

I see a giant metal gate through the fog, and next to it embedded on the brick wall that lined either side of the gate, some sort of lever. I hum thoughtfully as I approach it and grab the lever, yanking it down.

After I do that, a loud creaking noise emits from the gate.

"So I am doing this right."

I thought, but then again, opening the gate was a pretty simple task.

Literally just pull the lever, and bam.

I guess I had just expected myself to somehow end up screwing it up.

The creaking gets louder, and the longer I keep holding the lever down, the more my arm starts to ache.

"This. Is. Taking. Forever."

I grumbled to myself in irritation, feeling my grip begin to weaken. But as soon as I hear Ace's scream echo, I suddenly have the strength to keep holding the lever down, the pain in my arm quickly forgotten.

I guess he wasn't able to get to Steve and got caught in the process.

I purse my lips, guilt tugging at me for not going with him.

After another few minutes, these loud beeps sound from the gate and I wince, the strange noises far from pleasing to the ear.

I jump out of surprise and let go of the lever when the gate rattles, sluggishly beginning to open.

Something that sounded like a deep chime rings from the sky and I turn around, looking up. I see a strange orange glow tint the sky, and what appeared to be smoldering ash began to fall. When I look back down, the grass and snow were beginning to have the same bright orange radiance, looking as if hot coals were burning within it.

Oddly enough, the snow didn't melt.

I walk a few feet away from the opened gate, squinting through the fog.

"Maybe they weren't dead?"

I thought, trying to have some sort of unrealistic hope for the two of them.

Recalling the screams I heard, I rethought it.

"Now, why are you still here?"

A soft spoken voice laced with the slightest bit of humor asks. I quickly spun around, my eyes widening and my heart rate quickening.

It was her.

She was standing much closer than she was before, now only mere inches away.


I feel a tingle go down my spine as I take in her enthralling appearance yet again.

She was covered in blood, her soft pink pair matted in some places with it, and my eyes widen even more. I hesitantly step forward, reaching out towards her in concern.

"You're covered in blood, are you hurt?"

I ask, looking her over, but no major wounds were visible except for small scrapes and scratches on her legs where the tights were ripped.

She stiffens as my hand extended towards her, and just looks at it. She makes no move to come closer, then looks back up at me.

"Bold question to be asking me, {Y/N}. Even bolder for you to be standing in front of me with no fear. Don't you want to run?"

The way she said my name in that low tone sent yet another shiver down my spine, and I make no move to drop my hand.

"Why would I run from her?"

She said nothing as we stared at each other, and I speak up again.

"So you're the fifth or something? I did it know that was possible and I don't remember meeting you back at the camp.."

I murmur, but then I freeze after speaking, dropping my arm suddenly as the realization dawned on me.

"This is the killer, isn't it? I've been pleasantly talking to her, without even realizing she was the one who murdered my friends!"

At this moment, I felt more stupid than I ever have in my life.

Of course she was the damn killer.

She tilts her head, still watching me.

"Cat got your tongue?"

She murmurs in the same humored tone.

The mask should've gave it away right from the beginning.

Except... she hadn't made any moves to hurt me before, and wasn't making any now.

Another deep chime rumbles from above and she moves swiftly, seizing my hand in her own and began pulling me off to an unknown destination.

Her grip was tight, her hand cold, and slippery as it covered in blood, yet her grip stay firm.

I weakly try to pull away to escape her grasp, but a small part of me doesn't want to fight against her.

Caving in to that part of me, I stop my futile attempts to get away and quicken pace so now that I'm walking behind her, rather than being dragged.


She lets out a small laugh.

"So trusting, aren't you, little {Y/N}?"

Her tone was teasing, but then turned mocking within an instant.

"Willingly walking with the same one who had the pleasure of killing your friends. I wonder what they would think of you now? Your gut isn't screaming at you to fight back, to get as far away from me as possible?"

I bit my lip hard, my eyes tearing up as I thought of poor Steve.

He and Claudette were two of the only people who really had helped me settle in as fast as I did. Well, Quentin too, since his presence was just overall soothing.

"I'm surprised you took so long to figure it out."

She sighed, and another realization hit me. I should've went with Ace to help him, and maybe the three of us would've escaped together. I shouldn't of went for the gate, we could've got him. Two of us going would've been better than just him going on his own.

I most likely could've helped saved Steve. We could've saved Steve.

But, regardless of the fact she killed them, though, I didn't feel any bitter feeling towards her, but only to myself for doing what felt to be some sort of betrayal towards the camp.

I was being friendly with the same one who threw them on fucking meat hooks.

"Nothing to say, huh?"

She went quiet for a few minutes after that.

I began to hear a distant, high pitched humming noise, and it got louder the more we walked.

Soon, I'm able to see through the fog, and see what I assume to be what they called the hatch. Black mist swirled around the opening and we stop right in front of it. I look up at her, only to see her watching me.

"This won't be the last time we meet, my {Y/N}."

She spoke in a low tone, then yanked me forward towards her, crushing me against her in a cold embrace.

Through the heavy metallic scent of blood, I could smell some type of sweet scent.

I couldn't put my finger on what exactly it was, only that it had a floral tinge to it.

Just as I was about to try and pull away, I feel a sharp, cold stinging sensation in my stomach. I let out a soft whimper.

"Shh... there we go."

She whispered in a soothing voice, letting me go and I look down, seeing some sort of weapon buried in my stomach.

The pain spiked when she slowly twisted it, then suddenly yanked it out, causing the pain to intensify further.

I cry out, blinding white pain coursing through me.

She shoves me down roughly and I fall right next to the hatch, coughing as I struggle for air. I squeeze my eyes shut and press down on the wound on my stomach, a weak attempt to slow the bleeding.

Another fit of coughs take over, and I see droplets of red splatter onto the pure white snow, the taste of my own blood strong in my mouth.

I struggle to open my eyes and try to look up at her.

She was staring down at me, waving what turned out to be a broken ruler spiked with jagged metal at the end.

So that's what I got stabbed with.

She wipes my blood off of her weapon on the front of her hoodie, then crouches down to me, putting her fingers under my chin so I was eye-level to her.


I weakly whispered out.

After a few moments of silence she speaks.

"I couldn't let you leave without giving you something to remember me, could I? At least I'm not killing you. Be thankful, little mouse."

She murmured, then abruptly stood up.

"Until next time, {Y/N}."

That was the last sentence I heard from her as she used her foot to push me into the hatch as if I were already dead, the door slamming shut as soon as I fall through.

I hit the cold, hard dirt ground and loudly cry out in pain. My head throbbed in pain and I curl up into a ball.

Everything was so dark, I couldn't see a single thing.

I just close my eyes and let my conscious slip away without a fight, hoping to wake up somewhere better.

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