

Her cold hand gently caresses my cheek, the touch so soft and unexpected from a predator like herself. They were dirty, bloodstained, but I couldn't care less, even as some of the blood smudged onto my skin.

I laid next to her, on my side facing her in some sort of odd looking room with walls of stone. There was only one large window that let in a dim gray light.

The only other light source were small candles that flickered from across the room.

But it was just enough light for me to be able to admire her appearance.

She looked the way she did the last time I saw her.

Pink hair matted with slick red blood, her clothing ripped and torn.

But I felt safe.

I know it was far from rational, she stabbed me for fuck's sake.

She killed my friends.

But I couldn't find any part of myself that wanted to be away from her.

I stare at the blood that was splattered on her mask, her soft breathing muffled by it.

Was it Zarina's?



Or was it my own?

I close my eyes and lean into her touch, not finding those questions important.

I wanted to remove the mask, but for some reason I couldn't.

The voice in the back of my head urged me to do it, but I physically couldn't make myself do it.

"Can't we stay like this... the mask doesn't matter."

Her other hand rests on top of my head, and she soon slowly began to rake her fingers throughout the length of my hair.

This was heaven.

I let out a small sigh, opening my eyes and staring at her mask.

The curiosity wouldn't stop tugging at me.

I wanted to know.

"I want to see you."


I suddenly stated, which caused her to laugh and remove her hands from me, sitting up slowly. I flopped onto my back and stared up at her expectantly.

"You do?"

She murmured and I nodded. She sighs, going silent for awhile.

"Very well then. I'm sorry if I startle you."

She finally speaks after minutes of thinking, and slowly pulls down her hood. As soon as her hands touch her mask, I feel myself being roughly shaken.

My eyes snap open, my vision blurry.

I groan and close them again, not wanting to wake up yet.

I needed to dream again, to see her.

I need to know who she is.

"No no, {Y/N}, sleeping in too much is my job."

A deep, humored voice spoke.

I inhale sharply and open my eyes, moving my hands up to my face to rub the sleep away.

Sitting next to me is Quentin, Steve also by his side.

They both looked worried, but Steve looked extremely roughed up.

More than likely from the trial.

I look away from Steve and back to Quentin, the guilt hitting me.

I sit up and feel an odd numb feeling in my stomach. I look down, pulling up my shirt a bit to see the wound.

It was still there, but there was some sort of paste or salve slathered over it.

So that's why I wasn't in pain.

I let my shirt drop and look back up to Steve and Quentin. Quentin's pale cheeks were flushed a soft pink as he looked down at his hands, and Steve was completely turned around, facing my tent wall with both of his hands covering his face.

"Yknow, if you're gonna try and flash us, give us a warning next time."

Steve said loudly, and my face flushed as well. I smack the back of his head, causing him to yelp and turn back around, glaring at me.


"Deserved it."

I stated, glaring back.

He huffs and rolls his eyes as Quentin pushes two bowls towards me.

One was filled with some berries and other herbs, the other held water.

"Thank you."

I murmur, looking up at him for a moment, then looked back down towards the bowl. I pick a few strawberries off the top, and slowly eat them.

I sigh happily as I chew, content that the strawberries were more sweet than tangy.

The flap to my tent gets forcefully pushed open and Claudette ducks in, a smile on her face when sees that I'm awake. I almost spilled my water out of surprise when she rushed in like that.

"I can't believe you found hatch on your first trial!"

"Hatch... oh!"

I almost choke on my strawberry as I remembered, and began coughing.

Quentin's brown eyes widened and he moved closer, firmly patting my back.

"You're killing her!"

Steve accused, glaring at her. She scowls back and acts like she's about to smack him, raising her hand.

"HEY- I'm sorry!"

He shouts, cowering away. A satisfied smirk forms on her lips at his quick surrender and she lowers it.

I wave Quentin off as I catch my breath.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Thank you."

I breathe out, shaking my head.

All three of them go silent, looking at me.

"So... how did you manage to escape?... It was your first trial and you were thrown in early."

Steve asked, tilting his head to the side. I bite my lower lip and debate on whether or not I should tell them the truth.

"I uh... well... she might've... let me?..."

I stuttered out nervously, not able to think of a good lie. Their eyes went wide and they all stared, shocked.


I leap forward and cover Steve's mouth, muffling his yelling. He scowls and stops trying to speak, and I remove my hands, sitting back.

"That crazy bitch let you escape?"

He repeated, his voice now at a loud whisper. I nod, pursing my lips.

"She also knew my name."

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