

I feel the tip of the knife press into something soft, and with a little more pressure from Frank ushering me forward it pushes in deep with a sickening, wet squishing noise. I open my eyes, hearing Frank chuckle darkly behind me and see the knife is hilt deep into the man's throat, blood streaming down his neck and some of it making its way onto my hands. He lets out a gurgling choking noise, but then it soon stops and he is still.

Slowly, my eyes make their way up to his face, my gut churning as I locked my gaze onto his now dead one. His eyes had clouded over as he stared into my own, and I let go of the knife, leaving it stuck in his neck. Frank let's go of my hands and steps back away from me.

"Her first kill."

Panting and blinking rapidly, I spin around to look at Frank, not wanting to hold the dead man's gaze for another second. I knew he was smiling behind that mask, the humor in his voice only proving me right.

"It wasn't that hard, yeah? We just gotta get rid of the body."


Sitting in a dark, wet alley way I stare at my bloodstained hands, frozen in place. They were trembling, and my breathing was shallow. My mask lay on the ground beside me, the mere thought of it filling me with disgust. I hear a door slowly screech open, then soft, almost hesitant footsteps coming from my right.


I heard Julie's voice speak cautiously, echoing throughout the long narrow space; the only answer she received being her own voice bouncing off of the concrete that surrounded us.


She spoke again, coming closer. I still gave her no reply as she stopped right beside me, crouching down to my



"Babe? It's going to be okay, no one's gonna find out. Joey's on the cams right now getting rid of the footage."

It felt like a punch to my gut whenever I heard Julie refer to Susie in such a way. The way she had looked at me with such hate knowing Susie was protecting me, not allowing me to be harmed by anyone.

Anyone but herself at least.

I recall her weapon stabbing into me, the way she carelessly shoved me through the hatch, but didn't feel any sort of resentment towards her for it.

Slowly, after moments of tense silence, I look up at Julie, who still wore her mask.

"It's going to be okay?" Susie slowly spoke in a cold tone, holding Julie's gaze. "We just fucking killed somebody Julie! You're telling me it's gonna be okay?"

My voice rose towards the end, and Julie noticeably flinched, taken aback by the sudden outburst.

"I... Sus-"

I cut her off.

"Don't even speak. After the body's disposed of, I'm gone. I can't do this anymore Jules. I'm done, do you fucking understand me? Done!"

Her voice was hard, and Julie spoke quietly, her voice beginning to shake as if she were close to tears.

"Susie.. What are you saying?"

I let out a loud scoff, shaking my head as I stand. At this, Julie stands up as well, breaking our locked gazes and staring down at her bloodstained shoes.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

Her voice cracked, barely above a whisper. At my silence, I heard a soft sniffle.

"Seriously? You're actually breaking up with me Susie? Are you kidding me right now?"

She cried out as her face snapped back up to look at me, tearing off her mask and carelessly throwing it aside, it smacking against the brick wall then hitting the floor with a clatter. The light that hung above the back door to the store dimly illuminated her tear stained cheeks, her eyes glassy as more prepared to fall.


"You were seriously okay with killing somebody?"

I growl, my eyes setting to a glare as I took in her shaking form.

"We've never gone that damn far. Frank said it was solely stealing, vandalism, and some bullying here and there. I never fucking signed up to kill someone! I never wanted to be a murderer!"

I shouted, my fists clenched at my sides. I ignored the sticky wet feeling on my skin and stepped towards her, causing her to step back.

"He... He was going to hurt me, Susie... Do you not care?"

She asked bitterly, using her sleeve to wipe her face, but more tears streamed down her flushed cheeks the moment she moved her arm.

"We could've just knocked him out."

I quickly responded, wiping my palms on the sides of my hoodie to try and get some of the dead man's blood off of my skin. The fear I felt when Frank had forced me to shove the blade into him was replaced with rage.

"How could he of been so careless?"

I thought, letting out a long, slow sigh and shake my head, crossing my arms over my chest. The words come out of me before I have a chance to think them over, but even then I didn't regret it.

"Julie. When this is done, don't expect to hear from me again. Don't even think of telling Frank." I pause briefly, "actually, go ahead. I've seen how he looks at you. He clearly wants you."

I roll my eyes just thinking about his attempts to make a move on her. As she was about to speak again, looking angry, I hold up my hand.

"I've also seen you feed into his 'playful' flirting. He can have you."

Her eyes widen, and she opens her mouth to speak yet no words come out.

"Yes, Julie, I've noticed I'm not as fucking stupid as you two thought I was. Hell, not like you even tried hiding it."

I let out a bitter laugh as she stays silent, her mouth eventually closing as she had nothing to say. Giving her an icy once-over, I huff and push past her, our shoulders roughly colliding and causing her body to stumble over into the wall, and she crumbles.

I was going to help get rid of the body, then make damn sure none of them ever saw or heard of me again once this mess was cleaned up.

"Fuck them all."

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