

"You barely fucking know me, but decide that you hate me? I mean, yeah we got off on the wrong foot but that's your own damn fault! What are the others going to think when they found out what you've done to me."

He stiffens, his jaw clenched as I smirk. This makes him even more mad and he looks ready to kick me again, but he doesn't move an inch. I inhale deeply, catching my breath so I could speak again.

"You can't kill me either, Jake. I don't know what you think you may of heard back at camp, but you're fucking wrong."

I push myself up in a sitting position, forcing back a pained expression from crossing my features.

He wasn't gonna get the satisfaction of seeing me even more weak and vulnerable than I already was.

He narrows his eyes, now looking unsure of himself. He had quickly lost control over the situation.

"Maybe I can't kill you, but I can make you being here hell. You're weak minded, you don't deserve to live while everyone else gets killed."

He growled, but he sounded less threatening, and took a step back while briefly looking over his shoulder warily.


I thought, now beginning to feel satisfaction creep up in me. His nervousness that someone may catch him brought up a surge of confidence in me.

"Isn't it already pretty much hell just living here? I don't think Dwight or Claudette are going to think too fondly of you after they find out what you're doing. Damn, I really don't think anyone will, actually."

I fake pout, staring into his eyes mockingly. He was consumed with so much anger he hadn't thought about the consequences.

I had the upper hand now.

"You shut the hell up! Claudette hates me because of you! She pushed me aside like I was nothing— after everything we've been through, now you show up and she barely even looks at me! I don't know what kind of lesbo relationship you two have, but it makes me sick!"


He shouted, his fists clenched to the point his knuckles were ghostly white, and shaking at his sides.

I flinch slightly at his words, taken aback by what he had said.

"I.. I don't know what you're talking about. We're friends you psycho, it's your own fault she doesn't like you!"

I growl back, my voice had risen as I glared daggers back at him. I curse myself for the small stutter I had let out, but my breath catches in my throat as I think of her.

Her warm, affection filled brown eyes flash through my mind. The way her hands could feel so soft and gentle. The way her full lips curved upwards into a smile when she saw me, or was deep in her work.

Then that... killer girl... whatever her name is... I have yet to find out what it was; her mask also flashes through my mind.

I feel guilty thinking of Claudette, but it's quickly pushed back as thoughts of the mysterious girl fill my head. Warmth blossoms through my chest at the mere thought of her.

I wanted to see her again.

I had to.

I was like some sort of craving I had. One that didn't feel like it could be satisfied until I saw her once more.

He rolls his eyes and scoffs, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Whatever, fag. This is all your fault."

He spat out hatefully, giving me one last piercing glare and abruptly turning around, storming off into the underbrush.

Within moments, he was gone, the sound of his footsteps quickly fading until I could only hear the melodic trickling of the stream and my own deep breaths.

I flop back down onto my back and stare upwards, staring at the tree branches above through the fog.

"What the hell just happened."


I blink slowly, my mind racing as I try to process it all.

He had tried to threaten me, and at first I was terrified, but there was nothing further he could've really done to me.

My lips slowly form a small smile at the thought of his stupidity.

He really hadn't thought that through, had he?

I stay laying there for awhile, my breathing now calm and even.

I felt my eyes slowly begin to close, but they snap open as I hear footsteps approach.

I let out an irritated growl.

"Can you just fuck off already Jake? I've had enough of your shit."

My tone was full of bitterness, and I actually began to feel hate for the boy bubble up somewhere inside of me.

"Ah... {Y/N}? It's just me..."

A soft, worried sounding voice speaks from a few feet away.

The anger I felt quickly faded into relief.

I tilt my head back slightly look behind me, and when my vision clears enough I can see Kate watching me warily from a short distance away.

Her teal eyes widen and she gasps quietly as she takes in my battered appearance.

"What the hell happened to you?"

She was mad, and her southern accent sounded much stronger when she raised her voice.

She swiftly came forward and gently helped me sit up without asking more questions. I clench my jaw and force a whimper of pain back down my throat at the searing pain in my stomach.

"Oh my... this is really bad..."

She muttered, her pale hand having a bit of blood on it from being close to my wound, where that whole area of my shirt was sticky and soaked with my blood.

"Your wound reopened... shit!"

She bites down on her lower lip, worried. I just purse my lips and look down, avoiding her concerned gaze.

"We need to get you back to camp. You have to try and walk."

She puts my arm around her neck, holding onto it it, and gripping me firmly above my ribcage to keep from brushing against my wound. Without warning, she lifts me up, and I let out a hiss of pain through my teeth.

She murmurs out an apology and slowly began to walk, and I nearly stumble from the sudden movement. Luckily, I didn't since she was supporting most of my weight.

"Jeez. She's stronger than I thought."

I thought as I looked at the side of her face. She was really pretty. I slowly blink a few times to clear my blurry vision, but it doesn't help much. She hums as we soon see a light in the distance, the trees thinning out and the fog as well.

"We're almost there."

She said softly, turning her head to give me a small, reassuring smile. I weakly nod in response, exhaustion now beginning to take hold of me.


I mumbled out a warning.

"Shh, it's okay, I got you."

She said soothingly as we stepped into the clearing. The last thing I see before I close my eyes is a few survivors immediately coming forwards to help.

Their voices sounded strange and slurred together as they spoke. I let out a small sigh as I feel myself being picked up.

"Can't I go a few hours without passing out?"

I thought bitterly, moments before I lost consciousness.

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