


A deep feminine voice growls from my right and I peek out from behind Susie, seeing a girl with long, pale blonde hair sitting on a large bed.

I felt warmth bloom through me as the blonde girl called the pink haired girl Susie... so that's her name.

I smiled, happy that I now knew who she was.

"Julie... relax."

Susie growls back, and the other girl, or Julie, glares, an eerie orange tint flaring up in her eyes and masking the deep forest green they seemed to regularly have.

Susie reaches back and grips my hand tightly, giving what I assumed to be a reassuring squeeze.

"What, so you have some sort of pet now? And how the fuck did that get here?"

Julie looks down at our interwoven hands and narrows her eyes, what looks like a mix of jealousy and disgust appearing on her face as she scrunched it up.

"Does Julie have a thing for Susie? Or is she just being protective?"

I considered the two options, then gave up on it. No use overthinking that now.

"It's not like that, Jules. Something fucking crazy is happening."

Susie sighs, releasing my hand and walking closer to Julie. I felt a hollow feeling in my chest as she moved further away from me, and closer to Julie.

Julie noticed my disappointment and smirked, looking back at Susie.

"This bitch."

I thought in irritation, rolling my eyes.

"I had dreams of her before I even knew she existed, Jules. I knew exactly who she was. The thought of hurting her seems nearly impossible, the first and last time I did... The Mistress wasn't too happy with me for hurting her, she's doing something to me, Jules. It's making me crazy."

I went stiff as she spoke.


Julie stared at my stomach where my shirt was stained in dry blood. She seemed amused by the fact I was injured.

"Mistress? Could she mean... The Entity?"

I frown at the new information, staring absentmindedly at Susie's turned back. Her hood was down, allowing her hair to freely cascade down her back in slight, messy waves. It stopped around the middle of her back, where the ends were a light frosty pink shade.

"I can kill her for you, and you won't have to see her for awhile, you know."

Julie suggests, her voice a deep snarl as her predatory gaze focuses on me, the evil orange tint swirling in her eyes with a malicious intent. She starts moving towards me, but Susie quickly blocks her path, also blocking me from her line of sight.

I had shrunk away under her fear inducing stare, my backside now pressed against the cold stone wall. Goosebumps pricked up along my arms as the two girls stared at each other, the tension in the room thick.

After minutes of silence, Julie suddenly lets out a dramatic sigh, getting up off the bed. Susie growls a low warning and moves to me, shielding me with her body. She was slightly shorter than Julie, but Julie payed no more attention to us as she headed to the door.

"Alright, have it your way, then. Have fun with your toy."

She said mockingly as she unlocked the door, opening it and slipping out of the room. The door slowly shuts, and Susie wastes no time locking it once more.

She huffs, turning to me. I stare at her mask, tilting my head to the side as if I were a curious puppy.

"She doesn't wear a mask. Why do you?"

I question, and took a step closer to her.


I wanted that mask off.

She steps back, trying to keep the distance between us.

I was going to get that damn mask off.


She growls out my name in a way that sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.


I say her name back as I take another step closer, causing her to step back once more. I smile up at her.

"I make you nervous, don't I?"

I said softly, dropping my gaze from her mask as I take another step forward, my heart racing.

Another step back.

"I make you nervous as well."

She retorted, stepping back again as I took another step forward.

"Why can't I see your face?"

I fake pout and I watch her neck move as she swallows nervously, looking to the side for an escape route. She realized she was about to be cornered.

She was the prey now.

"My prey."

I thought as I watched her.

"I don't want to scare you, {Y/N}, just drop it."

Before I could react, she quickly moves to the side and jumps over the bed, putting much more distance between us.

"I'll drop the subject when you drop the mask."

I said stubbornly and she groans, exasperated.

"Why are you being so difficult? You should be running from me, not chasing me around my room dammit!"

I let out a giggle, walking around the bed and moving closer to her. I don't know what sparked this sudden surge of confidence, but I was enjoying it.

Perhaps a little too much.

She tried backing away more, but was out of luck this time as her back bumps into a wall, causing her to swear under her breath.

"You don't scare me."

I mumble as I move closer, barely an inch separating us now. Her muffled breathing sounded heavy behind her mask, and I reached up a hand to pull it aside.

She goes deathly still as I gently tug it upwards, and the only thing I saw before she roughly shoved me away were soft, full pink lips, with a few more freckles dotting the sides of her face.

Someone... or something was violently pounding on her door and my eyes widen.

I wasn't scared of her, but I couldn't say that I felt the same about the other killers.

She looks at me as she pulls her mask back down, readjusting it.


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