

I wake up feeling a pleasant heat that chased the cold from the depths of my bones. My head lay on something soft, and a small smile makes it's way onto my lips at the comfortable feeling. I snuggled in deeper, letting out a content sigh. I began to feel nimble fingers begin to delicately work their way through my hair, gently working out any tangles that were there, and a feminine voice suddenly started speaking in an excited tone.

"Guys, I think she's waking up!"

Letting out a sleepy hum, I sluggishly open my eyes out of curiosity to see who my care taker was, only to see a girl with deep chestnut eyes and dark hair in the same warm tone look back down at me. Her hair was thrown up in a messy bun, a few loose strands framing her face, and she was gazing down at me, worry evident in her large doe eyes.

She was beautiful.

It was as if she just came out of a movie or something.

Or was this heaven? I'm pretty sure that I was dead, and I mean at least 110% sure.

"She's an angel, perhaps?"

Is what ran through my mind as I gazed right back up at her, the ability to form words completely lost as I was awestruck.

And as it turns out, I suddenly realize my head was on her thighs.

So that's what my pillow was...

No wonder it was so soft. They were nice and squishy, and I could just stay like this forever.

My eyes open up wider at my slightly pervy thoughts and I'm immediately awake, my face burning a deep shameful red from embarrassment. I quickly sat up and scooted backwards, away from her. This causes her to let out a laugh that made butterflies to stir up in my stomach, fluttering around like crazy and almost making me feel sick. When another hand lightly places itself on my shoulder, I jump and let out a surprised squeak.


I quickly turn around to see yet another pretty girl with long, wavy golden hair with sky blue eyes looking down at me, an amused expression on her face.

Must've been my reaction to her soft touch. But to be fair, I didn't know she was there and it scared the hell out of me— not to mention it made me feel off that a bunch of attractive people were here staring at me and touching me.

Behind her is an Asian boy with messy black hair, also watching me with interest, his nearly black eyes not leaving me even for a moment. There was something about that look that made me feel uneasy, and I quickly look away from him. I didn't want to hold that gaze for a second longer.

"Is everyone here fucking attractive?"

I thought as my heart began to beat wildly, eyes flicking back and forth through the crowd of people, I began to wonder what my own appearance was like at the moment.

"Insecure even in the afterlife? Aren't these feelings suppose to 'magically' go away?"

I looked around some more, and noticed there were many people here, most of them looking at me with curiosity, only a few others minding their own business.

I felt like an ant under a magnifying glass, and slightly shifted in my spot uncomfortably.

I also noticed I'm in the middle of what seems to be a huge campsite. Countless tents litter the area, with a giant campfire roaring in the middle of it all, providing a bright light that warmed the whole area. I hear the soft, melodic trickle of a stream or creek somewhere beyond the loud crackling of the fire, and the hushed murmuring voices of the people around me.

My eyes slowly drift to the far outskirts of the campsite, and I see the cold white mist swirling through the lush grass, then slowly evaporating when just enough light shined through it.


It felt like a wall.

I shudder at the memory of its cold embrace, bringing my hand up to my throat and remembering how it felt as if I was breathing liquid fire.

I inhale the clear, cool air deeply, thankful that I could now breathe without having trouble.

Someone suddenly snaps their fingers next to my face and my body jerks, now out of my trance. I look up at a dark skinned girl with her thick curly hair in a side pony tail. At my nervous state, her full lips formed into a smirk and she gave a small eye roll.

"Hey girl, you ever gonna talk? Usually the new ones are full of questions the moment they wake."

Her words caused a few people to let out soft laughs or words of agreement.

"She's probably just scared, Claud."

The girl with wavy blonde hair murmured in a thick southern accent, still gazing down at me, the former amusement now replaced with what seemed to be concern.

My face still burning from embarrassment, I frown a bit and look up at her, then the other girl, and let out the first and only sentence that came to mind.

"Am I in heaven?..."

I weakly spoke, the words sounding lame. Her entertained expression made me feel even more dumb as even more laughs were heard, as if I said something hysterical. Another female voice butts in, cutting through the laughter with her harsh tone, making me wince slightly.

"Heaven? More like hell. And no, you're not dead. Not yet at least."

I turn to the side to see a girl with light teal eyes and straight black hair neatly cut to her chin leaning against a nearby tree, a gray beanie fitting the top of her head snugly. Before I could say anything she continued, giving me a look that assisted in keeping me silent while she spoke.

"You're a survivor now. You were taken like the rest of us, fellow survivors and even the killers alike."

The look of confusion mixed with fear on my face must of spoke louder than anything else I could've said. She steps closer to me, the chain on her jeans clinking softly as she moves forward— almost catlike, and crouches down to my height. She puts two fingers underneath my chin and raises my head so that we're eye-to-eye.

Without blinking or breaking gaze once, she speaks five words that cause me to feel more unsettled than I ever have in my life.

"Welcome to The Fog, newbie."

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