

As soon as my eyes opened, all I could see was that I was completely surrounded by white. Pure white fog, so thick and smothering, it really felt as if my lungs were about collapse from the pressure inside my chest.

I breathed in deeply, trying to steal as much air as I could, but the crushing feeling in my chest was not soothed in the slightest by what I had took in.

It just intensified the feeling of fire coursing throughout my lungs.

The fog was chilled and wet, causing my clothes to become damp and cling to my body like a second skin.

I shivered as I stared upwards, my blurry vision able to vaguely make out the shape of dark tree branches above.

"Am I dead?"

I let the question emerge past my lips, the three weak words softly spoken and hoarse, an unspoken answer laying somewhere within the white thick blanket that surrounded my entire being.

For some reason, I didn't remember anything of how I got here or who I was besides the fact I was in a car crash.

One that definitely should've killed me if I wasn't already dead, and awaiting my fate in the afterlife.

But of course, I had to be dead.

I was driving too fast, trying to escape my own pain and suffering from a life that I didn't want to live anymore.

At least, I can assume that much from the pain that blossomed in my chest from the memory of speeding down that highway, the scenery outside the car a messy blur as I drove. What other reason would there be for myself to do something like that? I couldn't of been that happy, or even happy at all to do something so stupid.

Although, the pain in my chest also could've been from lack of oxygen.


I suck in a deep breath and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to ease the burn.

I don't believe I truly intended to die, just to get away from something. But I couldn't remember what exactly that something was.

But the next thing I could recall from the memory was a large truck smacking into the side of my vehicle, my car quickly losing control as it went off a steep hill and crashing down into the forest below, my car slamming violently into a tree.

I wasn't wearing a seatbelt either, so I have to be dead. There was no way in hell I could've survived something like that.

I weakly open my eyes and stare into the foggy blur above, finding an odd sense of peace in it.

I don't even feel the pain that the crash should have caused my body, just pure exhaustion and the pained feeling in my chest I had from not being able to breathe properly.

"I don't even know my own name." I thought, and for some I was not feeling too bothered by the realization.

I was much too tired to be bothered.

I felt my eyes slowly begin to close once again, and I didn't even try to fight it.

"So tired.."

The barely audible whisper slipped past my lips as my eyes fully shut.

As I began to feel my conscious slip away, I heard panicked voices echoing around me throughout the fog.

Huh. Talking fog.

My lips curled upwards in a weak smile at my own delusion.

I was crazy and dead?

I suddenly felt hands lifting me, voices that seemed so far away speaking in worried tones. I didn't even have the chance to attempt to decipher any of their words before everything faded away to a dark, blissful sleep.

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