

I groan and open my eyes, finding myself laying down in the middle of a field. I had awoken to soft whispers that had spoken words I couldn't decipher, but they ceased the moment I had opened my eyes.

This wasn't just any field, I realized, but the one that the castle resided in. I turn my head and see the old towering structure quite close, and that I was laying almost directly in front of the rotting wooden bridge.

The rusted, wrought iron gates were wide open, and I could see a figure running out from it, abruptly stopping at the opposite end of the bridge the second they saw my motionless form staring back.

Long, light pink hair could easily be seen through the fog and my breath immediately caught in my throat, butterflies beginning to stir up in the pits of my stomach.

The wind had slightly picked up after we locked gazes, and flowed through the pale stands that looked as if they were woven from cotton candy.

This dream was painfully beautiful.

I felt my eyes well up with unshed tears as we continued to stare at each other.

I didn't want to wake up.

It wasn't fair that I was going to be forced back into the other reality.

I was finally seeing her again, and it wasn't going to last.

I push myself up in a sitting position and inhale sharply, a loud whimper escaping me as the wound on my stomach protested my movements.


She shouted, causing a tingle to go down my spine.

"Was this a dream?"

I froze, realizing that I wouldn't of felt pain if I was dreaming.

This wasn't a trial, and passed out at camp, so how did I end up here?

Confusion washes over me, and I bite my lower lip.


Stumbling forward, she runs towards me, dropping to her knees in front of me and gently grabbing me, seemingly inspecting me while muttering "how" over and over.

"I... what's happening?"

I mumbled, staring at her mask as my heart beat wildly in my chest.

I slowly reached up towards it, but she let out a low growl, sensing what I was going to attempt. I quickly dropped my arm as she lifted the hem of my shirt and looking at the wound, and the other various bruises I had.

"Who did this to you? Tell me what they look like and I'll take care of them... you shouldn't of been put in another trail so soon."

Her voice was low and dangerous as she drops my shirt, then suddenly picks me up bridal style.

I yelp in surprise, mostly at being picked up, but also at her strength.

She thought another... killer... had hurt me?

I almost smile at the irony of another survivor wanting to kill me instead of a killer.

"Fucking hell, Jake."

I thought, anger bubbling up in my chest. It quickly goes away, though, as I come to the realization that she was actually holding me.

I was with her, and it wasn't just a dream this time.

She carries me over the old wooden bridge, and I feared that it would collapse and send us into the murky water below, but it held strong as we crossed, and walk through the gate. It shuts behind us almost immediately, and I wince from the loud screeching of the metal.

My cheeks heat up a deep pink as I sink deeper into her touch, leaning my cheek on her chest.

My breath catches as I feel a slow heart beat, way slower than the average human heart rate.


She felt cold, but I didn't mind it. My skin heated up wherever she touched me, leaving a pleasant tingling feeling behind. Content, I sigh, letting my eyes slowly close.

She tsks softly, clearly disapproving in my comfort with her.

"I stab you and killed your friends... yet you act like I'm your savior..."

She murmurs, and I just hum in reply, not paying attention to her words, just enjoying the closeness.

I couldn't believe I was seeing her outside of a trial.

Or my dreams.

"You're crazier than me, little mouse... you remain calm, even as you're about to enter the lion's den."

I stiffen a bit, and realize that if she was here, than the other killers I've heard about must be as well.

All of them.


I thought in fear as she let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry, I won't let them touch you. You're mine."

She whispered the last two words and I shivered, turning my face more so it was hidden further in her soft chest.

I hear a door creak open and open my eyes, seeing what looks like some sort of back entrance. We walk through and she takes a left, walking through a narrow corridor and taking a right up some stairs.

I grip the front of her hoodie tightly out of fear she would somehow drop me, but her strong grip doesn't falter as we continue to ascend the dark stairwell.

Small windows let in dim gray light, just barely enough to see where the stairs were. I close my eyes once more as we continue moving upwards for what feels like forever, until I feel her begin walking on level ground, and I open my eyes.

We pass a window, and I see that we're on what was most likely the top floor.

"Jesus.. that was actually fast for us being up this high."

I thought and looked up, only seeing her neck and jawline exposed from this angle. I saw a few freckles dotting her jaw and smiled, reaching up a hand to gently trace the side of her face.

She goes stiff, momentarily tightening her grasp on me. I freeze in response to her reaction, my hand lingering on the side of her face as she quickly sets me down, keeping one arm protectively wrapped around me.

I drop my hand from her face as she pushes open a door to a large, dark room. She pulls me in and shuts the door behind us, locking it.

A few small candles burned, allowing me to make out some of my surroundings. I didn't have to look much more to realize that this was the room I was in when I last dreamed of her.

Suddenly, she roughly pushes me behind her before I could attempt to look at anything else, and I go tense as I hear another voice that definitely wasn't hers.

"What in the hell is this, Susie?"

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