

As the thick fog surrounds my body, spinning around me, I close my eyes and inhale deeply, ready to be punished for letting her go.

"Here we go."

I mutter, and the next time I open my eyes, the fog is no longer swirling around me, and I'm "home." Not in Her domain, being tortured— punished— I meant. Confusion overtook me, yet I brush it off, not questioning the odd act of kindness She was showing.

In front of me was a clear view of the deteriorated castle.

Pale violet lightening flickered in the distance, the soft, comforting grumble thunder soon following suit.

I stood out front, staring up at the towering stone structure. I look over my shoulder to the familiar fog that lurked within the forest that surrounded the outskirts of the castle, and then look forward once more, appreciating the ancient castle.

Even after being here for so long, it was still a fascinating sight to lay your eyes on.

I sigh and finally began walk, the old wooden bridge creaking in protest to my weight.

I look to my side to admire the dark murky water that surrounded the castle, unknown creatures below disturbing the water's surface, causing small ripples to form.

My head snaps back up to the sound of the wrought iron gates opening, the shrill squeal of it making me scrunch my face in displeasure.

"Such a horrible sound."

They close behind me as I walk through, and I see Sally and Herman together by what used to be the stables.

Herman appeared to be playing around with a crow that seemed half dead, repetitively shocking it for short periods of time while Sally watched with a smile on her face, touching it and reviving it— just so that he could continue his little game.


She was the only one who turned at the sound of my footsteps, her smile growing as she took in the sight of me.

She inhales deeply, and after a quick screech, she's suddenly in front of me, trying to catch her breath after she teleported.

Or blinked.

Whatever she wanted to call it.

"Good hunting?"

She wheezed, breathing heavily after speaking. She watched me expectantly, as if I was about to spill all the gruesome details. She brushes her deep auburn hair out of her face, trying to smooth it down.

I shrug.

"Same as always."

I mutter my bland answer, not giving her details and continue walking, leaving Sally disappointed.

It wasn't the "same as always," but I obviously wouldn't let her know that.

I wait for the wooden front doors to the castle to swing open, in which they almost immediately do.

I make my way in and see the rest of my little gang sitting in what we made to be some sort of hang out area.

Frank claimed it as ours, always trying to intimidate the other killers away from it.

"Thinks he's hot shit."

I roll my eyes and ignore their calls to me and take a sharp right, heading up the long stairway that would eventually lead to my room.

I couldn't be bothered to talk to them as of now.


Julie called, her voice distant and echoing up the stairwell as I continue to ascend them, not stopping to give her an answer.

I just didn't care enough to respond.

"Why did I have to stab her?"

I suppress a growl and yank off my mask, throwing my hood down in the process.

The chill air hits my face and I breathe in deeply, enjoying that I was finally able to breathe without the mask being in the way.


After what felt like ages, I reach the top of the stairs,. Physically, I wasn't tired, but mentally I was, and knew I should be feeling some sort of physical pain in my legs, but I didn't— just a dull ache.

I wasn't exactly possible for me to feel much pain anymore.

I suppose it was convenient, but some of the survivors carried an object that stings like hell when they stab you with it.

Little shits.

I continue to walk down the long corridor, rats hurriedly scurrying away to avoid my feet.

I reach the end of the hallway and push open my door, tossing my mask carelessly on the old wooden dresser by the door.

I flop down face first on my bed, letting out an aggravated groan.

We weren't suppose to feel anything towards the prey.

Nothing except bloodlust.

So why did I feel something when I saw her standing before me?

For weeks, I've been dreaming of that girl.

How could I of known who she was beforehand? And how was she actually real?

A small, fluttering feeling stirs in the pit of my stomach the more I envision her face. It was a feeling that I could've easily ignored, but I couldn't.

I felt torn.

If I hadn't at least wounded her before she left, she would've known.

She might've punished me if I let her go completely unscathed.

My chest aches as I remember her blood.

As her pained expression when I stabbed her flashes through my mind, the ache intensifies.

I purse my lips, the two sides of me at conflict.

The look in her eyes when she was in pain was delicious.

It made her even more beautiful.

Knowing I was the one hurt her made me feel good.

But it also made me feel bad.

The other side of me didn't want to see her hurt or in pain.

I wondered what it would look like if she smiled.

If I was the one who made her smile.

The reason behind her happiness.

I just want to protect her.


so this is the first time

I've tried a POV switch,

and I'm not sure if

I wanna do it again.

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