

"So that's how you found it out?"

Claudette frowns, looking to the side and going quiet, probably lost in thought.

I give a small nod, and Quentin hums.

"I mean.. at least you found it out... but her willingly letting you escape seems... very off..."

He murmured, then yawned.

He was probably gonna pass out for a whole day— I mean night— again.

Very soon just from the looks of him.

I smile a bit and look at the three of them. I was pretty content with the little group we had formed since I got here.

I bite my lip nervously, and inhale deeply, folding my hands in my lap to hide that they were slightly trembling.

"You guys... won't tell anyone else this, right?"

I ask anxiously, my gaze flickering between them.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure."

My gaze landed on Quentin as he spoke quietly, his eyes now fully closed.

I then rest my gaze on Claudette and Steve.

Claudette looks a bit reluctant, but gives a nod, forcing a small smile onto her face. She then elbows a hesitant Steve, who just rolls his eyes, rubbing his side where her elbow had hit.

"Yeah, whatever Sunshine. She can kick our asses but you're on her good side."

He huffed, his tone full of sarcasm. I smile gratefully, breathing out a sigh of relief.

My body tenses, though, when I hear quiet rustling from outside my tent, then footsteps quickly fading away.

The color drains from my face as I look at them with wide eyes.

"Do you think?..."

I whisper, trailing off.

Claudette frowns, pursing her lips.

"They might of just been passing by?"

She suggests, sounding unsure.

I let out a heavy sigh and flop back down on my back, forgetting my barely touched food.


"But what if they heard.."

I mumble, covering my face with my hands.

Claudette gently puts her hand on my thigh.

"It could cause some confusion, and other minor issues, but you're fine. I really don't think there's much to worry about."

She said softly, seeming more sure of what she was saying.

"It's not like you're betraying us in any way, she let you go."

I felt a stab of guilt, my feelings towards the killer making it feel as if I were betraying them.

"I can't tell any of them how I feel towards her... or how she feels towards me."

Quentin snores softly next to us, already in a deep sleep.

A small smile makes its way onto my face at how peaceful he looked. He didn't really seem to care or worry about too much of anything.

If only I could feel that way.

I hum and remove my hands from my face, getting up, which causes Claudette and Steve to look at me with curiosity.

"I think I'm gonna go on a walk.. I wanna clear my head a bit."

I announce, heading for the tent flap. My wound was pretty much numb, but I'd still have to take it easy.

Didn't wanna bleed out in the middle of the woods.

"Yeah, alright. Try not to bring any of the killers home."

Steve coughed as I glared over my shoulder at him. Claudette socks him in the stomach harshly and gives me an apologetic smile as he groans in pain.

I sigh and duck out of my tent, feeling the chilly air gently brush my face. I hear the two of them arguing in the tent and smile, shaking my head. I then look to the left towards the campfire and see nearly everyone gathered there, doing their own things.


Not wanting to talk to anyone else as of now, I go right, heading towards where the stream was located.

When I get to the stream, I watched the water flow and hummed.

"I wonder where it leads, if it even leads anywhere."

I thought, tilting my head as I studied the water, the soft tricking noises coming from it soothing.

I actually felt relaxed here.

Should I follow it?

I hum and slowly began walking downstream, staying directly next to the creek so I wouldn't get lost, the pebbles that lined each side of the bank shifting under my feet with each step I took.

Well... I'd eventually return back to the camp if that happened but, that's not exactly what I wanted to happen now.

Though the fog was thickening after following the creek for a about ten minutes or so, the trees started to space out more, letting me see the sky a bit more clearly.

The further I walked, the more clouds covered it, hiding the moon and stars that gave me dull light.

I hear the soft rumble of thunder in the distance and squint up through the fog, seeing pale lavender flashes spread out behind the darkened clouds.


My curiosity growing, I walk a bit faster, soon breaking out into a run.

The grumbling of thunder grows louder and the fog began to ease up.

In my haste, I didn't pay attention to where I was putting my feet and trip over what was more than likely a large rock or root, and fall, part of me landing in the cold creek.

I groan, shivering as my clothes get soaked.

I lift my head and notice that the ground sloped downwards. The sound of the creek also seemed to get much louder, sounding like a soft roar.

Pushing myself back up on shaking legs, I limp forward, crossing my arms over my chest.

The roar of the waterfall next to me filled my ears, and I could barely hear the deep grumble of the thunder above.

The fog in front of me completely clears and I'm standing on a large hill, looking down at a meadow.

Wide eyed, I stare in awe at the immense, ancient looking stone castle that sat directly in the middle of it all.

hi hi! sorry for taking so long

to get another chapter up.

I haven't had much motivation

lately :((

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