

When we got up the stairs, we take a sharp left in the long hallway, and he suddenly pushes me towards a red locker. My face almost collided with it, but my hands hit it first, and I caught myself before I got a face full of peeling paint and splinters. I turn and scowl at him, but he spoke before I could say anything.

"Get in and stay quiet."

He orders me quietly. Not wanting to argue with him anymore, I listen and pull one of the locker doors open, slipping inside and shutting it after I'm inside. It was dark, and pretty small. The only light that came in was from the little metal slits towards the top. I hear his footsteps quickly fade as he went the complete opposite way we came.

Luckily, I had enough room to sit, so I slowly and quietly ease myself into a sitting position, hugging my knees to my chest tightly. Though my heart continued to pound against my ribcage, the distant sound of a gen popping once more made me smile to myself.

"Steve... only two more gens to go, now."

I thought to myself and closed my eyes, praying that I was the only one who could hear my heart beating this furiously. After what felt like ages of silence, I hear slow footsteps begin to come up the old, creaking staircase.

Each wooden stair that they climb, the louder the creaks become and the harder my heart slammed against my rib cage. I hold my breath as they reach the top, and hear the footsteps come to a stop.

They must of paused.

I let out a soft, and hopefully quiet breath.

A few seconds that felt like hours go by, and the careful footsteps start up once more.


In my direction.

Could they have heard my breath?

"Surely not.."

I was only trying to convince myself at that point, and any hope I had in me quickly left when the footsteps stopped for a second time.

Right in front of my hiding place.

I heard heavy breathing come from the other side of the doors and I begin to tremble out of fear, covering my mouth with my hand.


A familiar voice whispered.

"You.. ow—! dammit... you in there?"

I slowly push the door open to see a very bloody looking Steve. I climb out of the locker and stand, looking him over.

"What happened to you?"

I ask, very dumbly before I realize what more than likely happened.


Steve grimaces and gives a small nod, clutching his side tightly.

"The bitch got me. Threw a fucking pallet on her head, though. Ran into Ace and be told me where to find you. He should be on the fourth gen—"

He gets interrupted by the heavenly sound of the fourth generator popping, and then a hellish, deep scream.

We look each other in the eye, knowing what had just happened.


We both said in unison, and soon after that, we hear another, more gut-wrenching scream come from him.

"Is he still.."

I ask, trailing off, not exactly wanting to finish the sentence. Steve just shrugs.

"Maybe. Depends if she choosing to sacrifice him or have her own fun with him..."

He shook his head as I stared at him, eyes wide. He looked back at me with a look of shock and starts shaking his head again, quicker.

"No! Damn your dirty mind! I meant— she might just kill him herself like she did to Zarina, uh... she might mori him... if not we can still save."


He spoke fast, and I just nod, walking out onto the balcony area and look out into the trees, trying to see if there was any trace of him. I see some sort of run-down shack in the distance and call out to Steve.

"You think that's worth checking out?"

Steve squints, staring at it for a few seconds before humming.

"I think there's a basement there. Killers seem to enjoy putting us down there when they have the opportunity."

He grumbled, then looks at me.

"Uh.. before we go could you... help with this."

He motions at his side and my eyes widen.

"Oh! Y-Yeah! I'm sorry. I uh..."

He waves me off, and bobs his head at a chest that sat close to the locker I was just in.

"There's probably a medkit in there."

He takes in a sharp breath as he takes a seat on an old couch, clutching his side tighter. I say nothing and I pull open the heavy lid of the chest. After sifting through a bunch of junk, I see a bright red color, and I pull it up. I smile, seeing that it was indeed a medkit.

I turn towards Steve, opening the medkit and crouching down so that I was face level with his side. The first thing I see a syringe filled with this dark hot pink liquid.

Carefully, I take it out, and examine it closer. The liquid was thick and bubbling. I look at the kit to see gauze and a few other things. I began to reach for them, but Steve grabbed my hand.

"You only need this. These syringes are just... they're something else. We're lucky as shit to find this, these things are rare."

He moves his hand and lifts up his shirt, and I'm greeted with a deep stab wound. I wince just looking at it, as I've never been this close up to something like this. The metallic scent of blood fills my senses and I scrunch up my face. Sure, I've been around scrapes and small cuts, but that's completely a completely different story and not exactly life threatening. With a shaking hand, I line up the syringe with his skin.

"Yeah.. right about there."

He mumbled and silently I inject it, just wanting to get it over with. He barely flinches, and once the syringe was empty, I toss it down the hall.

I look back to his side and blink rapidly once I see the flesh mending itself together.

"What the..."

I breathe out, at a loss for words, and he laughs softly at my reaction. I stare in awe as his side fully heals, nothing but a bloody mess left to show that there was once a day terrible wound there.

"Cool right?"

He laughs and takes his time getting up, stretching once he's standing.

"Feels a lot better. Now let's go find Ace!"

He said in a cheery tone, patting my shoulder. I get up as well, shaking my head a bit.

"Yeah, okay."

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