《Agreement of Being Gay for 30 Days [協議攪基30天]》039; "the kitchen is forever a place that radiates gay love......"


The next day, Zhang Lingyi departed on his business trip. Wang Guangning held a meeting with the local dealers.

Fumaokaisi had not been in the mainland market for long so the team involved with the dealers were not very experienced. A very important part of Wang Guangning's work was perfecting the distribution channels.

However, the experienced veteran dealers all already had their own fixed collaboration partners. Moreover, they were all large international corporations such as Huidi International. The cost of getting involved with them was too high and it was not profitable for Fumaokaisi's G city branch whose foundation in the mainland was still unstable.

If they cultivated a new team to work with dealers again, it would take too much time. Furthermore, it would be extremely easy for the local traditional dealers to suppress them. The risks were too high.

Wang Guangning discussed this with the entire marketing team for several days. They ultimately decided to select one of the two well-known local veteran dealers and form a fixed partnership with them. As a first-class exclusive agent, he could negotiate some favourable terms for them. At the same time, Wang Guangning could get in touch with a few rising dealers and develop a second class proxy group. Once the second class proxy group matured, they could discuss conditions with the first class dealers.

Of the top two local dealers, one was in a long-term collaboration with Huidi International while the other was working with a Hong Kong direct-mail corporation.

In order to talk over the optimal conditions, Wang Guangning had been continuously socialising with dealers from both organisations. During the day, if he wasn't holding meetings then he was attending social engagements. At night, he would be writing up plans. Wang Guangning was worn out to the point of complaining endlessly.

Fortunately, the Heavens would not disappoint those who tried¹. At long last, they had a general sketch of everything. However, since the two dealers were in a fixed collaboration with large companies, they were stringent about the price.

皇天不負苦心人: means that if one tries hard, they are bound to succeed eventually.

With no other alternatives, Wang Guangning video conferenced Lao Zhou and they talked it over.

By the time their meeting was over, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

Wang Guangning randomly ordered some food from the fast food restaurant near the company. Just when he had finished eating and was preparing to go home, he received a phone call from an unfamiliar number.

"May I ask if this is Mr Wang Guangning? Mr Zhang Lingyi had a car accident and is here at G city's First Municipal Hospital. Are you a family member?"

"I am." A jolt of panic suddenly attacked Wang Guangning's heart. "I'll come over right now."

Before he even finished speaking, he had already flagged down a taxi. Clambering inside, Wang Guangning said to the taxi driver, "Quickly go to the First Municipal Hospital!"

Wang Guangning hurriedly arrived at the hospital. He asked for Zhang Lingyi's ward then sprinted towards it, only to be faced with the scene of the other man calmly peeling an apple.

Wang Guangning: "......"

Upon seeing Wang Guangning, Zhang Lingyi was stunned for a moment before feeling somewhat delighted. "How come you're here?"

Wang Guangning replied with a dark face, "One of the hospital staff called me and said that you were in a car accident."

When Wang Guangning was told that Zhang Lingyi had a car accident, his entire heart was overcome with fear. He basically didn't even consider why the staff called him instead of Zhang Lingyi's family.


On the other hand, when Zhang Lingyi heard his words, he recalled that Wang Guangning's number was on his phone's speed-dial. The hospital staff probably just directly called through that.

Of course, to take initiative and mention this matter to Wang Guangning would be embarrassing.

Executing a Popeye gesture, Zhang Lingyi said, "I'm alright, don't worry."

Wang Guangning's heart had already settled after seeing him leisurely² peeling the apple. Waking over, he sat down beside Zhang Lingyi. His expression was still slightly off. "How did you get into a car accident?"

悠哉悠哉: free and unconstrained (idiom; leisurely and carefree.

Zhang Lingyi looked up at the ceiling, then weakly responded, "Fatigue......driving......"

Wang Guangning immediately exploded, "Why were you driving while fatigued?"

Zhang Lingyi shrunk back. "Ah, I didn't feel tired. When I was driving back, I clearly felt very energetic."

The truth was that in order to be able to rush back home today, he compressed two days' worth of work into one. Like a gyroscope revolving at high-speed, Zhang Lingyi hurriedly completed it in a day then insisted on driving back to G city.

Originally, the thought of being able to spend the night together with Wang Guangning was something which fiercely raised his spirits. However, he was too exhausted. Zhang Lingyi happened to come across a novice driver and accidentally tailgated.

Wang Guangning was very dissatisfied with Zhang Lingyi's attitude, but the incident had already passed and it was useless to keep roaring. In the end, he was unable to resist the anxiousness in his heart. "Then what about now, what did the doctor say?"

Zhang Lingyi laughed. "It's nothing serious. It's just that my arm was bruised so there's a slight swelling. I won't be able to work for the next two days."

Wang Guangning felt the strong urge to grab Zhang Lingyi's arm then pull up the sleeve and have a look. However, he restrained himself and didn't end up acting upon it. Wang Guangning proceeded to swipe the apple in Zhang Lingyi's hand and started peeling it.

Zhang Lingyi immediately smiled, his eyes curving into crescents. He unexpectedly blurted out, "Shou shou is the best!"

Wang Guangning hadn't heard this appellation for a long time. His hand paused. A thousand emotions surged up in his heart. Despite this, Wang Guangning's expression was already sorted out when he raised his head. The knife which had been used to peel the apple glinted in front of Zhang Lingyi. "I am the gong!"

Zhang Lingyi: "......"

A wise man would submit to the circumstances³. Right now, it was imperative that he remained firmly silent!

識時務者為俊杰: (idiom) Only an outstanding talent can recognize current trends.

Zhang Lingyi's injury was indeed not too serious, so he was discharged the very next day. However, Huidi International still gave him two days off.

On the other hand, Wang Guangning needed to continue going to work as per usual. Hence, Zhang Lingyi stayed in the house alone, growing mushrooms. At last, he became so bored that he picked up his phone and messaged Wang Guangning.

That's right, after coming back from the hospital, Zhang Lingyi had started using 'shou shou' again to address Wang Guangning.

Half an hour later, Wang Guangning replied to the message.

Zhang Lingyi quickly responded.

Two hours later.

Zhang Lingyi continued to message him.

Three hours later.

Tears streamed down Zhang Lingyi's face. He silently put away his phone then continued growing mushrooms.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Wang Guangning returned home while carrying a pile of vegetables and fresh meat. Zhang Lingyi had already become so bored that he was now slumbering in his room.


Wang Guangning cracked open the door of Zhang Lingyi's room. Through the narrow slit, he glimpsed the other man sleeping. Wang Guangning then went and shrugged off his coat before rolling up his sleeves. He walked into the kitchen and prepared to put his skills into effect.

Zhang Lingyi hadn't been sleeping very deeply. In his doze, he even had a nightmare. He dreamed that his house blew up.

The scene was just like a Hollywood disaster blockbuster, particularly bloody!

Hence, Zhang Lingyi was frightened awake.

It was truly too terrifying!

Zhang Lingyi brushed off a few drops of sweat. Then he glanced at the time: it was already past eight o'clock. Shou shou should have returned home by now, right?

While thinking this, Zhang Lingyi opened his door. He was faced with the ominous sounds of pots and pans colliding.

Zhang Lingyi's eyelid twitched. He rushed into the kitchen and saw Wang Guangning clumsily holding a lid in one hand, and a spatula in the other. The lid was placed in front of his body like a shield. The pot before Wang Guangning was filled with yellow and white lumps which were currently spurting smoke. Zhang Lingyi gauged that it was probably tofu or something similar.

Zhang Lingyi coughed. He felt that it would be rude to barge over and halt the other man, so he could only use his voice instead. "Shou shou, what are you......doing?"

Wang Guangning had just been feeling quite troubled⁴, so he stiffened upon suddenly hearing Zhang Lingyi's voice. The tips of his ears reddened, and he turned around resentfully. "Cooking dinner! Isn't it obvious?"

焦頭爛額: lit. beaten head and scorched brow (idiom); beaten black and blue; fig. in trouble; in terrible shape; hard pressed; overwrought.

Zhang Lingyi was speechless.

Ah, shou shou's cooking skills have indeed not changed along with the passing of time!

Zhang Lingyi helplessly gestured with a hand. "What are you cooking right now?"

Wang Guangning's lips curled up, "Tofu with crab roe. Is it hard to tell?"

"Of course not. I knew it from a glance," Zhang Lingyi flattered enthusiastically. "I've never seen a tofu with crab roe that looks so much like tofu with crab roe."

Wang Guangning: "......"

Zhang Lingyi also realised that his words seemed conspicuously exaggerated. He laughed, then said, "Uh, shou shou, how about I cook instead?"

Wang Guangning glanced at his arm. "Weren't you told that you couldn't do anything too arduous?"

Zhang Lingyi shook his arm. "It shouldn't be a problem if I'm just cooking a meal."

He was wearing a short-sleeved shirt, so the large swollen bruise on his left arm could be seen.

Wang Guangning's eyes warmed. "How about I cook, and you guide me?"

Zhang Lingyi considered it for a moment, then said, "That works too."

Hence, Wang Guangning returned to his cooking. The truth was, he was slightly angry. Zhang Lingyi had once made this tofu with crab roe dish for him to eat, and he had he had tried to make it himself several times when he was in Taiwan. However, reality proved that he did not possess any talent in cooking. No matter how many times Wang Guangning attempted it, the end result was always either a scorched lump or a pile of paste.

Thereupon, Zhang Lingyi stood next to Wang Guangning and began giving him directions. "Beat the salted egg yolks, en, beat it. Add water, then stir it until the egg yolks become thick."

"Gently put in the tofu, be careful......"

"Quickly use the spatula to flip the tofu, otherwise the base will become burnt. Quickly......"

Wang Guangning was originally quite nervous. Once he heard Zhang Lingyi's words, he became even more flustered and everything (bar the pot) convulsed.

"I am flipping, stop being so noisy!" said Wang Guangning in irritation.

Zhang Lingyi stared at the tofu which was on the urge of becoming burnt, and shook his head helplessly. He walked forwards and stood behind Wang Guangning. His right hand bypassed Wang Guangning's waist and locked onto the other man's wrist. Zhang Lingyi nimbly flipped the tofu a few times, then said, "Look, this is how you flip it."

When Zhang Lingyi shifted close behind him, Wang Guangning's entire body had stiffened. Afterwards, he had been entirely unable to exercise control over his own movements until Zhang Lingyi spoke next to his ear. The warm breath sweeping past caused him to shiver.

Zhang Lingyi didn't feel any less agitated than him. He was clearly just trying to rescue the dish, but once he grasped Wang Guangning's hand, Zhang Lingyi realised that he didn't want to let go at all. The person whom he had yearned for day and night was in his embrace. He just needed to take one more step, and the other man would be his. However, this bit of distance could not be lightly crossed.

Sighing inwardly, Zhang Lingyi held Wang Guangning's hand and turned the tofu again. He kept flipping until the salted egg yolks had firmly wrapped around the tofu. Then he turned off the fire and transferred everything to a plate.

"Done." No matter how reluctant he was, Zhang Lingyi still loosened the hand which was gripping Wang Guangning's wrist. Smiling, he said, "Once my injury heals, let me take care of the cooking."

He paused, then continued. "In any case, as long as you're willing, I will cook for you forever."

For a split second, Wang Guangning almost suspected that Zhang Lingyi liked him too, just like how he liked Zhang Lingyi.

However, at the moment when he wanted to close in a step, the memory of Luo Zihui grasping Zhang Lingyi's arm appeared in his mind, preventing Wang Guangning from continuing down that train of thought.

Don't act blindly without thinking!

Wang Guangning told himself.

With Zhang Lingyi's assistance, Wang Guangning finally (through much banging and clanging) managed to finish cooking two dishes. He filled a bowl with rice for Zhang Lingyi, then they both sat down at the table.

Zhang Lingyi had a very good appetite, and was not like a patient in the least. He ate with gusto, and grinned while saying, "Shou shou's culinary skills have improved greatly. I truly have great luck in chancing upon fine food!"

Can you be any more brown-nosed⁵?!

狗腿: lit. dog leg; fig. to kiss up to/falsely flatter/boot-lick etc.

Wang Guangning swept a disdainful glance over Zhang Lingyi's leg. He felt as if there was an illusion of Zhang Lingyi's legs becoming the furry counterpart of a certain animal.

He ate a few mouthfuls of rice, then suddenly thought of something. "Oh, right. Zhang Lingyi, David called me today."

"Why would David call you?" Zhang Lingyi didn't understand, "Could it be that he still wants to accept his offer?"

This wasn't impossible. After all, even though the excuse that Wang Guangning used to reject Huidi was frustrating, it still didn't smother his genuine talent. David was a very picky person, but at the same time, he was also really fond of capable individuals. It was rare for him to meet someone who was so pleasing to his eye. Therefore, it was normal that David wanted to recruit Wang Guangning.

"No, he invited me to attend your company's anniversary banquet." There was another sentence that Wang Guangning didn't mention. On the phone, David had said that this was a chance which had been created for Wang Guangning and his beloved.

At the anniversary celebrations of a large company, a few outstanding people in the same industry would often be invited. Even if they were a competitor, they wouldn't be excluded. After all, the industry was quite small so if a relationship was established, it was likely that a cooperation would form one day.

Zhang Lingyi recalled that when he hadn't yet entered Huidi International, Fumaokaisi's big boss, Lao Zhou, seemed to have been invited to one of the anniversary celebrations. Now, Wang Guangning was the representative of Fumaokaisi's southern China branch. David extending an invitation to him was expected. Hence, Zhang Lingyi didn't add anything else and asked, "Then are you going?"

Wang Guangning swallowed a bite of the tofu with crab roe, then replied, "'Course I'm going!"


These business terms were confusing. (╥﹏╥) If anything sounds odd to you, feel free to point it out and send me a better suggestion ~

I haven't been able to update lately due to stress from impending exams. However, I will still continue translating. The chapters might just be a bit delayed. (*°▽°*)/

Also, Happy (late) Mid-Autumn Festival! Did anyone eat mooncakes?

Here's a piece I started a while ago and finally managed to finish ~ TT ^ TT Wang Dafa, this one humbly apologises for drawing you oddly. (シ_ _)シ

translator: k i a i

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