I tried to see any form of compassion in his face, all I saw was a void of darkness and anger. I wished even for a moment I could know what he was truly thinking, if this was all some mistake waiting to happen or even a twisted trick.

“Can I think about it? Please? Just for a little while… I just… I need to think it over…” I held my breath, waiting for an answer I hoped wouldn’t be a rejection. While I wanted to live, I wanted time to try to think of another way to keep my life. Perhaps even convincing myself to help kill my father would be better than becoming a Master vampire’s slave until he’s bored of me.

“Fine,” Jacobi responded simply, his demeanor no longer threatening but rather relaxed. For a moment, he watched me without expression. Then his eyes trailed back to that cut on my arm carefully. He abruptly released my uninjured arm to hold his free hand over my wound. When I felt that steady thrum of power beginning to build, I jerked away… or tried to.

“Wait!” I cried out. While my struggles were relatively useless, the pull of his spirit was halted before I could become intoxicated by it. I almost insisted that he call it forward again, but reminded myself why I couldn’t let him do that. “We’re on someone else’s territory, Jacobi. If you’re weak, even for a moment… you could be hurt or worse.”

“Why does that bother you, Lysa?” His question made me pause. The way in which he used the nickname my mother had given me caused me to lose my track of mind.

“I… if you’re hurt, then… we could be hurt, too,” I hesitated, not sure if that was exactly true. I kept my eyes shifted away from his regardless, not wanting to try to understand my own logic at this point. It was only when he lifted his hand away from my arm that I dared to look at him once again.

Jacobi moved his arm leveled to his lips and sunk his fangs into his own wrist. Then he tugged me close to him so that I couldn’t look or move anywhere without seeing or feeling him against me. I watched his face, drawn by that mysterious danger which constantly threatened and saved me. While I observed him with near fascination, he brought his now opened wrist to my lips, coaxing me to take his blood. I knew it would bring a final end to the pain I’d been in this past week. His blood would completely heal me. What I didn’t know was why he’d bother.

I winced, knowing how strong and strange a vampire’s blood was, but decided taking his blood was better than taking his strength through his spirit. I softly planted my lips over his wound, tasting that thick wine. Initially, I had to convince myself to drink the blood, but once it was traveling through my body, my thoughts were taken over by compulsive action. I sucked on his flesh, biting when I didn’t feel it was enough, and nearly growled when Jacobi pulled me away.

I closed my eyes when that familiar numbness washed over me. That cool ecstasy trickled over my skin like a drug so that I couldn’t feel myself melting in Jacobi’s arms uselessly. I barely noticed when he reached up and released my hair from the pin Aveline had it in. In response, I leaned my head back lazily, leaving my neck, shoulders, and chest open and vulnerable despite the fact that Jacobi could easily take whatever he wanted.

Before I could learn if he would act on the opportunity, I was pulled into that peaceful darkness.


Music- Something From Nothing by Foo Fighters

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