

I abruptly wake up to the feeling of cold water splashing onto my face. I gasp sharply and shoot up into a sitting position, wide-eyed and looking around. My glare lands on Nea and Feng, both of them dying of laughter. Nea was holding a small, empty wooden bowl.

Water trickles down the front of my body, wetting the front of my shirt. I'd probably just have to sit in front of the fire for a few minutes to dry it out.

"Ha ha. Couldn't you two of woken me up normally?"

Sarcasm dripped from my tone as I scowled, and wiped the water off of my face, noting how the sky was still dark as it was before— the full moon hanging steadily in the same spot.

I repress a shudder at how unnatural everything was.

"Well, 'Good morning sunshine' and a gentle shake didn't work!"

I look to see Jane standing nearby as well, trying to hide her amusement, and Quentin of course still passed out a few feet away.

"No fair! Why don't you guys do that to him?"

I whine childishly, and Feng rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you try waking him up? Once he's asleep, he wakes up on his own accord! Nobody can wake him."

I pursed my lips and looked away from the sleeping boy, back to the three girls.

"Rolled him into the stream once, and he still wouldn't wake up."

Nea scoffed, and shook her head, muttering something I couldn't quite catch.

I slowly stand up, yawning and stretching. I smile when my joints pop loudly, and rub the remaining sleep away from my eyes.

"Well, you're up on food duty with Jake and Claud."

Feng said, and waved towards what I assumed to be their general direction. But as soon as food was mentioned, I noticed the uncomfortable empty feeling in my gut. A low growl could be heard and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Nea raised a brow.

"Might wanna hurry up, then."

I quickly nod in agreement and begin to walk away, scanning the camp for either one of them. I stick close to the fire as I search for the two, letting the campfire dry my shirt.


"Hey! Newbie!"

I look to my right and see Jake, Claudette standing at his side. They were both looking at me expectantly, and I slowly jog over to them.

"Sleep well?"

Claudette asked in a teasing yet playful tone, and I huff, rolling my eyes. Jake snickers and I send a glare his way.

"Are we gonna get on with this or what?"

I grumble irritably, running my hands through my hair to smooth out the mess it certainly was, though I doubt that did much to help whatever mess I knew my hair had become.

They laugh softly and turn, walking towards a part of the camp I haven't been to yet. I walk quickly to catch up, and soon hear the sound of the stream start growing louder.

Once we're past the last of the tents, I can see it. It's extremely wide, mostly shallow except for the middle, which was quite deep. I look over at Claudette, who was already ankle deep into the clear water.

"I'm gonna look for berries and herbs, you go with Jake."

She looks back at me and smiles. I nod and turn to Jake, looking up at him.

"I should've tried to pay more attention."

I thought guiltily as I watched her make her way through the stream, but also felt sort of thankful since I'd probably be more help to Jake.


"We're hunting for ah... crows or fish. Sometimes we find rats during the trials but can't always bring them back cause... yknow.."

He trails off and I hesitantly add in,


He sighs softly and turns, beginning to walk to a place where the trees were widely spaced out, the grass long and lush. I noticed that the fog was light in this area, not thick like it is in the other parts of the wood.

"Yeah.. it's... pretty fucking awful.. but you sort of get use to the pain. I mean, yeah it still hurts like hell, but it's more expected after awhile."


I keep silent, not knowing what to say. He suddenly crouches and motions for me to do the same. I comply, crouching down as well.

I hear a soft caw, and look over Jake's shoulder to see a crow eyeing us warily a few feet away. He speaks gentle words to it, calming it down, and holds out his hand. The bird makes another soft caw and reluctantly hops forward, towards his outstretched hand.

My eyes widen in awe as it soon hops onto his hand, and he looks back at me, a small crooked smile on his face. His eyes didn't seem to have any trace of whatever they held last night... or before I went to sleep?

"How do they keep track of time here?"

I wondered, and let out a small sigh as I watched him handle the bird, happy to know that I was just overthinking things.

"Calm Spirit. It keeps the birds and other animals I find relaxed in my presence."

He spoke in a relaxed tone, looking back to the bird. I blink slowly and let out a long exhale, slowly reaching out to touch feathers I knew would be smooth under my fingers.

"Wow, that's-"

I began softly, but before I could speak anything else of my thoughts, he puts his hand on the birds neck, squeezing it; then grasps it's body firmly with his other hand. I quickly pull my arm back, my {E/C} eyes wide in horror as I watch him.

It cries out loudly in a panic, but a quick jerk to the side and a sickening crack end it's cries. I stare in mute shock, and quickly stand up. When he looked back, a smile was on his face, but when he saw my reaction it quickly faded. I back away slowly and he lets out a frustrated huff, his look of confusion changing to one of irritation.

"Seriously? Tell me you're kidding. You've reacted so calmly to everything else, even the fact you're gonna be sacrificed, and it's a crow that gets a reaction out of you?"

The words gushed out, his tone harsh. I part my lips slightly to say something, but he continues before I could.

"You're literally trapped here, and you haven't screamed or cried once about it. You're going to be tortured and in pain nonstop, but a damn bird dying is what gets you? We have to eat dammit! Or we'll be weak during the trials and we're just easy prey!"

My vision became blurry with tears, which quickly formed small pools in my eyes. As soon as I blink, they spill down my flushed cheeks in small trails, dripping off of my chin and falling to the ground.

"What you did was fucking unnecessary."

He scowls as his eyes study my face, and I turn away so I didn't have to look at him anymore. As I tried to steady my voice to speak again, I felt his criticizing glare burn holes into my back.

"I think I'm going to help Claud."

My voice shook more, but didn't break, and for that I was thankful. I hear him mutter something as I walk away, but I didn't listen. I go back to the stream and follow it back the way we came until I see Claudette on the other side, focusing on what I assumed to be a berry bush or something of the sort.


I shakily called out, and began to wade through the stream towards her. She turns and her eyes widen as she takes in my flushed, teary eyed face.

"Hey, hey wait! What happened?"

She asked, worry in her tone and her chestnut eyes reflecting her concern. She set down her stuff and began walking towards me, water splashing as she tries her best to quickly come to me.

I pause my wading once she's in front of meand clench my jaw a bit, wiping my tears away hastily.

"Jake's an ass."

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